
xuǎn cái
  • Material selection;select material;select (suitable) material
选材 [xuǎn cái]
  • [select (suitable) material] 选取适用的材料

选材[xuǎn cái]
  1. 尿素储运地坪腐蚀分析与选材

    Analysis of Carbamide Transportation Terrace Corrosion and Select Material

  2. 牢固树立科学发展观做好运动员选材工作

    Establish the Scientific Thought of Development and Do the Select Material Work in Sports Better

  3. 于是,随着人们态度的转变,艺术家们在选材上获得了更多的自由。

    Then , attitudes changed and artists were given greater freedom in their choice of subject matter

  4. 基于web结构的客户端子系统在模具选材专家系统中的应用与研究

    Research and application of the client module subsystem that based on the Web structure in mold material selection expert system

  5. 黄桥气田CO2腐蚀现状及完井选材评价研究

    Research on Huangqiao gas field co_2 corrosion status and well completion material selection and appraisal

  6. 湿H2S环境下的分水器选材

    Material Selection for Water Separator in Wet H_2S Environment

  7. 对U形管式换热器选材、制造、安装和检验等方面进行了阐述;

    It also represents the material selection , fabrication , installation and detection of U-tube heat exchanger .

  8. Weibull形状参数在陶瓷选材及可靠性上的应用研究

    Application of Weibull Modulus to the Selection and Reliability of Ceramic

  9. 基于因果分析的AHP方法在运动员选材中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Analytical Hierarchy Process Based on Reason Result Analysis in Athlete 's Talent Selection

  10. 其中小腿长A/下肢长B×100指标可以作为竞技能力中的敏感指标用于优秀运动员的选材。

    The length of calf A / the length of lower limbs B × 100 could be used as an standard when an athlete will be chosen .

  11. 加氢装置中低温湿H2S环境下操作的设备选材

    Material Selection for Equipment Operating in Low and Medium Temperature Wet H2S Environment of Hydroc-racking Unit

  12. AHP方法在武术套路运动员中期选材中的应用研究

    The Application Research Of Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) In Athlete 's Medium-Term Talent Selection In Wushu Routine

  13. PTA装置的选材

    Material Selection of PTA Unit

  14. 利用VISUALFOXPRO6.0作为主开发工具,对《优秀艺术体操运动员的科学选材评价标准》进行了计算机评价系统的研制。

    Using Visual FoxPro 6.0 as main tool , a computer evaluation system on scientific talent identification of Chinese elite athletes in rhythmic gymnastics is carried out . The system could handle huge calculation work in scientific talent identification .

  15. 本文做出了以下结论:出版机构和译者的意识形态(Ideology)和诗学取向(Poetics)是影响选材的关键因素。

    This thesis has arrived at such a conclusion : two major factors influence the selection of the works to translate , i.e. , the publishers and translators ' ideology and their literary poetics .

  16. 对多种合金在碳酸二甲酯(DMC)合成反应体系中的腐蚀进行了实验研究,为DMC合成反应器选材提供了实验依据。结果表明,合成反应的介质腐蚀性很强,合金材料腐蚀严重;

    The corrosion of some alloys in dimethyl carbinate ( DMC ) synthesis reaction was studied , selection of materials and inhibitors was based on the investigation .

  17. 国产化1000MW级超超临界机组高温蒸汽管道选材建议

    Suggestions for Choice of Material for High Temperature Pipes of 1000 MW Class Ultra Supercritical Sets

  18. 脑象图与智商IQ和操作智商PIQ的相关系数分别为:0.51和0.53,由于相关系数较低,尚不能作为运动员智力选材的一项指标。

    The correlation coefficients of EEG with IQ and PIQ are 0.15 and 0.53 respectively , which is too low to be a useful guidance for IQ selection of athletes .

  19. 详细阐述了湿H2S环境下的钢材应力腐蚀机理与腐蚀类型,并结合工程应用对湿H2S环境下分水器的选材和结构设计进行了讨论。

    The stress corrosion mechanism and forms of steel in wet hydrogen sulfide environment were expatiated and material selection and construction design for water separator in this condition were discussed based on the application in oilfield .

  20. 通过LNG深冷绝热技术特点的分析和研究,设计出LNG深冷绝热层典型结构,对LNG深冷绝热材料进行了选材研究。

    Through analysis and research of the LNG deep cold - heat insulation technology characteristics , the LNG deep cold thermal insulation blanket modular structures has been designed . The research on the selection of LNG deep cold heat-insulating materials was carried out .

  21. 研究目的:作为一种重要的促合成激素,血清总睾酮(Testosterone)水平可以反映运动员机体内睾酮的生成和利用情况,在运动员选材、机能评定、训练负荷的判定等方面都有重要意义。

    Research objective : As one of important anabolic hormones , the level of total testosterone in serum could reflect the production and utilization condition of testosterone of athletes , thus it plays an important role in the selection of athletes , assessment of physiology condition and training loads .

  22. 通过理论计算和试验,找出厂所推荐的退磁机磁感应强度分布曲线,得出了最少退磁时间约5s和工作电流为220A的结论,并对导管的选材、推杆的加工等具体问题作了说明。

    Through theoretical calculation and testing , the paper finds out the recommending magnetic inductive intensity distribution of the magnetism-eliminator , then comes to the conclusion that the least elimination magnetism time is about 5s and working current 220A .

  23. 本文对大型汽轮机高温铸件用Cr-Mo-V和Cr-Mo两类铸钢的持久强度、蠕变极限、室温断裂韧性、蠕变裂纹扩展速率等主要应用性能进行了比较研究,为合理选材提供了依据。

    The vital application properties such as high temperture endurance strength , creep limit , fracture toughness at room temperature , creep crack propagation rate of Cr-Mo-V and Cr-Mo high temperature castings for large steam turbines are comparatively studied , thus providing a cue for reasonable selection of materials .

  24. 热锻模具选材与制造工艺探讨

    Discussion of Material Selection and Manufacture Process of Hot Forging Die

  25. 超超临界火电机组材料研究及选材分析

    Review of material research and material selection for ultra-supercritical power plants

  26. 加工低凝环烷基原油常减压装置的选材

    Material Selection for Atmospheric-vacuum Distillation Unit Processing Low-freezing-point Naphthenic Crude Oil

  27. 汽车铝热压模的选材与试验研究

    Material Selection and Test Research on the Vehicle Aluminum Hot-press Die

  28. 适于TD-QT整体综合处理的冷作模具选材

    The Material Selection Adapting to TD Process For Cold Work Die

  29. 钢铁的磨损数据及易磨损零件的选材

    Abrasive wear data of materials and material selecting for wearing parts

  30. 青少年篮球运动员选材模型的构建与应用

    Establishment and application of talent selection model of teenage basketball players