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  • postage stamp pattern
  1. (四)从邮资信封、邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。

    Stamp patterns cut off from stamped envelopes , stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes .

  2. 这种在邮票图案与图画明信片之间的和谐必须是尽可能在视觉直观上能够被证实的。

    This concordance between the illustration of the postage stamp and the one of the picture postcard must be as possible and visually verifiable .

  3. 仿印邮票图案的管理办法,由国务院邮政主管部门规定。

    The administrative measures on making facsimiles of stamp patterns shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  4. 污染,残缺或者褪色,变色,难以辨认的;从邮资信封,邮资明信片,邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案。

    The postage certificates which are contaminated , incomplete or illegible due to fading or discolouring , and stamp patterns cut from stamped envelopes , stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes shall not be used .

  5. 我能选一下普通邮票的图案?

    Tamika : Could I pick the design of the first-class stamps ?

  6. 此外,许多邮票的图案既罕见又漂亮,那你就好好欣赏吧!

    Also , many stamps have unusual and beautiful designs , so enjoy them !

  7. 邮票要什么图案,花,旗帜或心形

    Would you prefer a flower , flag , or a love stamp ?

  8. 负责纪念邮票的选题和图案审查;

    To examine the theme selection and pattern of commemorative stamps ;

  9. 因而您寻求的将是一个算法,可以输入一个对特定邮票的编码描述,然后输出应得的一个基本邮票图案。

    Your quest then would be an algorithm that can input an encoded representation of a particular stamp , and output just one base stamp pattern .