
ɡònɡ xiǎnɡ zī yuán
  • share resources
  1. 但是,在实际中,VM必须共享资源。

    However , in actuality , VMs must share resources .

  2. 无法共享资源,因为没有虚拟化层来在OS与硬件之间管理资源。

    There is no way to share resources , because there is no virtualized layer to manage resources between the OS and the hardware .

  3. 接受默认的共享资源安装目录,并且点击Next。

    Accept the default shared resource installation directory , and click Next .

  4. 共享资源搜索是P2P技术的核心和重点。

    Shared resource searching is the key-point of P2P technology .

  5. 启发式搜索在时间Petri网的共享资源调度中的应用

    Heuristic Search Applied in Scheduling Shared Resources of the Timed Petri Net

  6. 随着Internet及其相关技术的快速发展,在开放的、异构的分布式环境下,出现了大量的分布式应用之间的互操作,通过互操作分布式应用可以共享资源和服务,有效的提高了数据的使用率。

    The rapid development of Internet and related technologies has created tremendous possibilities for the interoperability between applications in open and heterogeneous distributed environment .

  7. 网络拥塞机制的优劣直接影响WSN的共享资源能量的利用率、网络QoS的性能。

    Control mechanism of congestion is the key technique affecting the energy utilization and the network QoS .

  8. 一种基于Petri网的顺序共享资源AMS*s

    An Automatic Modelling Methodology Research Based on Petri Nets for AMSs with Sequential Common Resources

  9. 然而,搭便车现象和共享资源的质量差等问题的存在,严重影响到P2P网络的健壮性和效率。

    However , the free-rider phenomenon and poor quality of tranaction resource make badly effects on toughness and efficiency of P2P network .

  10. 无论是社区公园、可重用Java框架,还是服务提供者,任何共享资源都很难获得和得到相应的照顾。

    Any shared resource is difficult to acquire and care for , whether it 's a neighborhood park , a reusable Java framework , or a service provider .

  11. 加装硬盘保护卡以保护系统软件和应用软件;分别针对访问WINDOWSnt服务器的3种方式采用用户帐号和站点限制,共享资源权限,以组的方式进行用户管理。

    The visits to Windows NT server are controlled in the ways of account and websites limit , share resource limit , client group .

  12. Linux对实时进程采用的是基于静态优先级的调度算法,则在实时进程访问临界区等共享资源时,容易产生优先级翻转问题,出现高优先级进程被其他低优先级进程阻塞的情况。

    Linux use static priority while scheduling real time process , when access critical section and other shared resources , there will be the problem of priority inversion .

  13. 多Agent智能制造系统由逻辑或物理位置上分布的多组Agent构成,通过网络共享资源,相互协作完成一任务。

    Multi-agent manufacturing system is composed of multi-set of agent that was distributed in logic and physics position , and resource is shared through network connections , a task is accomplished together by each other cooperation .

  14. 在命令线程和应答线程中加入了线程同步机制,使两个线程有序访问RS-485接口这一共享资源。

    Synchronization mechanism was added to the command thread and response thread , so that two threads accessed the shared RS-485 interface sequentially .

  15. 同样,某些核心JLS服务可以执行一些内部锁定来序列化某些共享资源。

    Also , certain core JLS services can do some internal locking to serialize certain shared resources .

  16. 首先分析了采用双核方案实现硬实时Linux存在的问题,然后基于有限的共享资源模型提出了一种在单Linux内核上实现嵌入式硬实时Linux的新思路,并在Linux2.6内核上予以完整实现。

    Analyzed the key problems for implementing hard-real-time Linux based on dual-kernel scheme . Proposed a new scheme to implement hard-real-time Linux on single Linux kernel based on the limited sharing resources model . And implemented it on Linux 2.6 kernel .

  17. 高层次综合中通过对冲突围着色方式把操作、变量值、数据传输映射到共享资源中,然而寻找图着色所需的最小颜色数目是个NP难题。

    Coloring of conflict graphs has been used in high level synthesis to map operators , values and data transfers onto shared resources , however , finding a minimum sized coloring is NP hard problem .

  18. 局域网内部通过微机自带的硬盘保护卡进行操作系统和软件的安装和维护,局域网通过代理服务器,配置DHCP服务来登陆Internet和共享资源。

    The installation and maintenance for operating system and software are done using hard disk protect card within local area network and in order to visiting internet and shared resource , agent server is used and DHCP service are configured .

  19. 最后,vPar不支持在分区之间共享资源。

    Finally , vPars do not allow you to share resources between partitions .

  20. 随着TD-SCDMA、WiMAX、WLAN等新一代无线通信技术的发展,如何更好的在无线网络上共享资源,成为了P2P领域新的研究热点。

    With the development of the new generation of the wireless communication technology , such as the TD-SCDMA 、 WiMAX 、 WLAN , how to share resources better in the wireless network becomes a new hot subject in the P2P field .

  21. 设计了Hopfield神经网络的换位矩阵和能量函数,用连续型Hopfield神经网络和玻尔兹曼机实现了企业共享资源的调度算法。

    The main works are as following : We study the Hopfield neural networks and Simulated Annealing scheduling algorithm , design Permutation Matrix and energy function , and realize the algorithm of enterprise resource scheduling based on Hopfield neural networks and Boltzmann machine .

  22. 异步多处理机系统共享资源裁决器的一个设计方法

    A method for designing shared resource arbiter in asynchronous multiprocessor systems

  23. 在这个拷贝中,虚拟机共享资源。

    Within this copy , the virtual machines share the resources .

  24. 三校园共享资源使用矛盾频频。

    3 , Lots of conflicts in sharing the school resource .

  25. 同时多线程处理器共享资源的特性分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics of the Shared Resources in SMT Processors

  26. 并行共享资源死锁结构的一种判断方法

    A method for deciding deadlock structures caused by parallel shared resources

  27. 目前我国内急需网络安全的共享资源数据和统一的实验平台。

    Now , China need sharing resource data and uniform experimental platform .

  28. 文件系统是最常见的共享资源之一。

    One of the most common shared resources is the file system .

  29. 唯一访问共享资源的保证。

    A guarantee of exclusive acce to a hared resource .

  30. 现在,共享资源绝对是一个挑战,”她说道。

    Now , sharing resources is definitely a challenge , " she said .