
  • 网络Curriculum Theory;theory of curriculum
  1. Nastran运用到了结构子学科优化分析中。课程论学科必有一个子学科群。

    Firstly , samples are determined by experimental design methods and size optimization of the structures corresponding to the samples is executed with Nastran . The discipline of curriculum theory is bound to have a cluster of sub-discipline .

  2. 基于回归生活世界的课程论变革

    Transformation of curriculum theory based on a regression to life-world

  3. 对建立我国体育课程论的思考

    Reflections on building up the theory of physical education curriculum in China

  4. 心理学流派与课程论发展的关系;

    The relationship of development between schools of psychology and curriculum theory ;

  5. 论当代课程论的超越与创新

    The Superiority and Innovation of the Theory of Contemporary Courses

  6. 体育课程论的学科基础

    The Scientific Basis of the Theory of Physical Education Curriculum

  7. 后现代主义课程论对课程改革的启示

    The Inspiration on Course Reform Based on the Theories of Post-modernism Curriculum

  8. 依据多尔的课程论架构语文校本课程

    Designing the School - based Chinese Curricula on Doll 's Curriculum Theory

  9. 再论课程论研究对象与学科体系

    Re-discussion on the Study Objects of Curriculum Theories and the System of Discipline

  10. 论课程论学科建设的规律性

    On the Regularity of Disciplinary Construction of Curriculum Theory

  11. 也谈课程论与教学论的关系

    On the Relationship between Curriculum Theory and Teaching Theory

  12. 课程论学科必有一个子学科群。

    The discipline of curriculum theory is bound to have a cluster of sub-discipline .

  13. 《世界民族音乐》课程论研究

    Study on the Curriculum Theory of World Music

  14. 论心理学与课程论的历史姻缘

    On Historical Relationship between Psychology & Curriculum Theory

  15. 经济全球化与新的大学英语课程论

    The Globalization and the New College English Curriculum

  16. 课程论体系结构之探讨

    Discussion on the Systematic Structure of Curriculum Theory

  17. 本文从课程论的角度出发,对目前尚为空白的大学幼儿文学课程建设进行研讨。

    The theis discusses the children literature curriculum construction starting from the curriculum theory .

  18. 体育课程论与运动人体科学的学科基础探讨

    Probe into the Discipline Fundamentals of Physical Education Curriculum Theory and Human Movement Science

  19. 陈鹤琴活教育课程论思想对音乐教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Curriculum Theory of CHEN He-qin 's " Living Education " to Music Education

  20. 基于课程论的旅游课程体系综述研究

    Summary study on the tourism curriculum system based on the perspective of the curriculum theory

  21. 学科教学论与课程论、教学论并列,同属于教育学的三级学科。

    Disciplinary teaching theory , curriculum theory and teaching theory are all third-level disciplines of pedagogy .

  22. 课程论理论基础的心理学转向&从学习心理学到发展心理学

    Psychological Transformation of Curriculum Theoretical Basis

  23. 板块形态包括模块组合论和核心课程论。

    The plate pattern includes the theory of plate structure and the theory of core curriculum .

  24. 从教师、学生与学校的课程论香港推普问题

    On the Difficulty of Popularizing Putonghua in Hong Kong : From Teachers , Students to Syllabus

  25. 因此,在其他国家并不成为教育领域核心关注点的教学论与课程论的关系问题成为了我国教育领域的一个核心问题。

    Therefore , the relationship between didactics and curriculum studies becomes a core problem in Chinese educational field .

  26. 文章从课程论的观点出发,结合《机床夹具设计》学科课程,阐述了“一体化”的必要性及具体实施办法。

    It also sets forth the necessity and the ways of integration of Design on Machine Tool and Clamp .

  27. 课程论的研究与学科体系的建构之间有密不可分的联系。

    There is a close relation between the study of curriculum theory and the construction of the system of discipline .

  28. 研究者总是从比较片面的角度或维度去分析,缺乏在知识观、心理学、课程论、文化意识等方面的融合。

    View of researchers is not integration at knowledge , psychology , curriculum theory , cultural awareness and other aspects .

  29. 本文主要从课程论的角度探讨语文阅读课程内容的选择和建构。

    This paper aims at exploring the selection and construction of Chinese reading curriculum content mainly from the perspective of curriculum theory .

  30. 它有着自己科学的思维方式,这些思维方式反射到课程论中,就形成了科学发展课程观。

    Scientific views of development have scientific modes of thinking , they reflect in curriculum theory to form scientific curriculum views of development .