
zài kè qì chē
  • passenger service vehicle
载客汽车[zài kè qì chē]
  1. 联帮政府的法规又强制规定了所有1973年起的新型载客汽车排放Nox废气污染物的标准。

    Federal regulations imposed Nox exhaust-emission standards on all 1973 passenger vehicle .

  2. 2005-2020年中国载客汽车燃油消耗以及二氧化碳排放的预测

    Forecast of Fuel Consumption and CO2 emission of China 's Passenger Vehicles , 2005-2020

  3. 载客汽车运行燃料消耗量

    Fuel consumption for passenger vehicles in operation

  4. 我国大型载客汽车的加速车外噪声水平及其降噪措施研究

    The Level with Pass-by Accelerating Noise of Great Model Passenger Accommodation Vehicle in Our Country and the Study of Decline Noise Measure

  5. 本文的结果表明:限制汽车保有量的提高,不是一个解决能源与环境问题的最优方案,提高汽车的燃油经济性才是解决中国载客汽车所面对的能源与环境问题的可行之路。

    The result considered that , to increase the fuel economy of passenger vehicles of China is the reasonable way to solve the energy and environment problems of the passenger vehicles , instead of to restrict the stock of passenger vehicles of China .

  6. 油麻地小轮拥有渡轮77艘,经营24条渡轮航线,包括载客、汽车渡轮及持牌渡轮服务。

    HYF owned 77 vessels and operated 24 ferry routes , including passenger and vehicular services and licensed services .

  7. 建设HOV(HighOccupancyVehicle,高载客率车辆)专用车道,为高载客率汽车提供道路通行优先权的措施,是解决城市交通拥堵问题的一种非常有效的方法。

    The measure of constructing HOV ( High Occupancy Vehicle ) special lanes , to provide priority for high occupancy vehicle , is a very effective method to solve the problem of urban traffic congestion .