
  • 网络Value of imports
  1. 实证分析证明我国进口贸易额的增长与经济增长之间存在正相关关系,并且进口贸易额每增长1%,能够促使GDP增长0.25%。

    Each 1 % increase of import would promote the GDP growth by 0.25 % .

  2. 而内部因素主要有进口贸易额、服务业比重、人口出生率(正相关);投资率、R&D占GDP的比重、失业率及国际投资额(负相关)等。

    The internal factors are import trade amount , the ration of service industries , birth rate , investment rate , the percentage of R & D in GDP , unemployment rate and international investment amount .

  3. 进口贸易额增长率尤其是制成品进口率的上升确实能够促进经济增长率的提高,而出口贸易额增长率对经济增长率的促进作用则无法确定。

    Growth in import , especially growth in importing the finished products , can increase ( economic ) growth , while the effect of growth in export cannot be determined .