
  1. 财经媒体巨头福布斯(Forbes)正在挂牌待沽,据称要价4亿美元,德意志银行(DeutscheBank)正在搜寻买主。

    Financial media giant Forbes is on the block for a reported $ 400 million , with Deutsche Bank ( DB ) beating the bushes for a buyer .

  2. 但当英国财政大臣阿里斯代尔达林(alistairdarling)在先期预算报告中宣布,拟在私人需求严重萎缩之际实施保障总支出的适度措施,为什么财经媒体几乎一致予以谴责呢?

    But why has the financial press been almost unanimous in condemning the modest pre-budget measures announced by Alistair Darling , Chancellor of the exchequer , to protect total spending in the face of a massive collapse of private demand ?

  3. 财经媒体:社会经济客观镜像的一种折射

    Financial and Economic Medium : A Mirror of Social Economy

  4. 财经媒体遭到指责,说它们因未能及时发现全球金融危机。

    The financial media are accused of missing the global financial crisis .

  5. 谢琛瀚已于本月从新华财经媒体和新华财经辞职。

    Mr Singhal this month resigned from Xinhua Finance media and Xinhua Finance .

  6. 新经济浪潮的兴起对当代财经媒体既是机遇,也是挑战。

    New economy boom is both opportunity and challenge to contemporary financial media .

  7. 论财经媒体社会守望者角色的实现

    On the Role Achievement of Finance & Economics Mass Media : Watcher of Society

  8. 网络财经媒体品牌战略

    The Brand Strategy of Online Financial Media

  9. 我国财经媒体的社会角色与现实功能问题研究

    The Research of Social Role and Practical Functions of Finance Economics Mass Media in China

  10. 虽然市场普遍对此早有心理准备,但财经媒体却完完全全为之陷入了集体疯狂。

    Despite the fact that it was widely anticipated , the financial media went absolutely bananas .

  11. 本论文比较系统地研究了财经媒体的社会角色和现实功能。

    This paper systematically studied the social role and practical functions of finance & economics mass media .

  12. 论平面财经媒体的品牌构建&以《21世纪经济报道》、《经济观察报》、《中国经营报》三大财经报纸为例

    The Construction of the Brand of Printing Financial Media & A Case Study on Three Major Financial Newspapers

  13. 最后,无可争议的是,财经媒体本可以做得更好。

    In the final resort , there can be little debate that the financial media could have done a better job .

  14. 人们对经济新闻的需求逐渐增加,也为财经媒体的发展创造了条件。

    The demand of economic news increase gradually , which also has created conditions for the development of finance and economics media .

  15. 网络财经媒体是以发布和传播财经新闻、资讯为主要内容的互联网媒体。

    Financial Network is based media publishing and dissemination of financial news , information for the main contents of the Internet media .

  16. 在当前市场趋于饱和,而业态竞争更加激烈的状态下,财经媒体如想突出重围还要不断地进行着市场化进化的试验。

    In the current market , financial media which want to beckoning have to be continuously carried on the marketization of evolution test .

  17. 揭示信息披露制度的缺陷和财经媒体的局限性,探索两者的共通性。

    Through content analysis reflects the capital market problems , and reveal the errors of information disclosure system and the limitations of financial media .

  18. 财经媒体中的啦啦队们,怀揣着谨慎偏多的市场情感,不知是否有能力长期支撑股价的表现?

    Will cheerleading from elements of the financial media along with mildly positive market sentiment be enough to sustain stocks in the long term ?

  19. 财经媒体是社会经济发展到一定水平的产物,它的犀利武器是对工商案例的深度报道。

    Financial and economic medium comes into existence when social economy develops to a certain degree , which is sharply directed against industrial and commercial cases .

  20. 中国和中国媒体在接受国际主流财经媒体资讯的过程中,必须以积极的心态全面、审慎地分析和认知。

    Therefore , China and the Chinese medias must have a positive attitude to analysis and cognitive in the information with the international mainstream financial media .

  21. 最后,本文还关注了财经媒体在监督创业板发行体制改革过程中存在的部分问题。

    As a supplement , this paper also studies the certain problem in the process which financial media supervise the system for the rule of gem issuing .

  22. 传统财经媒体加紧了专业化、网络化进程,让原本已经拥挤的网络财经世界竞争更加激烈。

    As the traditional financial medias have stepped up their professionalism , networking process , the already congested financial network world becomes more intense with violent competitions .

  23. 而我国传统财经媒体还处在人事管理的阶段,人力资源管理恰恰是其发展过程中的一个短板。

    The traditional financial media is still in the stage of personnel management yet . So , human resources management is precisely a short board during their development .

  24. 该报以打造21世纪主流财经媒体为奋斗目标,理性、个性、公信力是其核心价值观。

    This paper targets at being a leading business and financial news publisher in21st century , and labels itself with characters of " Rationality , Personality , and Credibility " .

  25. 总而言之,对于这个本土财经媒体喜欢自称为世界“知识中心”的国家,这项调查向我们呈现了一幅黯淡的画面。

    Maths levels were also sub-par altogether the survey painted a dismal picture of a country local business papers like to refer to as a " knowledge hub " for the world .

  26. 新华财经媒体上周表示,第一起诉讼“完全没有依据”,其招股说明书中“包括了美国证券法规所要求的所有重要披露”。

    Xfmedia said last week that the first of the lawsuits was " wholly without merit " and that its prospectus " contained all material information as required by US securities laws " .

  27. 由于事物自在的客观性与人类思维主观性之间的差异,财经媒体在对社会经济问题解构时,必须遵循公平、公正、公开的原则。

    Because of the difference between objectivity of things and subjectivity of human thinking , financial and economic medium must abide by the principles of fairness , justice and publicity while dealing with social economic problems .

  28. 本文围绕着财经媒体社会守望者角色的实现问题进行了一些研究,尝试着对财经媒体如何实现其社会守望者角色给出一个系统的、理论的分析。

    This paper systematically studied the finance & economics mass media 's social role , watcher of society , and how to achieve it . We try to give a systematical and theoretical analysis and research .

  29. 如今财经媒体发展迅速,覆盖面广泛,上到国家的经济建设,下至百姓的日常生活。

    At present , the development of financial media is rapid and extensive coverage . To the national economic construction and down to the daily life of People ' s.And each famous financial media competition is increasingly fierce .

  30. 网络财经媒体作为财经媒体的一类近年来发展也很迅速,财经信息与网络的结合满足了读者对财经资讯及时、全面、海量的需求。

    Financial Media Financial Network as one type of media is also very rapid in recent years , financial information and network to meet the readers a combination of financial information on a timely , comprehensive and massive demand .