
xuǎn gòu
  • choose;selective purchasing;purchase on selection;pick out and buy
选购 [xuǎn gòu]
  • [pick out and buy;selective purchasing] 挑选购买[商品]

  • 争相选购

选购[xuǎn gòu]
  1. 介绍了多路温度集中控制系统的结构、设备的选购及安装调试过程。

    The structure , selective purchasing , installation and debugging of the multiplex temperature centralized control system were introduced .

  2. 汽车行驶的平顺性和操纵的稳定性已成为人们在选购汽车时重要的参考因素,悬架又成为影响这两方面因素的重要汽车系统。

    The ride comfort and handling stability of vehicle has become the important reference factor when the people selective purchasing vehicle . The suspension system is important vehicle system influencing these two factors .

  3. 从人们选购的东西可以作出多方面的推断。

    We can deduce a lot from what people choose to buy .

  4. 顾客可以从60种热卖图书中选购。

    Customers can choose from sixty hit titles before buying

  5. 选购餐桌时,尽财力所能买最好的是很值得的。

    When you come to choosing a dining table , it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford .

  6. 欢迎选购和定制。

    Orders for ready-made or custom-made articles are welcome .

  7. 帮助顾客选购商品是售货员应分的事儿。

    It 's part of shop assistants'job to help customers choose what they want to buy .

  8. 那家商店有各种精美乳酪可供选购。

    The shop has a fine selection of cheeses .

  9. “老公椅”是女装店或商场女装部里的椅子,供男士在女友或老婆选购时坐下来一边休息一边等待。

    Husband chair is a chair in a womens ' clothes store / department for a guy to sit in and wait while his wife or girlfriend shops . Example :

  10. Air(初三适用)空调器选购方法

    Choosing Method of Air Conditioners

  11. 新形势下的CT选购、使用与维修

    Purchase , use and maintenance CT under new situation

  12. 电力企业选购CAD系统原则的探讨

    Principles of Purchasing CAD Systems for Electric Power Enterprises

  13. 如何选购直接数字化X射线摄影机

    How to choose and purchase direct digital radiograph equipment

  14. 谈谈选购道路CAD软件的一点体会

    Several experience of purchasing road CAD software

  15. 本文介绍了直接数字化X射线摄影机的基本原理和技术性能,以及选购时需要注意的一些问题。

    This paper introduces basic principle and technical performances of direct digital radiograph equipment , and concerns in purchasing the equipment .

  16. 论述了当前国内在选购II级生物安全柜时,存在的一些误区。

    Currently , there are some misunderstands when II class biosafety cabinets were selected and purchased by laboratory or department .

  17. 网络服务器选购UPS的策略

    Strategies on Purchasing UPS of Network Server

  18. HSV颜色模型和个性空间在商品选购中的应用研究

    Applying Research of HSV Color Model and Personality Space to Fashion Shop

  19. 基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析为所爱的人选购礼物应该是一种很温暖的体验。

    Buying gifts for those we love should be a heartwarming experience .

  20. DVD刻录机介绍与选购

    Introduce and purchase for DVD recorder

  21. 无瓶停灌功能,可选购,与物料接触部件均采用优质不锈钢制作,符合GMP标准。

    The parts that contact the materials are made of stainless steel and meet GMP standard .

  22. 从我(与厂商无关)的观点看,先从一些小项目或原型项目开始建立你自己的SOA过程,然后再开始你的SOA治理工具链的选购进程不失为一个明智的做法。

    From my ( vendor-neutral ) viewpoint it makes sense to establish your own SOA processes first with some smaller projects or prototypes and start your SOA-governance-toolchain shopping tour afterwards .

  23. 对于企业级开发如何选购服务,许多人认为“只需要标准化J2EE就好了”的这种说法从没有停止过。

    Saying to the manager of enterprise development shops " Oh yes just standardize on J2EE and everything will be fine " is not going to cut it .

  24. 这周二,美国总统奥巴马意外现身纽约曼哈顿中心的Gap商店,为妻女选购衣物,并借机呼吁商家增加员工最低工资。

    President Obama made an unannounced stop at a Gap store in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday to buy some clothes for his wife and daughters and make a pitch for increasing the minimum wage .

  25. 摘要隔离变压器在UPS中不作为标准配置产品,所以在UPS选购时,须根据实际的需求额外提出。

    Due to isolation transformer not as standard product configured in UPS , it has to be purchased separately as per actual need during selection of UPS .

  26. Hi-fi耳机的性能比较与选购原则

    Performance Comparison and Shopping Principles of High-fidelity Earphone

  27. 有侧重的全球客户管理;业界领先的服务与支持;以及以您所希望的方式为您提供康柏产品,您可以通过我们广泛的分销商网络,或是通过电话,亦或是通过Internet来选购产品,您可以自由选择您喜欢的购买方式。

    Focused , global account management , Industry-leading service and support , and , A commitment to sell the way you want to buy , whether it is through our extensive network of resellers by phone or over the Internet .

  28. 应用PIMS选油模型实施进口原油优化选购

    Optimizing the selection of imported crude by using PIMS model

  29. 在吉利控股下的沃尔沃逐渐进入通常偏爱奥迪(Audi)、宝马(BMW)和奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的车主的选购清单。

    Under Chinese ownership , Volvo is getting on to the shopping list of drivers who normally prefer Audi , BMW and Mercedes-Benz .

  30. 可加装软硬毛刷清洗选择装置(选购件),适合对硬LOW-E玻璃的清洗。

    Optional for hard and soft brusher device , which is special design for hard LOW-E glass washing .