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ɡuò jì
  • Adoption;adopt a young relative;have one's child adopted by a relative
过继 [guò jì]
  • (1) [adopt a young relative]∶将自己的儿子给无子的兄弟、堂兄弟或亲戚做儿子

  • 小虎过继给他三叔家已二十年了

  • (2) [have one's child adopted by a relative]∶没有儿子的人把兄弟、堂兄弟或亲戚的儿子收养为自己的儿子

  1. 通过过继转移免疫耐受性DC,可明显降低糖尿病高血糖以及小鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖能力,与模型对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    Both of the high level blood glucose and T cell proliferation were decreased significantly by adoptive transfer of tolerogenic DC ( P < 0.01 );

  2. 定量检测HBVdna含量是评价特异性过继细胞免疫疗法疗效的重要指标之一。

    Detection of HBV DNA by a quantitative PCR assay was one of the important indexes for evaluating the effect of therpy .

  3. n.死亡他死后所有的财产过继给太太。

    decease Upon his decease all his properties passed to his wife .

  4. 结果:过继转输的T、B细胞分布在孕鼠体内脾脏和子宫引流淋巴结,但并不留驻在母胎界面。

    Results : The adoptively transferred T and B cells resided in spleen and uterus draining lymph node , but not the materno-fetal interface of the recipient mice .

  5. PSA特异性树突状细胞瘤苗过继免疫治疗小鼠前列腺癌

    Adoptive immunotherapy with CTL induced by PSA-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine for prostate cancer in mice

  6. IL-4局部过继免疫抗小鼠膀胱癌的实验研究

    Local adoptive immunotherapy of murine bladder cancer with interleukin-4

  7. IL-2和LAK细胞过继免疫疗法在肾癌的应用

    IL-2 and LAK adoptive immunotherapy for renal cell carcinoma

  8. 低剂量辐射激活NK杀伤活性在过继免疫治疗中的研究进展

    Progress of research on activation function of NK cell exposed to low dose radiation in adoptive cellular immunotherapy

  9. 结论MICA反应性Vδ1γδT细胞可能是肿瘤过继免疫治疗的新的候选效应细胞。

    Conclusion The MICA-reactive V δ 1 γδ T cell may be a candidate for adoptive cellular therapy of tumors .

  10. 过继免疫治疗,即给患者输注抗肿瘤免疫效应细胞的方法,是治疗恶性黑素瘤(malignantMelanoma,MM)的一种重要的免疫策略。

    Adoptive immunotherapy , i.e. the method for inducing anti-tumor immune effector cells , is an important immune strategy to treat malignant melanoma .

  11. Mage-A3抗原肽负载DC过继免疫治疗乳腺癌的实验研究

    Immunotherapy of dendritic cells loaded with the peptide derived from mage-a_3 on mice breast cancer

  12. CIK过继免疫治疗恶性肿瘤病人的护理

    Nursing care of malignant tumor patients treated with CIK adoptive immunotherapy

  13. 恶性黑色素瘤TIL细胞免疫过继疗法途径的探讨

    Adoptive Immunotherapy Pathway of the Malignent Melanoma with TIL Cell

  14. 目的探讨过继转输胚胎抗原耐受性T、B细胞对宿主孕鼠妊娠预后及母胎界面TH1TH2型细胞因子表达的影响。

    Objective To study the role of adoptive transfer of embryo antigen-tolerant T , B cells in pregnant outcome and expression of T_H1 and T_H2 cytokines at materno-fetal interface of the recipient mice .

  15. 目的观察白细胞介素4(IL-4)局部过继免疫治疗小鼠膀胱癌的效应并探讨其相关机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects and the mechanisms of local adoptive immunotherapy of murine bladder cancer with interleukin-4 ( IL-4 ) .

  16. CIK细胞过继性免疫治疗的护理

    Nursing to the CIK Cell Adoptive Immunotherapy Q & A on Sex

  17. 过继转输活化的或同种异体的NK细胞,已经应用于白血病和某些实体肿瘤的治疗中。

    Adoptive transfer of activated or allogeneic NK cells is effective in the treatment of certain types of leukemia and solid tumors .

  18. 结论:CIK细胞过继免疫治疗是一种非常有前景的抗肿瘤治疗方法。

    Conclusion : CIK cells may be the best method in adoptive antitumor immunotherapy .

  19. CIK细胞过继性免疫治疗对结直肠癌化疗患者免疫指标的影响

    The Effect of CIK Cell on the Immune Function of Colorectal Cancer Patients After Chemotherapy

  20. TIL/rIL-2免疫过继疗法治疗晚期瘤性胸水初探

    A preliminary study on til / ril-2 adoptive immunotherapy for advanced tumorous pleural effusion

  21. 并通过过继转移实验、外源IL-2对耐受小鼠供体特异性MLR的影响等进一步探讨耐受形成的机制。

    Adoptive transfer and the effect of IL - 2 on MLR were detected to further explore the tolerance mechanism .

  22. 目的:观察过继转输的胚胎抗原耐受T、B细胞在受体孕鼠体内的归巢和分布,以探讨免疫耐受T细胞在诱导受体母胎免疫耐受中的作用机制。

    Objective : To investigate homing and distribution of the adoptively transferred embryo antigen-tolerant T and B cells in the recipient pregnant mice , and to study the possible mechanisms of materno-fetal immuno-tolerance induced by immuno-tolerant T cells .

  23. 在生物医学研究领域,如肿瘤治疗、抗微生物感染研究显示,过继转移功能性修饰后的DC细胞能够起到有效的免疫调节作用。

    In the biomedical research field , such as cancer treatment and microbial infections , the research showed adoption of the transfer function after modification DC cells could rise the effective immune adjustment effect .

  24. 方法应用DNA荧光法及两步PCR法检测支原体,采用BM-Cycline与裸鼠皮下过继联合法去除支原体;

    Methods : Detect mycoplasma by using DNA fluorescent and two-step PCR , removing mycoplasma by BM-Cycline and inoculation of nude mice .

  25. 所有患者在切除原发病灶后,接受每周一次的皮内DC疫苗注射治疗,至少8次治疗;CIK细胞过继细胞免疫治疗,每2周一次,至少接受4次治疗。

    After nephrectomy , the patients received intradermal DC vaccination weekly for at least 8 times , and CIKs administration biweekly for at least 4 times .

  26. IL-15基因转染人CIK细胞过继转移治疗胃癌的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Treatment of Gastric Cancer with Human CIK Cells Transfected with Human IL-15 Gene

  27. PHA、CD3、与IL-2协同诱导PBMC过继免疫治疗恶性脑胶质瘤的实验研究

    Experimental study on adoptive immunotherapy for malignant glioma with peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) Induced by PHA , CD3 and IL-2

  28. 自体CD3AK细胞过继免疫治疗晚期恶性肿瘤的临床观察

    Clinical observation of adoptive immunotherapy using autologous CD3AK cells in treatment of advanced malignant tumor

  29. 小鼠过继转移致敏小肠IEL抗弓形虫感染

    Adoptive Transfer Primed Intestinal Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Protect Mouse Against Infection Toxoplasma gondii

  30. 观察、记录移植物的存活时间,通过过继性转移实验,MLR、CTL活性测定及嵌合体分析,探讨耐受机制。

    MLR , CTL activity , analysis of chimerism and adop-tive transfer tests were used to investigate the mechanism of tolerance .