
  • 网络switching cost;Conversion Cost;transition costs;SwitchingCost
  1. 基于转换成本的网络顾客忠诚实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Online Customer Loyalty Based on Switching Cost

  2. 关于品牌转换成本调节效应研究的结论。

    The conclusion of the regulating effect of brand switching cost .

  3. 本文通过对品牌忠诚理论系统的梳理和研究,总结出移动3G品牌忠诚的影响因素:品牌感知价值,品牌形象,品牌信任和转换成本。

    The paper analyzed the brand loyalty theories and summarized the factors that influence the brand loyalty . Those factors are perceived brand value , brand image , brand trust and transferring costs .

  4. 转换成本对LOB输入更加重要,因为输入字符串的大小可能很大。

    The conversion costs are all the more important for LOB input because of the potentially large size of the input string .

  5. 如果没有将文件保存为使用UNIX换行符来表示行结束这种格式,则需要将这样的文件转换成本机UNIX格式,否则一些命令实用程序不会正确地处理这些文件。

    When not saved using the UNIX newline line ends , such files need to be converted into the native UNIX format or else some command utilities will not process them correctly .

  6. 通过Hotelling模型对PC软件产品竞争性升级进行了研究,重点分析了网络外部性、转换成本、升级产品质量(或功能)的提高对升级定价及其竞争策略的影响。

    We studied the PC software upgrade competition with Hotelling model . It shows that the upgrade pricing is affected by network externality , switch cost , and the quality of upgrade product .

  7. 在此章将解释、定义并讨论如何使用在ICT行业需求分析常用的理论概念,如网络效应,替代效应,转换成本,消费者嗜好的异质性等。

    This chapter first explains and defines some theoretical concepts which have been commonly used in previous ICT industry consumer demand analysis such as network effects , substitution effects , switching costs , and heterogeneity of consumer tastes .

  8. 因此我们可以认为,在3G的市场营销中,影响顾客忠诚的最大的因素是转换成本,这是由于3G业务刚刚起步,资费成本较高,因而转换成本就成为了消费者重点考虑的因素。

    Therefore , we can think of marketing in the 3G , the impact of customer loyalty is the biggest factor in switching costs , this is because the 3G business has just started , charges higher cost of consumer switching costs become key considerations .

  9. 现在Y.cpp被编译为托管代码,从Z.cpp调用就不需要有从托管到本机的转换成本。

    Y.cpp is now compiled to managed code and calls from Z.cpp no longer incur the managed-to-native transition cost .

  10. 美洲航空公司CEO,Donald·j·Carty,AMR(1999)随着科技的迅速发展,产品生命周期逐步缩短,客户对产品的要求越来越高,其转换成本却越来越低。

    By Donald · j · Carty , CEO of American Airline . As the rapid development of technology , the life cycle of product becomes shorter and shorter . Customer has higher and higher requirement on the product , while the transfer cost is lower and lower .

  11. 基于Hotelling线性城市模型,以双寡头序贯进入为分析背景,模型化了品牌忠诚影响产品差异化的两种方式:造成转换成本及影响消费者的购买意愿。

    Based on the Hotelling linear city model , this paper established a model on the ground of duopoly sequential entering to analyze brand loyalty 's two kinds of effect , one was to induce transferring cost , the other was to influence consumer 's willing of purchase .

  12. 为了控制企业信息系统的转换成本,TJG公司必须在现有信息系统应用程度上,制定易于推进的企业信息化战略规划。

    In order to control the transition cost of the information system , TJG Co. , basing on exiting level of information system , must establish the enterprise informationization strategy planning which can be pushed easily .

  13. 可是,更换供应商会导致合同执行过程中的巨大转换成本,这些成本必将给公司带来极大的损失。

    However , changing suppliers will lead to large switching costs .

  14. 转换成本对顾客忠诚都有着正向影响,但是影响程度相对较小。

    Factor of switch cost has positive effects on customer loyalty .

  15. 解释了转换成本和实施竞争性升级的关系。

    The relationship between switch cost and competitive upgrade is explained ;

  16. 生产外包双方是一种强连接的伙伴关系,而且具有比较高的转换成本。

    The joint is strong , and the switching cost is high .

  17. 基于转换成本的双渠道动态定价研究

    Based on Switching Costs Two Channels Dynamic Pricing for Research

  18. 转换成本一直是市场营销研究的热点问题。

    Switching costs has always been a hot spot of marketing researches .

  19. 技术创新中资产专用性造成的转换成本问题研究

    The Transfer Cost Caused by Asset Specificity in Technology Innovation

  20. 引入转换成本的竞争性平台定价分析

    Study on pricing strategy of competing platforms with switching costs

  21. 外部性和转换成本的存在是用户锁定的原因。

    Externalities and the switching cost are the reason of consumer lock-in .

  22. 在电信服务领域,转换成本将导致顾客锁定。

    Switching-cost in telecommunication service field leads to the phenomenon of custom-locked-in .

  23. 转换成本对电信市场的影响

    The influence of switching - cost to telecommunication market

  24. 顾客转换成本的存在影响了企业的竞争策略。

    Switching costs affects the competitive strategies of enterprises .

  25. 使用一种专用的加适达冲洗液可降低转换成本。

    A special Cassida Flushing Fluid reduces the cost of the change-over operation .

  26. 转换成本与企业技术创新

    Transformation Cost and Enterprises ' Innovation in China

  27. 客户转换成本对三级价格歧视的影响分析

    Third Degree Price Discrimination with Customer Switching Costs

  28. 这与转换成本理论所预测的一模一样。

    This is exactly as switching-cost theory forecasts .

  29. 我国银行个人客户转换成本的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Individual Customers ' Switching Costs for Bank Services in China

  30. 且直接影响中转换成本路径系数最大。

    And direct impact on the largest coefficient in the path of conversion costs .