
  1. 财政票据定制与交费监管系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Financial Bill 's Order and Management System

  2. 实现对财政票据的全程信息化管理;避免收费过程中的疏漏、增加收费信息的透明性、提高政府部门收费管理的效率。

    By the way , the efficiency and transparency of government financial charges is improved greatly .

  3. 网络化的建立是信息化管理的硬件环境,解决辽宁省财政票据业务信息化管理的关键是软件功能设计。

    Network is only the necessary condition , the key of the information management is the function design .

  4. 目前在非税收入收缴管理工作中仍存在有群众缴款不便、财政票据缴验工作量大、财政部门监管未完全到位等问题。

    At present in the work of non-taxable income there are people still exist in the financial bill payment inconvenience , big workload for examination , financial department regulatory problems such as incomplete in place .

  5. 实现了财政票据生命周期管理系统,做到了财政票据在收费全过程中的闭环管理,进而提高政府财政收费的效率及透明性。

    Financial bills ' lifecycle management system is implemented , by which bills are managed through a closed path during the charge . Then the efficiency and the transparency of government financial charges are improved greatly .

  6. 本文提出了财政票据全生命周期的概念,做到了票据在财政收费全过程中的闭环管理;保证了收费全过程的业务流、资金流、信息流的集成;

    This article proposes a method of lifecycle management of financial bills , with which bills are managed throughout all the phases in financial charge and the business flow , the financing flow , the information flow are integrated together .

  7. 本文阐述了辽宁省财政厅票据管理系统的方案设计和实现手段。

    We introduce the design and the method of bill system , which is for Liaoning Finance .

  8. 过去一年,美国财政部票据和债券的拍卖次数增加了一倍,达72次。

    In the past year , the Treasury has doubled the number of note and bond auctions to 72 .

  9. 而收费管理是财政收入最重要的管理方面之一,且财政票据是实现其收费的唯一依据,所以财政票据管理系统是政府财政管理信息系统的重要业务系统。

    In addition , charge management is an important aspect of finance income management , and the bill is the unique receipt for charge , so financial bills management system is an important business system of government finance management information system .

  10. 随着美国预算赤字的降低和美国财政部延长借据(IOU)期限,财政部短期票据的发行也有所减少。

    With the US budget deficit declining and the Treasury extending the maturity of IOUs , issuance of short-term Treasury paper has been cut back .