
yóu zhènɡ huì kuǎn
  • postal remittance
  1. 系统将邮政储蓄和邮政汇款业务有机地结合起来,充分利用当今各种流行的自助设备向用户提供电话汇款、手机汇款、INTERNET网上汇款、ATM自动柜员机和自助柜台汇款等自助式服务。

    The system organically integrates postal savings and postal remittance business , and makes full use of modern self-service equipments to provide customers with many self-service business , for example , telephone remittance , mobile phone remittance , internet remittance , ATM remittance and self-service counter remittance .

  2. 其余的2/3交易都是货到付款或者邮政汇款。

    The remainder are paid with cash on delivery or post office transfers .

  3. 有一张500美元的邮政汇款单。

    A postal order for five hundred dollars .

  4. 深圳邮政自助汇款系统是深圳邮政为适应金融市场变化,满足广大客户用邮需要,改善服务,利用先进的信息技术开发成功的业务系统。

    The Shenzhen Post self-service remittance system , which is developed by using advanced information technology , is designed to adapt the rapid change of financial market , fulfill the increasing customer needs and to improve the postal service .