
kè chénɡ ɡǎi ɡé
  • 名词/动词curriculum reform
  1. 数学教育课程改革凸显了教师专业发展的重要性与应然性,HPM教学设计能力是数学教师专业素养的重要组成部分。

    The Mathematics Education Curriculum Reform highlights the significance and certainty of teachers ' professional development . The capability of HPM teaching design is an essential part of the mathematics teachers ' professionalism .

  2. 我国高职教育课程改革可以吸取澳大利亚TAFE课程体系中的有益成分,结合我国高职教育实际,改革现有的高职教育课程,积极探索适合我国实际的高职教育课程。

    Our higher vocational education curriculum reform can absorb Australia TAFE curriculum system , combining with the positive elements in higher vocational education practice , reform of higher vocational education courses of existing , active exploration of higher vocational education for the actual courses .

  3. 随着课程改革的进一步深入,CAI课件在课堂教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the further going deep of course reform , CAI courseware has shown more and more important usage in course teaching .

  4. 小学教育专业(本科)教育实践课程改革构想

    Reform on the Practice ( undergraduate ) Curriculum of Primary Education

  5. 高校体育与健康教育存在的问题及课程改革方向

    Problems existing in college sports and health education and curricular reform

  6. 高等院校保险学专业课程改革探索

    Study on the Reform of Insurance Speciality in Higher Education Universities

  7. 高师音乐教学法课程改革刍议

    A study on the reform of music pedagogy in teachers college

  8. 我国学校课程改革中体育与健康课程构建问题的思考

    Pondering on Constructing PE and Health Course in School Course Reformation

  9. 成人高等教育课程改革:挑战与反思

    The Curriculum Reform of Adult Higher Education : Challenge and Reflection

  10. 体育教学观念的更新与体育课程改革

    Innovation of physical education teaching idea and physical education curriculum reform

  11. 高中新课程改革应植根于传统教育的土壤

    New Curriculum Reform Must Base on the Soil of Traditional Education

  12. 高职本科大学英语课程改革与实践

    Reform and Practice on College English Course for Four-year Vocational Education

  13. 创新马克思主义哲学原理课程改革的思考

    Innovation in course reform for " fundamentalprinciples of Marxist philosophy "

  14. 我国职业教育课程改革中的问题与思路

    On Problems and Thoughts of Curriculum Reforms on Chinese Vocational Education

  15. 工科专业经济管理类课程改革的探索和实践

    Study and Practice on Economic Management Course Reform of Engineering Major

  16. 新一轮课程改革在民族地区面临的阻力与对策

    The Obstruction and Countermeasure of Newly Curriculum Reform in Ethnic Areas

  17. 课程改革;音乐教学;实践操作。

    Course reform ; Music teaching ; Practice an operation .

  18. 课程改革不是价值中立而是价值负载的活动。

    Curriculum reform is not a value neutral but a value-loaded activity .

  19. 高等师范院校现代汉语课程改革刍议

    On the Reform of the Course of Modern Chinese for Teachers College

  20. 我国体育课程改革的发展趋势

    Developmental Tendency of Physical Education Curriculum Reform in Our Country

  21. 分布式教师评价的提出为课程改革要求建立的多元主体评价制度提供了理论上的支持。

    Distributed teacher appraisal provides theoretic supports for multi-subject appraisal .

  22. 先进体育文化与高校体育课程改革

    The advanced PE culture and the university PE curriculum reform

  23. 经典力学&理论物理课程改革初探

    Classical mechanics & A tentative reform of theoretical physics curriculum

  24. 高校公共体育课程改革与教学实践研究

    On the College Curriculum Reforms for Non PE Majors and its Practice

  25. 高师地理教法课程改革探讨

    Course Reform of the Geographical Teaching Methodology in Teacher ′ s College

  26. 台湾省九年一贯课程改革鸟瞰

    Perspectives into the Reformation of Nine-year Consistent Curricula in Taiwan

  27. 体育函授本科课程改革的思考

    The Thought on Reformation in Physical Education Correspondence Undergraduate Courses

  28. 建构主义与基础课程改革的契合

    The Pedagogical Implications of Constructivism for the Reform of the Basic Courses

  29. 现代汉语课程改革的设想

    Some Thoughts on the Reforms of the Contemporary Chinese Curriculum

  30. 阿普尔的课程改革思想述评

    The Official Knowledge Politics On the theory of Apple 's curriculum reforms