
jìn rù zhàn dòu
  • go into action
  1. 军队已进入战斗岗位。

    The army is at action stations .

  2. F-22战机的这一优势使其有更多的时间进入战斗状态,以便首先给予敌机致命性的一击。

    That gives the F-22 more time to get into position for a decisive first shot at the enemy aircraft .

  3. 进入战斗的个人或小组激烈的相互作用。

    The violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat .

  4. 心中点亮光芒高举旗帜我们进入战斗状态

    Hearts ablaze banners high . We go marching into battle

  5. 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置。

    The infantry began to deploy at dawn .

  6. 甚至最出色的电脑游戏也没有让你真正进入战斗角色。

    Even the best computer games don 't literally put you into the action .

  7. 他们带着“胜利或死亡”的口令进入战斗。

    They headed into battle with a bold password -- " Victory or death . "

  8. 再一次的,进入战斗。

    Once more into the fray .

  9. 血怒不能进入战斗,虽然战斗状态能防止怒气衰减。

    Bloodrage should no longer initiate combat , though it will prevent rage decay for the duration .

  10. 舰长立刻召唤水兵进入战斗岗位。无论发生什么事情,士兵都应坚守岗位。

    Without delay the captain beat to quarters . Soldiers should stop at their post whatever happened .

  11. 开血之狂暴不再进入战斗状态,但是持续时间内仍然可以阻止怒气衰减;

    Bloodrage : Warriors no longer remain in combat indefinitely if this ability is active while zoning .

  12. 当我们被伤害时,会倾向于进入战斗、飞跃或冰冻模式中。

    When we 've been hurt we tend to go into fight , flight or freeze mode .

  13. 拉思叶以一声奇异的咆哮来带领部队进入战斗,那咆哮能使你寒沁骨髓。

    Lasaye leads the army into battle with an eerie growl that will chill the marrow in your bones .

  14. 退出战斗后立刻使用黑暗契约将不再使你进入战斗状态。

    Casting the spell " Dark Pact " immediately after combat will no longer put you back into combat mode .

  15. 当一架不明身份的飞机出现在电脑屏幕上的时候,战士们接到了进入战斗状态的命令。

    When an unidentified plane appears on the screen of the computer , all the soldiers were ordered to panic stations .

  16. 召唤地狱守卫:在中立城镇释放此法术召唤出恶魔是的攻击效果将会使术士进入战斗状态被守卫群殴。

    Inferno : this spell will now cause the infernal 's attacks to put the Warlock into combat with neutral town guards .

  17. 这个说法最初由苹果公司前高管琳达-斯通提出,描述的是当你进入“战斗或逃跑”状态时身体发生的变化。

    The term , first introduced by former Apple executive , Linda Stone , describes what happens when you go into ' fight or flight ' mode .

  18. 这艘混杂战舰正朝泰洛驶来,进入了战斗警戒状态。

    With Tirol before it , the motley battlewagon went on combat alert .

  19. 在进入大规模战斗前,试着去削弱你的敌人,这样你不仅需要微操,还需要火力控制。

    Before engaging in a large battle , try to thin out your opponents army so that you have not only micro control , but now have firepower control .

  20. 全国各大城市(包括各省城)在二月上旬均应进入五反战斗,请你们速作部署。

    All our big cities ( including provincial capitals ) should start the struggle against the " five evils " in the first ten days of February . Please make prompt arrangements .

  21. 每一个种族有一副独立的法术卡片,每进入一次战斗取出一张。

    Each faction has a separate deck of spell cards , which you draw one of every time you enter a combat .

  22. 当人害怕了,他们很快地进入到逃跑或战斗的模式。

    When someone is scared , they can quickly move into Fight or Flight mode .

  23. 仅在你进入英雄副本,或进入英雄副本战斗时候检查是否装备对应的公会徽章。

    Once entering heroic , and every time u get out of combat in heroic , addon will check and equip proper tabard .