
tiáo ting
  • mediate;intervene;accommodate;interposition;act as an intermediary;take care of;arrange;peace-making
调停 [tiáo tíng]
  • (1) [mediate;act as an intermediary]∶居间调解,平息争端

  • 通过调停达成了双方都满意的解决办法

  • (2) [take care of;arrange] 〈方〉∶照料;安排

调停[tiáo ting]
  1. 有甚么机制存在以解决或调停争端及冲突?

    Which mechanisms do exist to settle or mediate disputes or conflicts ?

  2. 干预的行为(如调停争论)。

    The act of intervening ( as to mediate a dispute ) .

  3. 这段经历使他对调停行动持怀疑态度。

    The experience has left him sceptical about efforts at conciliation .

  4. 他的调停非常有效,双方立刻停战。

    The effect of his mediation was so great that both parties sheathed the sword at once .

  5. 他们通过调停解决了劳资纠纷。

    They mediated the settlement between labour and management .

  6. 军队领导人通过调停实现了和平。

    The army leaders have mediated peace .

  7. vt解决;决定;调停她已做出决定如何来了解这件事。

    She has decided how she should the matter .

  8. ADR的实质是一程序群,主要类型包括有协商、调解、调停、裁决、小型审理和租借法官等。

    ADR is a group of procedures , which includes negotiation , meditation , conciliation , Mini-trial and so on .

  9. 国际调停(internationalmediation)是一种在调停者推动之下和平解决国际社会冲突与争端的方式,人类历史上的许多冲突与争端都是通过调停解决的。

    International mediation , pushed forward by mediators , is a method of peacefully resolving conflicts and disputes in international society . Many conflicts and disputes in human history are resolved by mediation .

  10. 2.interferevi.干预;调停我有干预的权利。

    I have the right to interfere .

  11. Diallo还跟两位候选人进行了会晤,希望调停分歧。

    Diallo has also met with both candidates in the hopes of mediating the disagreement .

  12. 去年7月,中国对美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)的话作出愤怒反应,当时希拉里坚称,南海对美国具有战略重要性,并提出美国愿意扮演调停角色。

    China reacted angrily last July when Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , insisted that the South China Sea was of strategic importance to the US and offered to act as a mediator .

  13. 基于FICAS的积极调停性能优化

    Performance Optimization on Active Mediation for FICAS

  14. 罗素特恩布尔(russellturnbull)是八名接受干细胞治疗的病人之一,他在调停一起公共汽车上的打斗事件时,右眼被氨灼伤。

    Russell Turnbull , whose right eye was burned in an ammonia attack after he intervened in the fight on a bus , is one of eight patients who have undergone the stem cell treatment .

  15. 沙特一支紧急调停部队全身穿着黑色衣服,在麦加城外Arafat山附近的训练场地吟诵赞美诗,以防发生暴乱或者自然灾害。

    Squads of Saudi rapid intervention forces , some dressed entirely in black , chanted at a training ground , outside of Mecca , near Mount Arafat , as they prepared for possible disturbances or natural disasters .

  16. 阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长阿姆鲁·穆萨(AmreMoussa)周二抵达也门首都萨那进行为期三天的访问,加速了调停努力,试图终止冲突。

    Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa mediation efforts to end the conflict , after arriving in the Yemeni capital Sanaa , for a three-day visit , Tuesday .

  17. 与奥坦巴耶娃举行会晤之后,欧盟驻中亚高级代表PierreMorel否认欧盟卷入临时政府领袖和总统之间的任何调停工作。

    After a meeting with Ms. Otunbayeva , the top EU representative to Central Asia , Pierre Morel , denied the bloc is involved in any mediation between the provisional leaders and the president . " We are not , " said Morel .

  18. 国家关键证人ShmuelDechner现年73岁,在圣地项目中担任调停人员多年,但与雇主发生了纠纷。

    The state 's key witness , Shmuel Dechner , now73 , served for years as the Holyland project 's fixer but fell out with his employers .

  19. 也许他那去世的父母都在为他调停。

    Maybe even his deceased parents had interceded in his behalf .

  20. 如果你够强,他们会与你调停。

    If you 're strong enough , they will accommodate you .

  21. 在这一阶段,任何一方都没有表现出调停的意向。

    Neither side show any intention of settling at this stage .

  22. 调停,解决(纷争、争执等)

    Settle or resolve ( a quarrel , dispute , etc )

  23. 父母争吵,我居中进行了调停。

    I intervened in the quarrel between my father and mother .

  24. 如果协商失败,就需要调停。

    If negotiation fails , it shall be settled by conciliation .

  25. 这位老人喜欢调停争论。

    The old man likes to interpose in the disputes .

  26. 法国受委托调停该两国间的纷争。

    France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations .

  27. 萨姆有时调停我姐姐和她男朋友之间的矛盾。

    Sam sometimes goes between my sister and her boyfriend .

  28. 他们的父亲出来调停时,他们已经快要打起来了。

    They were about to fight when their father intervened .

  29. 科林斯中心已经在迈阿密组织了15个调停会。

    The Collins Center has organized 15 mediations in Miami .

  30. 比弗布鲁克勋爵代表他的加拿大朋友进行调停。

    Lord Beaverbrook intervened on behalf of his Canadian friend .