
jīnɡ jì cānɡ
  • economy class;coach
  1. 几个商人只好将就着坐在经济舱里。

    Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class .

  2. 这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。

    The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles .

  3. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .

  4. 他们想让经济舱的乘客看到托盘里的香槟酒被送进了头等舱。

    They like the economy passengers to see those trays of champagne being taken into club class .

  5. 在搭乘飞机旅行时,并非只有经济舱的乘客才会面临这种问题。

    The economy class syndrome is not confined to that class on a plane .

  6. “经济舱综合征”指的是在乘飞机长途飞行后,或刚刚下飞机时,腿部形成深静脉血栓,特别是乘坐经济舱旅行时,因为经济舱的座位非常狭小,由于缺少腿部空间,人们的腿部无法活动开来。

    Economy class syndrome per passenger and one 's legs tend especially to be immobilized for lack of leg room .

  7. 一般建议所有搭乘飞机的乘客,不管是头等舱、商务舱还是经济舱,都要多喝水,有可能时就要走一走活动双腿,定时扭扭脚踝,转转膝盖和臀部,尽量减少患上经济舱综合征的风险。

    It is recommended that all persons traveling on air flights , irrespective of which class they are in , drink lots of water and move their legs by walking whenever possible and by periodically flexing to minimize the risk of economy class syndrome .

  8. Henry说,从巴尔的摩到台北一张economyclass经济舱机票相当于释放四吨二氧化碳,businessclass商务舱更可怕,相当于排放12吨二氧化碳。

    Did you know an economy class flight from Baltimore to Taipei makes you responsible for just over four tons of CO2 ? If you fly business class the number jumps to12 tons .

  9. 美国航空(AmericanAirlines)在每架航班上锁定了大量经济舱座位,不仅有加长空间座位,也有常规座位,以便提供给常旅客计划中的高级别乘客。

    American Airlines blocks a large number of coach seats , both with extra legroom and without , to make them available to customers with top-level status in its frequent-flier program on every flight .

  10. 预先提醒:展开这个支架需要较大空间,如果你打算在经济舱的折叠式桌子上使用Surface和TypeCover,可能会发现自己几乎没有动弹的余地了。

    Be forewarned : The kickstand setup does require a bit more room to implement , so if you 're planning on using the Surface and Type Cover on a fold-out tray table in economy class , you may find yourself hard-pressed for room .

  11. 科学家上个月(12月24日)在《BMC医学》杂志上报告说,在飞机乘客中,乘坐经济舱的乘客面临患甲型H1N1流感的风险最高。

    Among airline passengers , those flying economy are the most at risk of catching A ( H1N1 ), researchers reported in BMC Medicine last month ( 24 December ) .

  12. 再看看多数旅客将体验的a380的经济舱,由更轻、更薄材料制成的全新座椅有了更多伸腿的空间。

    Back in economy , where most travellers will experience the A380 first , the new seats , designed of lighter , thinner materials , provide more legroom .

  13. Wai说:你付给中介额外的服务费,他们却不一定为你找到最优惠的票价,常常是全价经济舱,这并非首选。

    ' You pay a premium for a travel agent , but they don 't necessarily find the best fares , and it 's usually a Y-class fare , not priority , ' Ms. Wai says .

  14. 道格·伯格(DougBerg)来自底特律,商务出行非常频繁。5月份他搭乘美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)的航班由丹佛飞往华盛顿斯波坎(Spokane),他惊讶地发现,经济舱内开放的都是拥有加长伸腿空间的豪华经济舱座席。

    Doug Berg , a frequent business traveler from Detroit , was surprised to see the only spots open in coach were Economy Plus seats with extra legroom for a United Airlines flight from Denver to Spokane , Wash . , in May .

  15. 或许是aerlingus航空公司的免费经济舱和非常可口的午餐,已经使我腐化到了无可救药的地步。

    Maybe I had already been hopelessly corrupted by my free , economy aer Lingus flight and very nice lunch . Either way , it looked like business as usual to me .

  16. 据中国商飞介绍,该公司首架ARJ21-700飞机(设90个经济舱座位)于2015年年底交付成都航空,迄今已累计载客约1.5万人次。

    Its first ARJ21-700 aircraft , with 90 economy seats , was delivered to Chengdu Airlines in late 2015 . It has so far transported about 15000 passengers , the company said .

  17. 你会在经济舱,好的。

    You 're gonna go ahead to low class , okay .

  18. 经济舱乘客禁用头等舱休息室。

    Tourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge .

  19. 在飞往布加勒斯特的航班上,她乘坐的是经济舱。

    She sat in economy class on the flight to bucharest .

  20. 坐经济舱的往返票价是多少?

    What about the price of round trip for economy class ?

  21. 去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?

    What 's the fare to new york , economy class ?

  22. 顾客:订两张经济舱的票吧。

    P : book me two economy class seats , please .

  23. 经济舱综合症与航空承运人法律责任分析

    On the Issues of Economy Class Syndrome and Air Carrier Liability

  24. 头等舱和经济舱一样订满了。

    First class as well as economy class is fully booked .

  25. 他必须付经济舱票价的2/3。

    He 'll pay two thirds of the full coach fare .

  26. 许多图省钱的乘客只好乘坐普通班机的经济舱。

    Many passengers will have to go economy on ordinary flights .

  27. 请预订这班次经济舱一个座位。

    Please reserve one seat , Economy Class , on this flight .

  28. 乙:您要头等舱还是经济舱?

    B : do you want to fly first or economy class .

  29. 你想要买什么票,经济舱还是头等舱?

    How do you want to fly , economy or first class ?

  30. 去纽约的经济舱飞机票多少钱?

    Whats the fare to New York , Economy Class ?