
  1. 对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。

    For the more adventurous tourists , there are trips into the mountains with a local guide .

  2. 他们周末开车进山去观察自然。

    They drove into the mountains for a weekend of nature study .

  3. 像往常一样,挪威人比其他所有人都提前两小时进山。

    Typically , the Norwegians were on the mountain two hours before anyone else

  4. 周处只身进山,果然杀掉了猛虎,接着又跃人河中与蛟龙搏斗。

    Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone , and sure enough , he killed the tiger . Then he jumped into the river and fought with the dragon .

  5. 后来,有人鼓动周处进山杀猛虎,人河斩蛟龙,希望能除去两害,只留一害。

    Later , someone instigated4 Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger , and to the river to behead the ferocious dragon , in the hope of getting rid of two evils , leaving only one .

  6. 你知道进山的那条路吗?

    Do you know the way that leads into the mountain ?

  7. 一天,约翰带两个朋友进山。

    One day John took two of his friends into the mountains .

  8. 我每次进山只要看见她就想起了你。

    Everytime I saw her , I thought of you .

  9. 在我们进山的时候我一个人都没看到。

    I couldn 't see any souls when we entered this mountain .

  10. 他们进山去猎羚羊。

    They went into the mountains to hunt bucks .

  11. 他过去总是单独一人进山很长时间。

    He would go up into the mountains alone for weeks on end .

  12. 你们继续向北,进山。

    Stay on the road north into the mountains .

  13. 那样它才能安静地跟我们进山去。

    That way , he can sleep all the way up to the mountain .

  14. 因为想要进山的白人数量非常之多。

    Because the whites who may wish to go into these hills are very numerous .

  15. 次日早,大家老早就起来,准备进山。

    The next morning , everyone get up early and get ready for climbing mountain .

  16. 不带一个向导进山作一次探险会是很愚蠢的。

    It would be foolish to go on an expedition into the mountains without taking a guide .

  17. 只有依稀几个进山的人,安静,与世隔绝,心无杂念。

    Only vaguely a few tourist . Quiet , isolated , with no ideas and personal considerations .

  18. 如果你步行或骑着骡子进山观光,沿途便呈现出一座又一座修道院。

    Walking or riding on a mule , a tourist can look into the monasteries one by one .

  19. 雨水把熔化后的动物脂肪以及柴灰冲刷进山下的河里。

    Rainwater washed melted animal fat and wood ashes down the mountain into a river where women were washing clothes .

  20. 在分派来带领我们进山的向导加入我们的队伍之前,黑沉沉的夜幕中不见一个人影。

    Not a person emerged from the darkness until we were given our guide to escort us into the mountains .

  21. 一天老二进山打柴跌伤了腿,从此不能干重活。

    One day her second child into the mountains firewood falls his leg , he could no longer do heavy work .

  22. 如果我们找不到进山的路,我们就必须再找一条能通向巫师山的路。

    If we can 't find a way through the mountains , we 'll need another path to the sorcerer 's mountain .

  23. 捕蛇是“蛇人”的看家本领,“蛇人”部落的男孩子长大成人的标志,便是独自进山捕捉到一条蛇。

    Snake is the " snake " special skill ," Snake Man " logo tribal boys grown up , that is , into the mountains alone to capture a snake .

  24. 他慢慢把双脚固定在峭壁上,然后在右边手把滑落时,使尽全力把左边的握把插进山壁里。

    He slowly anchored his feet into the cliff . Using all his strength he managed to get the left grip into the wall , just as his right grip give way .

  25. 黄山风景区是世界自然文化遗产和世界地质公园,改革开放后,旅游业飞速发展,1979年区内旅游人数为10.43万人次,目前进山人数已达到240万人次左右。

    Huangshan Scenic Area , a World Natural and Cultural Heritage and World Geopark , had a rapid development of tourism industry after the reform and opening up , with 104,300 passengers in 1979 and 2.4 million now .

  26. 一是长白山管理体制调整对安图旅游产业发展影响,二是延龙图一体化战略的实施对安图旅游产业发展影响,三是新的进山方式对安图旅游产业发展影响。

    First , Changbai Mountain management system to adjust its Antu tourism industry development impact , and second , Yan Lung integrated implementation of the strategy of the development impact of Antu tourism industry and the third is a new way into the mountains Antu tourism industry development impact .

  27. 而当我们进了山隘,往山谷下方驶去时,到处都能看见军方的检查哨。许多屋顶上都有士兵架好的机关枪。

    Once we got over the other side and down into the valley it seemed there were army checkpoints everywhere and soldiers had made nests for their machine guns on so many of the rooftops .