
  • 网络Master's thesis;master thesis;dissertation;mba
  1. 《体验式学习入门:分析和复习》,麻省理工学院工商管理硕士论文,2004。

    Balachandra , Lakshmi . " Introduction to Experiential Learning : An Analysis and Review . " MBA Thesis , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , 2004 .

  2. 全球定位系统(GPS)误差源预测/硕士论文

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) Error Source Prediction ; Master 's thesis

  3. 第二章详细讨论了用Solidedge创建三维武汉科技大学硕士论文模型的方法和技巧;

    The second chapter detailedly explain how to use Solid Edge to create the three-dimensional parts models and the key technique and skills ;

  4. 二者的整合过程就是对信息流、物流、资金流、目标市场和服务电子科技大学MB人硕士论文等核心要素进行整合协调,以期达到效率和市场覆盖率的最大化,同时避免冲突失控。

    The integration process of two channels is to integrate and harmonize the core element include information stream . Logistics streams .

  5. 本硕士论文致力于通过面向对象的软件开发技术与策略,运用UML建模语言,开发一套基于分布式结构的研究生培养管理信息系统。

    Based on the object-oriented software development technology and strategy and UML modeling language , this paper focuses on the design and development of the distributed Postgraduate Cultivation Management Information System .

  6. 小型自主水下船只导航系统(SANS)的测试与评估/硕士论文

    Testing and Evaluation of the Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation System ( SANS ); Master 's thesis

  7. 河南大学光学专业2001级硕士论文DAB分子在不同PH值溶液中与银纳米颗粒相互作用有所区别,这是由于二甲胺基的N原子带上了正电荷。

    In addition , the interactions between DAB molecules and silver particles in varied PH values were different , which is mainly due to the N atom in Dimethylamino group positively charged .

  8. DSC扫描实验表明:加入IPA共聚后,PET/MMT的冷结晶温度提高、过北京化工大学硕士论文冷温度降低,I以改性PET/MMT的结晶速率比PET/MMT慢。

    The results of DSC showed that PET / MMT modified by IPA increased the cold crystallization temperature and decreased the melt crystallization temperature of PET / MMT .

  9. 当这个节目被取消、她的商店也受经济衰退所拖累之时,她认为自己终究还是对健康问题感兴趣,现在她正在哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)撰写健康教育的硕士论文。

    When the show was canceled and her store fell victim to the economic downturn , Ms. Cohen decided she was passionate about health issues after all and is now completing her master 's thesis in health education at Columbia University .

  10. 在此背景之下,结合工作实际,本文选择了中原油田销售分公司CNG市场开发及管理策略作为工程硕士论文的研究题目。

    Under this background , combining reality of work , I select CNG market development and management tactics of Zhongyuan Oil Field Sales branch as the topic for engineering master degree .

  11. 本硕士论文的主要内容是在有限维Hopf代数上建立了Killing型的一般理论,揭示了Killing型的非退化性与Hopf代数的伴随表示之间的深刻联系。

    In this paper , we develop the theory of Killing form over any finite dimensional Hopf algebras , and discuss the deep relations between the non-degeneracy of Killing form and the adjoint representations of Hopf algebras .

  12. 本硕士论文致力于研制一套分布式总体结构的基于RS-485总线和微机上实现的ModBusPlus网络的天然气计量管理与远程监测系统。

    This master thesis aims at developing a natural gas meterage , management and remote monitoring system with distributed hierarchy , which is based on the RS-485 bus and the Modbus Plus network in PC in the field .

  13. 结合现代企业的网络运作模式,建立基于四川大学工学硕士论文C/s和Bls相结合的PLM系统的体系结构。

    Considering the network operation status of modern enterprises , the system structure of PLMS based on the combination of C / S and B / S structure is build up .

  14. 此外在数据处理过程中结合了晶体学和信号处理技术。为了提高性能、扩展应用,本硕士论文主要集中在OpenGL显示效果的改进,仿真系统的实时旋转和基于原子配位数的表面和缺陷显示。

    In order to improve the software performance and extent application in nanotechnology , the present thesis is focusing on the improvement of the OpenGL display , the real-time rotation of the simulated system , and the display of surface and defects based on the atomic coordination number .

  15. 本硕士论文结合中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2013QNA4007)对微流道的制造成型技术进行了深入的研究。

    This article gives out the research on a new microchannel fabrication technology supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities ( 2013QNA4007 ) .

  16. 本硕士论文对速调管一维圆盘模型进行了深入研究。

    The dissertation expounds thoroughly the one-dimension disk model of klystron .

  17. 图像处理模块对主机内存2001硕士论文摘要中的图像进行分析,得出所需要的分级信息;

    The image processing module to get classified information through analysis ;

  18. 教材编写与理论研究的密切结合&由几篇硕士论文引出的话题

    Close Relationship between Theoretical Research and the Compiling of Textbooks

  19. 工程硕士论文(5)分析研究了车桥制动系统的调整原理与方法,提出了一种可用于生产过程的制动器间隙调整规范。

    The principle and method of adjusting axles braking system are studyed .

  20. 使用平均分选机神经网络进行信号分类/硕士论文

    Signal Classification Using The Mean Separator Neural Network ; Master 's thesis

  21. 论英语专业硕士论文致谢辞的语用失误

    Pragmatic failure in acknowledgements of master thesis in English major

  22. 语言测试专业硕士论文精选。

    Selected theses of master candidates in language testing ii .

  23. 氨基与硝基呋喃氮烷的结构和化学/硕士论文

    Structures and Chemistry of Amino and Nitro Furazans ; Master 's thesis

  24. 在本硕士论文中,我们研究了一类特殊的显式单步法:显式龙格库塔法。

    In this thesis we present a class of Explicit Runge-Kutta methods .

  25. 本篇硕士论文的主题就是讨论中国出境游。

    This master thesis deals with the topic of the Chinese outbound travel .

  26. 我写硕士论文用了几个月时间。

    It took months to write my MA thesis .

  27. 通信模型在移动式计算系统和移动单位中的运用/硕士论文

    Communication Models in Mobile Computing Systems and Mobile Agents ; Master 's Thesis

  28. 他正在写硕士论文。

    He 's working on his master 's thesis .

  29. 他的硕士论文是否也花了十个月完成?

    Did he also take ten months to finish his master 's thesis ?

  30. 使用时一频分析技术对经过内部脉冲调制的雷达信号进行特征提取/硕士论文

    Feature Extraction of Intra-Pulse Modulated Radar Signals Using Time-Frequency Analysis ; Master 's thesis