- 名continuous variation

It belonged to quantitative inheritance and its broad sense heritability in F 2 was 51.9 % on average of crosses . The chalkiness character in F2 showed a continuous variation , quantitative inheritance and non-normal distribution .
Nitrate content on different genotypes sweet pepper was continuous variation and nearly normal distribution . Cluster analysis was fallen into three categories .
And inhibitory effects of all entries on barnyardgrass root-length and shoot-height showed continuously variant , implying that allelopathy is a quantitative character .
The 6 Chen g 's index traits of F 2 ranged successively , and many individuals showed over - parent genetics , with the same trends in both direct cross and reciprocal cross .
The results showed that the frequency of SIG value and other 8 quality traits in RIL population was approximately normally distributed and the tremendous transgressive segregation for all traits was observed .
The frequency distributions of germination traits in RILs population showed continuous segregation , suggesting these were quantitative traits controlled by several genes , and more RILs were skewed to salt sensitive type .
This paper analyses the data for 9 years obtained from two tested plantations of Chinese mahogany . The results indicated that the geographic variation of Chinese mahogany provenance was basically a south-north cline pattern that was parallel to latitude .
Most of agronomic traits for rice production show genetically continuous distribution with characteristics of quantitative trait , rather than Mendelian inheritance .
The results showed that all of 13 quality traits varied continuously , and transgressive segregation for all the traits was observed in RIL .
It makes use of the improved adaptive crossover operator and the adaptive mutation operator , and combines with a kind of fitness function that considers the balance of the performance target and the .
The flesh of F 1 showed continuous variation from white to orange .
Discontinuous geographic variation is often set aside as a special case .
Characteristics of continuous variation within a population and its application to species determination
Before the early twentieth century , inheritance was considered to be a blending , a continuous variation .
In the populations , the fertility , colour , number and size of male cone are controlled by multigene , and the variation of these characters appear continuous .
Measurement of Soil Mechanical Resistance On-the-go and Analysis of Its Spatial Variability
The results show that the distribution of Nanjing land price has both continuity and variability .