
  • 网络electors;electoral vote;Electoral College;electoral college votes
  1. 密歇根州有16张选举人票,因此CNN预测拜登将获得253张选举人票,领先特朗普40张。

    With Michigan carrying 16 electoral votes , CNN now projects Biden to have 253 electoral votes , leading Trump by 40 .

  2. 赢得美国总统大选需要270张选举人票。

    It takes 270 electoral votes to win the U.S. presidential election .

  3. 根据CNN的预测,拜登目前得到253张选举人票,而特朗普得到213张。

    Biden has 253 electoral votes and the President has 213 , according to CNN projections .

  4. 总统竞选按各州选举人票的票数决定。

    The presidential race is decided by a state-by-state tally of electoral votes .

  5. 举例来说,加州有54张选举人票,而新墨西哥州只有5张。

    For example , California has 54 electoral votes while New Mexico has only five .

  6. 在总统竞选中获胜需要538张选举人票中的270票。

    A candidate needs 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538 for victory .

  7. 我已经拿到我的外地选举人票了。

    I got my absentee ballot already .

  8. 而且,总统选举人票的分布在某些方面对共和党人更有利。

    And he faces an Electoral College map that favors Republican presidential candidates in some ways .

  9. 要想赢得总统大选,就必须赢得270张选举人票。而俄亥俄州掌握著20张选举人票。

    Ohio has 20 electoral votes of the 270 that are needed to win the election .

  10. 弗罗里达州的民主党称州选民也可以在今天亲自投缺席选举人票。

    The Florida Democratic party says state voters can also cast absentee ballots in person today .

  11. 这选区的选举人票尽被得去。

    The constituency was polled thoroughly .

  12. 美利坚大学专家科蒂斯·甘斯认为,两位候选人在看待美国各州选举人票分布图的时候各有不同角度。

    American University expert Curtis Gans says each candidate looks at the electoral map of the country differently .

  13. 在11月3日的大选中,预计拜登将赢得306张选举人票,特朗普获得232张。

    Biden is projected to win 306 Electoral College votes to Trump 's 232 in the Nov. 3 election .

  14. 美国第一大州加利福尼亚州有53名众议员,2名参议员,总的选举人票是55张。

    California , the largest state , has53 House members and two senators , for a total of55 electoral votes .

  15. 美国媒体预测,拜登将赢得306张选举人票,超过当选总统所需270张的门槛。

    U.S. media have projected that Biden has won 306 electoral votes , surpassing the 270-vote threshold for clinching the presidency .

  16. 美国总统的产生是根据各个州以及首都华盛顿特区的选举人票来决定的,而不取决于全国范围内选民的投票结果。

    The U.S. president is chosen on a tally of electoral votes from individual states , not the national popular vote count .

  17. 这一确认巩固了拜登在这个关键战场州的胜利,他将获得该州的20张选举人票。

    The certification cemented Biden 's victory in the key battleground state , which would give him its 20 Electoral College votes .

  18. 但克林顿获取支持的州给了压倒优势的370张选举人票,相比之下给了布什168张,佩罗一张也没有。

    but Clinton won in states that gave him an overwhelming 370 electoral votes , compared with 168 for Bush and none for Perot .

  19. 因此,每个州因其参议院代表得到两张选举人票,依靠其众议院代表得到不同数量的选举人票。

    Each state thus gets two electoral votes for its Senate representation and a varying number of electoral votes depending on its House representation .

  20. 共和党人普遍指望,要想在逐州的征战中积累270张选举人票问鼎白宫,佛罗里达州是一个势在必得的州。

    Republicans generally count on Florida as a must-win state in the state-by-state battle to accumulate the270 electoral votes necessary to claim the White House .

  21. 根据在国会中代表各州的联邦参议员和众议员的人数,每个州都有一定数量的选举人票。

    Each state has a certain number of electoral votes based on the number of Senate and House members who represent that state in Congress .

  22. 怀俄明州等美国最小的州,各有2名参议员和1名众议员,考虑进这个因素,这些州各自总共只有3张选举人票。

    Wyoming , one of the smallest states , has only three electoral votes , taking into account its two U.S. senators and one House member .

  23. 媒体预测显示,不计入奥巴马在3个太平洋沿岸州稳获的73张选票,这位处于首个任期的47岁伊利诺伊州参议员将获得200张选举人票。

    Forecasts indicated the 47-year-old first-term Illinois senator was set to win 200 electoral votes without counting a secure 73 in the three Pacific Coast states .

  24. 总共有538张选举人票。

    Altogether , there are 538 electoral votes ( including three for the District of Columbia , even though it has no voting representatives in Congress ) .

  25. 2004年,乔治.布什在俄亥俄州取得的胜利给予他超过民主党对手约翰.克里所需要的选举人票而再次当选。

    In 2004 , George Bush 's win in Ohio gave him the electoral votes he needed to surpass his Democratic rival , John Kerry , and win re-election .

  26. 最近,两名候选人都忙于四处走访可能决定大选结果的各州,而每个州都有一定数量的基于本州人口数的选举人票。

    Recently , the two men have been visiting states that could help decide the election . Each state has a set number of electoral votes based on its population .

  27. 希拉里.克林顿不仅需要代表选票,而且需要这种势头以及由此而来的更多的选举人票,以便把她的竞选持续下去。

    " She really needed not only the delegates , but the momentum and the possibility of more delegates out there to keep her campaign going ," said John Fortier .

  28. 双方候选人都把赢得俄亥俄作为一个契机,以便在各州赢得入主白宫总共所需的最基本的270张选举人票。

    Both candidates are counting on victory in Ohio to give them the edge in the state-by-state battle to win the 270 electoral votes necessary to claim the White House .

  29. 我奉劝身在国外的所有美国人早点着手核对登记表,并接收缺席选举人票,因为这得花点时间。

    I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his / her registration and receiving an absentee ballot , because it can take a while .

  30. 我以前曾跟你们讲过来自南达科他州88岁高龄的佛罗伦斯·斯坦太太,她坚持让她的女儿把一张缺席选举人票到她的病床边。

    I 've told you before about Florence Stein ( ph ) of South Dakota who was88 years old and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside .