
  • 网络Hiroshi Ikeda
进身 [jìn shēn]
  • [enter into official career] 指被录用或提升

  • 进身之阶

  1. 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石。

    She looked on the governorship as a stepping-stone to the presidency .

  2. 她把州长之职当作进身总统职位的踏脚石

    She looks on the governorship as a steppingstone to the presidency

  3. 他们为了谋生或寻求进身之路而不得不枉驾屈尊求助于普通英语了。

    They had to come down to common english , to earn their living or make their way .

  4. 我校分队有十八名中一队员完成了为期八个月的基础训练课程,进身学员行列。

    In my school troop has18 recruits completed the basic recruit training course for a period of eight months , into the ranks of the cadet .

  5. 爱要滋润,并不占有;在爱中,我们互相尊重对方,但并不凌驾人.他们为了谋生或寻求进身之路而不得不枉驾屈尊求助于普通英语了。

    Love nourishes but does not possess ; in love we affirm one another but do not dominate . They had to come down to common English , to earn their living or make their way .

  6. 以前是带着花蜜飞进、空身飞出的蜜蜂,现在则带蜜飞出。

    Of old they flew in only with their bags of honey , and flew out empty : now they fly out with their burdens .

  7. 幸好狮子站不起来,他得再向前一步才行,于是丹瓦快速往前冲,把针刺进了狮子身上。

    Luckily , the lion could not get up . He must move forward . With one quick lunge Danwa stabbed the lion with the needle .