
  1. 邮电通信经济效益的计算方法研究

    The Study on Calculation Method for Economic Effect of Posts and Telecommunications

  2. 为了很好的解决这个问题,实现互联网与电信网络的互通,成为了电信运营商迫切的需求,通过互联网业务的开发应用带动移动通信经济的快速发展,势在必行。

    Finding the solutions of this problem and making Internet and telecommunications network intercommunicate with each other become the urgent needs of telecom operators . It is imperative to promote the development of mobile communication industry through the development of Internet business applications .

  3. 农用光缆通信技术经济分析

    Technical and Economic Performance of Rural Optical Fiber Communications

  4. 移动通信卫星经济性分析

    Economic analysis of mobile communication satelites

  5. 铁路通信的经济效益研究

    On Economic Benefits of Railway Communication

  6. 太原市光缆通信系统的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on An Optical Fiber Cable Communication System in Taiyuan City

  7. 通信与社会经济协调发展的道路选择

    The aim and path of coordinate development of communication and social economy

  8. 居民收入与通信网络市场经济效益研究&以河北省通信网络为实例

    Inhabitant income and economic effect of Hebei communication market

  9. 对通信建设项目经济评价方法的改进建议

    Suggestion on Improving Telecom Construction Project Economic Evaluation Approaches

  10. 1999-2003年我国通信业务主要经济指标完成情况

    Key Economic Indicator of China Telecommunication Business in 1999-2003

  11. 光纤、数字微波和卫星通信的技术经济比较

    Comparison for Optical Fiber , Digital Microwave and Satellite Communication in Technology and Economy

  12. 分组交换话音通信方式在经济上和技术上均有明显的好处。

    An overview of the development and the state-of-the-art of packet-switched voice communication is described .

  13. DID通信的技术经济问题

    Technical & Economic Problems of DID Communication

  14. 针对现行《邮电通信建设项目经济评价方法与参数》及经济评价工作存在的不足,提出一些改进建议。

    To overcome the disadvantages of " Post and Telecom Construction Project Economic Evaluation Approaches and Parameters ", suggestions are given .

  15. 案例分析部分采用了定性与定量相结合的分析方法。首先,分析了当时华州移动通信行业的经济特性、竞争态势、前景及吸引力;

    Firstly , it analyses economic character , competition situation , future and attraction of mobile communication industry in Huazhou at present .

  16. 发展农村通信对国民经济的发展、人口素质的提高有着重要意义,是政府和企业的一致目标。

    The development of rural communications is significant to the national economy , population quality and is the common goal of the government and enterprises .

  17. 首先重点介绍了产业组织理论与移动通信业的经济特征,为后面分析作好准备。

    At first , the Industrial Organization Theory and the key features of mobile communication industry are introduced , which is the preparation for the analysis of following chapters .

  18. 柴油发电机组被广泛地应用于船舶、通信等国民经济的众多领域,柴油发电机组在并联运行时,很容易由于供油的干扰产生交互振荡。

    At present , diesel generator sets are widely used in many fields , such as ships communication and so on . While for the generator units operating in parallel , it is easy to produce interactive power oscillation between them .

  19. 电子商务(ElectronicBusiness简写EB)是运用电子通信作为手段的经济活动,通过这种方式人们可以对带有经济价值的产品和服务进行宣传、购买和结算。

    E-business is one economical activity by means of electronic communications . People can promote , purchase and pay via E-commerce .

  20. 省域通信网可靠性与经济效益的研究

    Research on the Provincial Regionally Communication Network Reliability and Economic Benefits

  21. 交通运输和邮电通信业与国民经济发展的因果关系

    Causality analysis on investment in transport and communication and economic growth

  22. 视频通信是信息社会经济生活中不可缺少的一部分。

    Video communication is indispensable to economic life of the information society .

  23. 移动卫星通信系统的技术经济性能分析

    Analysis of Technique-Economy Performance for Mobile Satellite Communication System

  24. 邮电通信业与区域经济的关系研究

    Studying for the Relation between the Telecommunication and the Development of Regional Economics

  25. 移动通信是20世纪经济、能源、交通运输与通信技术高速发展相结合的产物。

    Mobile communication is the result of connect among development of economy and technology and communication .

  26. 相对于室外测试的复杂,实验室环境下模拟与测试短波通信是必要而经济的。

    Compare to complex outdoor experiments , shortwave simulation and test in laboratory environment is necessary and economical .

  27. 电力线通信具有方便、经济、快捷等优点,是目前通信技术的一个研究重点和难点。

    With the advantage , of convenience and money-saving , the power line carrier communication is the emphases and difficulty of communication technology .

  28. 可能是新的药品,新的交通方式,新的通信方式,可持续经济,甚至还有和平的世界。

    Maybe new medicines , new modes of transportation , new ways to communicate , sustainable economies and maybe even a world at peace .

  29. 拉美的光通信市场随各国经济的改革和复兴走上了快速发展之路。

    The optical communications market in Latin America has taken to the road of fast development along with the economic reform and revival in various countries .

  30. 本文从可靠性的一般理论、简单计算等方面对可靠性进行了阐述,进而探讨了通信网可靠性与经济效益之间的关系。

    Reliability is discussed from its general theory and simple calculation , then the relationship is analyzed between the reliability of communication network and economy benefit .