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  • mailing list
  1. 这个邮件列表JSP文件是一个独立的、自主完成所有任务的模块。

    The mailing list JSP file is a self-contained , do-it-all module .

  2. 基于ASP邮件列表服务系统

    Mailing list system based on ASP

  3. BookCrossing.com网站的社区层面的意义不断发展,这是网站建立之初人们没有想到的,比如博客或论坛讨论,邮件列表以及遍布全球的年度会议。

    The community aspect of BookCrossing.com has grown and expanded in ways that were not expected at the outset , in the form of blog or forum3 discussions , mailing lists and annual conventions throughout the world .

  4. 本文主要介绍如何通过Internet上专题讨论组&邮件列表来获取我们所需要信息资源

    The paper mainly introduces how to gaining information resources through special forum on Internet-mailing List

  5. 请访问Web站点,加入邮件列表,或者寻找其他加入的途径。

    Drop by the Web site , join the mailing lists , or find another way to get involved .

  6. 一个基于WindowSDNA架构的邮件列表系统

    A Windows DNA-based Mail List System

  7. 而Java或Java相关库中的问题诊断通常需要搜索知识库和邮件列表。

    Diagnosing an issue in Java or a Java related library often involves searching knowledge bases and mailing lists .

  8. 关于Velocity模板引擎的最新版本、相关文档、邮件列表和社区新闻,请访问Velocity官方站点。

    For the latest version of the Velocity templating engine , associated documentation , mailing lists , and community news , visit the official Velocity site .

  9. 可以使用这个模式检查用户ID、别名或邮件列表的格式。

    You can use this mode to validate the format of user IDs , aliases , or mailing lists .

  10. 可以在Web上看到这一点:您可能将用户名/密码对用于如邮件列表和网站之类的多种不同的服务。

    You can see this on the Web : You probably have username / password pairs for a variety of different services such as mailing lists and Web sites .

  11. Boost邮件列表:寻找大量信息,包括安装和测试期间常见问题的解决方法。

    Boost mailing list : Find a wealth of information , including fixes to common problems during installation and test .

  12. 我无法通过Java来检测到最后修改目录是什么时候(如果您有变通的方法,请张贴到这个邮件列表中)。

    From Java I cannot detect when a directory was last modified ( please post to the list if you have a workaround ) .

  13. eRCP邮件列表将提供关于eRCP的近乎实时的信息。

    The eRCP mailing lists offer near real-time information about eRCP .

  14. 系统地介绍了邮件列表的概念及其设计、处理和实现,以及在ASP环境中的程序实现。

    It systematically introduces the concept of mailing list and its designing , processing and realization in ASP environment .

  15. 你也可以订阅Geronimo邮件列表。

    You can also subscribe to the Geronimo mailing list .

  16. zsh邮件列表存档:阅读该列表以了解更多的Zshell技巧和提示。

    Zsh mailing list archive : Read this list to learn more Z shell tricks and tips .

  17. PDE邮件列表将是讨论PDE的第一站。

    The PDE mailing list should be your first stop for discussing PDE .

  18. 它提供综合的bug跟踪、源代码审查、用于团队协作的邮件列表等。

    It offers integrated bug tracking , source code reviews , mailing lists to coordinate teams , and more .

  19. Groovy邮件列表:浏览、搜索或订阅Groovy邮件列表。

    Groovy mailing list : Browse , search , or subscribe to the Groovy mailing list .

  20. ApacheGeronimo用户邮件列表是您的最佳选择(参见参考资料中的链接)。

    The Apache Geronimo user mailing list is your best bet ( see Resources for a link ) .

  21. 就象他在Python业务论坛(PythonBusinessForum)邮件列表中所叙述的那样,他已经实现了一个XML处理器,该处理器完成其任务需要8小时。

    As he related in the Python Business Forum mailing list , he had implemented an XML processor that required eight hours to complete its task .

  22. 对于该客户机的支持可通过邮件列表来获取,而每个人都可以通过SQuirrelClient主页订阅这些邮件列表。

    Support for the client can be acquired through mailing lists which can one can subscribe to via the SQuirrel Client home page .

  23. 这个邮件列表仅限于讨论与Geronimo服务器开发直接相关的内容。

    This mailing list is restricted to discussions directly related to development of the Geronimo server .

  24. 所有活跃的Geronimo开发人员都订阅Geronimo开发人员邮件列表(参见参考资料)。

    All active Geronimo developers subscribe to the Geronimo developer mailing list ( see Resources ) .

  25. 如果你想向两个不同的邮件列表或Twitter账号发送相同的消息,那你就不走运了。

    If you want to send the same message to two different mailing lists or Twitter accounts you are simply out of luck .

  26. 采用CVS服务器和邮件列表技术,在集群网络上实现了透明化的软件开发管理;

    CVS server and mail list are adopted to manage the development of the software system transparently .

  27. 同样,Mailman,一个著名的邮件列表管理程序,也是使用Python开发的。

    Also , Mailman , the well-known mailing list manager , is being developed using Python .

  28. 在这个站点中,您可以访问RubyTwittergem的源代码、文档以及邮件列表。

    At this site , you can get access to the source , documentation , and mailing list for the Ruby Twitter gem .

  29. 第四部分首先着重介绍如何建立E-mail营销邮件列表,其次简单介绍如何管理E-mail营销邮件列表,最后介绍E-mail营销策略。

    The fourth section first emphasize on how to build the mail list of E-mail marketing , simply introducing methods of managing , last introducing the strategy .

  30. SOAPBuilders邮件列表通过消除现有Web服务工具箱的不确定性也改进了互操作性。

    The SOAPBuilders mailing list is also improving interoperability by ironing out the differences between current Web service toolkits .