
  • 网络Inheritance
  1. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。

    Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance , upbringing or support payments , or on the division or inheritance of property , or on visits to children , the people 's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law .

  2. 中东与北非地区的妇女具有遗产继承权。

    Women in the MENA have the right to inheritance .

  3. 这项针对再婚的法条本意是为了防止搞不清楚离婚后出生的子女的生父是谁而产生的纠纷——在遗产继承利害攸关的明治时代,这一点至关重要,但随着DNA亲子鉴定技术的出现,其重要性已经降低。

    The law on remarriage is supposed to prevent disputes about who fathered children - of vital importance in the Meiji era when inheritances were at stake but less relevant with the advent of DNA paternity tests .

  4. 在历时漫长且备受瞩目的庭审中,法庭驳回了风水师陈振聪(TonyChan)的遗产继承请求。陈自称是龚如心的地下情人,并称龚如心曾希望将财产留给他。

    In a long-running and high-profile case , the court rejected claims by Tony Chan , a feng shui master , who said he was Ms Wang 's secret lover and that she had wanted to leave her estate to him .

  5. 等法官把她的遗产继承权授予我再说

    After a judge grants me power of attorney over her inheritance .

  6. 我找你是为了遗产继承的事。

    I 'm calling you to talk about your ineritance .

  7. 洋葱头甚至可以是遗产继承人或寡妇也哭起来。

    Onions can make even heir and widow weep .

  8. 他父亲跟他吵了一架后,就取消了他的遗产继承权。

    His father cut him out after their quarrel .

  9. 它同样也谈到了遗产继承和收入差距。

    It is also about inheritance and income gaps .

  10. 遗产继承物,遗产;继承权。

    An inheritance or a legacy ; heritage .

  11. 其次,通过1925年一系列有关遗产继承的法案,英国废除了长子继承制,同时照顾长子和其他子女的利益;

    In 1925 , England abolished primogeniture .

  12. 对于遗产继承人的缺席,或者就这个事件而言。

    In the absence , or in this case , the death of an owner .

  13. 这封信应作为私人银行遗产继承人训练营上的必读内容。

    This letter should be required reading at private banks ' boot camps for heirs .

  14. 律师必须宣布你就是真正的遗产继承人。

    The lawyer must announce that you are the true inheritor of the family fortune .

  15. 亚洲的遗产继承习俗。

    The customs of inheritance in asia .

  16. 她要求行使遗产继承人的权利。

    She claimed to be acting in the name of the heirs to the estate .

  17. 产业投资、保险、赋税或遗产继承都大大增加你的收入。

    Property investments , insurance , taxes , or inheritance should bring you financial gains .

  18. 我要跟他断绝关系,剥夺他的遗产继承权。

    I 'm disowning and disinheriting him .

  19. 同时从法律和现实基础角度分析数字遗产继承也具有一定的可行性。

    Digital inheritance is viable based on the analysis from the legal and practical point of view .

  20. 国际遗产继承中的同一制和区别制辨析及对我国的立法启示

    Justification Between Unitary System and Scission System in International Inheritance and Enlightening to Our Country 's Legislation

  21. 不动产一般通过购买,遗产继承,遗赠和馈赠等方式获得。

    Real estate is generally acquired by purchase , by descent and devise , or by gift .

  22. 那老太太不喜欢她的长子,故而取消了他的遗产继承权。

    The old woman disliked her eldest son , and she cut him off with a shilling .

  23. 富兰克林•罗斯福:个人净资产6000万美元,主要源自遗产继承和婚姻所得。

    Franklin Roosevelt : His net worth was $ 60 million , earned mostly through inheritance and marriage .

  24. 如何将诸如漆线雕这样的优秀遗产继承并发扬光大,任重而道远。

    Such as paint line carve how to inheritance and carry forward , a long way to go .

  25. 基金会对一份遗嘱的合法性提出质疑,该遗嘱指定风水师陈振聪为龚如心的遗产继承人。

    The foundation contests the legitimacy of a will naming the feng shui master as Ms Wang 's heir .

  26. 法国法院在福尔果遗产继承案上适用法律的过程,就是国际私法理论上所称的反致。

    French court 's law application process in Forge 's inheritance case is called renvoi in private international law theory .

  27. 凯瑟琳在29岁时嫁给了斯坦利?麦考密克,成为万国收割机公司的遗产继承人。

    When she was29 , Katharine married Stanley mccormick , heir to the vast fortune of the International Harvester company .

  28. 对于年长一些的人来说,围绕着养老金和遗产继承的问题经常是他们在相处多年之后还结婚的原因。

    For older people issues surrounding pensions and inheritance are often the reason they decide to get hitched after years together .

  29. 在遗产继承中,遗产债权人利益的保护问题实质上是涉及到社会交易秩序与安全的重要问题。

    In inheritance , the heritage protection of the interests of creditors is essentially related to the social order and security transactions .

  30. 遗嘱继承是按照遗嘱人生前所立的遗嘱来确定遗产继承人及处理遗产的一种继承方式。

    Will Succession is one way for the citizen to appoint the testament executor and dispose of the property in accordance with their wills .