
zài huò liànɡ
  • Cargo capacity;cargo tonnage;loadage
  1. 用电子表格实现油轮载货量的计算

    Realization of Calculating Tanker ' Load by Electronic Tabulation

  2. 载货量与燃料装载量比

    Cargo-fuel ratio loader discharge conveyor

  3. 载货量与燃料装载量比混合料配合比的调整

    Cargo-fuel ratio mixture adjustment

  4. 如果载货量下降,船舶看起来可能只会半满,班轮航运公司就容易恐慌。

    Lines consequently have a tendency to panic if volumes drop and ships look like they may sail only partially full .

  5. 聚维酮碘和利凡诺对糖尿病足溃疡伤口细菌载量影响的对比研究载货量与燃料装载量比

    A Comparative Study of the Effect of Becteria Load in Diabetic Foot Ulcers Dealing with Iodophors and Rivanol Respectively ; cargo-fuel ratio

  6. 即便是逆流航行,蒸汽船一天航程也可达50英里,八倍于木筏的速度与载货量。

    Even upstream , steamboats can travel 50 miles a day , eight times faster , eight times the cargo of a raft .

  7. 运输船舶规模大,载货量或载客量非常大,一旦发生海损事故,带来的直接经济损失和间接损失都难以估算。

    The shipping scale is growing rapidly on the Yangtze River , when average happens , the direct and indirect economic loss is indeed very difficult to estimate .

  8. 美国航空航天局的官员说,加建和扩建空间站的计划已经完成了超过90%,这主要归功于航天飞机及其很大的载货量。

    NASA officials say plans to build out and expand the station are more than 90 percent complete , mainly thanks to space shuttle and its large cargo capacity .

  9. 这将花上一笔可观的金钱,目前尚无确切数据,海军将此军购案列为最高机密。一条船的载货量很难用确切数字表示。

    The deal will cost a great deal of money , but the exact figure was not available . The navy has classified the purchase top secret . he imported wine by the boatload .

  10. 本文首先对我国载货汽车市场现状进行了介绍,分析了我国载货汽车市场保有量变化的总体趋势,随后又介绍了预测方法的概念和分类。

    The status quo and the trend of domestic truck market were presented at first . The concept and classification of forecasting methods were introduced secondly .