
  • Sparkling Wine;Spumante
  1. 慕丝:法语用于形容在起泡酒表面形成的泡沫顶部。

    Mousse : French for the frothy head that forms at the surface of sparkling wine .

  2. 我更喜欢起泡酒,特别是法国香槟产区的。

    I prefer sparkling wine , especially from Champagne in France .

  3. 你可直接在原产地J.劳伦斯(J.Laurens)品一品起泡酒,这里出产这一片区的部分顶级佳酿。

    Taste Limoux bubbly directly at its source at J. Laurens , which produces some of the area 's top vintages .

  4. 结果表明,C1、C3、C4菌株的性能优良,具有发酵活性高,泡沫细腻,絮凝性强等优点,适于香槟酒(起泡酒)二次发酵。

    The results show : C_1 , C_3 , C , have excellent properties such as high fermentation activity , tiny foam , excellent flocculation and tolerance to alcohol and sulfur dioxide . It is very satisfactory to use them in second fermentation of champagne .

  5. 法国香槟制造者酩悦(&Chandon)公司在这里生产起泡酒,烈性酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)也投下巨额资金,为公司在当地的酒厂打造现代化设施。

    The French Champagne maker & Chandon makes sparkling wines there , while the spirits giant Pernod Ricard is spending heavily to modernize its local winery .

  6. 起泡酒的代表简茨(Jansz)在葡萄酒行业被公认是塔斯马尼亚最好的起泡葡萄酒,它也是少数几个从朗塞斯顿附近的塔马谷(TamarValley)葡萄园区出口到美国的品牌之一。

    Bubble Rep Widely acknowledged among the wine industry as Tasmania 's premier sparkling wine , Jansz is one of the few marques imported to the U.S. from the swath of vineyards in the Tamar Valley , close to Launceston .

  7. 话虽如此,假如我坐上了头等舱,空乘在飞机起飞后递给我一杯沁凉的陈年Krug起泡酒,我还是会接受的。

    Having said that , if I were traveling first class and were handed a cool glass of effervescent vintage Krug after takeoff , I 'd take it .

  8. 美国家庭医生学会(AmericanAcademyofFamilyPhysicians)主席、田纳西州金斯波特(Kingsport)执业家庭医生瑞德・布莱克韦尔德(ReidBlackwelder)说,起泡酒甚至威士忌和可乐等混合饮料中的碳酸“似乎会增加酒精吸收的速度”。

    And the carbonation in sparkling wines or even in mixed drinks like whiskey and Coke ' seems to increase how rapidly alcohol is absorbed , ' says Reid Blackwelder , president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a practicing family doctor in Kingsport , Tenn.

  9. 法国//朗格多克(Languedoc)利穆(Limoux)葡萄园区最著名的或许是他们的起泡酒,但他们还提供南欧观赏秋景的绝佳机会之一。

    FRANCE / / The vineyards of Limoux in the Languedoc may be best known for their sparkling wines , but they also offer one of Southern Europe 's most indulgent opportunities to enjoy autumnal colors .

  10. 此款起泡酒酸度清新悦人,气泡延续时间持久,充满活力。

    A refreshing wine with a lasting sparkle and crisp vitality .

  11. 利润丰厚的起泡酒是一个很好的赌注。

    Sparkling wines , which command high margins , are a good bet .

  12. 再在杯中加满香槟或起泡酒,然后把它端给已经喝得醉醺醺的客人。

    Fill with Champagne or sparkling wine and serve to people who are already tipsy .

  13. 低度山楂起泡酒的研制

    Study of low alcoholic bubble hawthorn wine

  14. 如今,这种成功和胜利的喜悦都浸透到这款美妙的起泡酒中了。

    Nowadays , you will find this taste of success and victory in this great sparkling wine .

  15. 瓦尔帝维爱索拥有超过一个世纪的葡萄酒酿造传统和经验,是智利最古老的一家起泡酒生产商。

    With more than a century of tradition and experience , Valdivieso is Chile ´ s oldest sparkling wine producer .

  16. 不过让人开心的是,在香槟的家乡寻找这种起泡酒,为囊中羞涩的游客和一掷千金的游客所带来的乐趣基本是对等的。

    Happily , though , discovering the bubbly on its home turf is as much a pleasure for budget travelers as it is for big spenders .

  17. 酒中含有珍珠般美妙的汽泡,持久而细腻,是一款生活艺术和葡萄酒文化的完美结合经典起泡酒。

    Wonderful wine with pearl-like bubbles , long-lasting and delicate , This is a living art and culture , the perfect combination of classic wine sparkling wine .

  18. 采摘葡萄,除梗,然后置于不锈钢发酵罐里低温发酵,生产出清新活泼,香浓郁的起泡酒。

    Grapes are harvested and then separated from the stalks , before being cold-fermented in stainless steel tanks in order to produce fresh , fruity sparkling wines .

  19. 任然有传闻说这个产业已经投入太多进行起泡酒的生产以至于今后他们要在将来为他们的产品都找到市场会异常艰难。

    There are whispers that the industry has invested too heavily in sparkling wines and may struggle to find a market for all of its output in the future .

  20. 这是款卢瓦尔河流域的高品质干型起泡酒,人们经常把这款酒与最好的香槟酒比较,得到的结论是香槟酒的品质和卢瓦尔的价格。

    This is the top " brut " of the Loire valley very often compared to the best champagne which makes it a very good report about quality and price .

  21. 在口中这款清新的起泡酒实现了酸味和残留糖分的极佳均衡,使口感柔顺,后味精致。

    On the palate this lively fresh sparkling is well-balanced between some acidity and some residual sugars , which creates a soft feeling on the palate and leaves a delicate aftertaste .

  22. 这套酒杯一共有6只,每只都比上一只矮一些。打开一瓶起泡酒,从最高的那个杯子开始倒入,其它5个杯子就自动斟满了。

    Each stem in the 6-glass set is shorter than the one before , allowing you to start at the top and evenly share a bottle of bubbly with just one pour .

  23. 产品专家柳德米拉·萨德罗娜亚称他们起泡酒的质量肯定会保证成功,但也表示如果能获得该地区的一些葡萄园产权这家公司将会有更好的发展机会。

    Production specialist Lyudmila Zadorozhnaya said the quality of their sparkling wine is sure to guarantee success , but added that the company will have better opportunities to develop if it can obtain property rights for some vineyards in the area .

  24. 我们有着还没有实现的梦想,我希望这个梦想会实现,拥有自己的葡萄酒产量,就像在AbrauDurso一样,我们将持之以恒使用传统的法式制作工艺生产起泡酒。”

    Our not-yet-fulfilled dream , I hope this dream will be fulfilled , is to have our own primary wine production , as it is in Abrau Durso , and we will keep on producing sparkling wine using a classic French method . "

  25. 主要产品有葡萄酒、白兰地、起泡酒、保健酒四大系列数十个品种,年生产能力10万余吨,产品品质得到了美国、比利时等世界二十多个国家和地区的认可。

    The main products are grape wine , brandy , bubble the four major series and several dozen varieties of wine of the wine , health care , annual production capacity 100,000 over , products quality get U.S.A. , Belgium world 20 more than approval of countries and regions .

  26. 酒厂成立于俄罗斯帝国时代,以生产优质起泡酒为己任同受欢迎的法国香槟竞争。乌克兰曾是前苏联最大的葡萄酒供应商,但其葡萄酒产量也受到过苏联政府减少酗酒措施的重创,其中包括许多葡萄园受到破坏。

    The winery was founded during the days of the Russian empire in order to produce top-quality sparkling wine to compete with popular French Champagnes . Ukraine was the largest supplier of wines to the Soviet Union , but its wine production was hit by Soviet government efforts to reduce alcoholism , which included destruction of many vineyards .

  27. 起泡苹果酒的酿造及最佳工艺参数的研究

    Study on the Brewing of Cider and the technological Parameters

  28. 彼得尝了尝起泡的瑞士苦艾酒。

    Peter sampled the fluffy absintle suissesse .