
  • 网络course construction;curriculum construction;curriculum building
  1. 英语文学课程建设与素质教育小议

    On the Curriculum Building of English Literature and Quality Education

  2. 当前高校课程建设中的问题诊断与对策研究

    Diagnosis and countermeasures to Problems in college Curriculum Building

  3. 浅谈高职院校《C语言程序设计》精品课程建设

    Elementary Introduction on the Fine Courses Construction of C Language Programming in Higher Vocation Schools

  4. 师专GIS课程建设的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of the construction of GIS course of Teacher 's College

  5. 最后从管理活动保障入手,重点论述了与当前网络远程教育质量提高密切相关的四个方面:管理理念、技术模式和课程建设、web教师和教学点建设。

    Lastly , four major aspects . which are managerial philosophies , technological mode & curriculum resources . web teachers and construction of local teaching centers , have been dealt with to improve the present quality situation of WECs .

  6. SARS疫情对我国各高校的发展产生了巨大的影响,本文从素质教育、网络教育、高校课程建设三方面分析丁SARS对我国高等教育改革发展的影响和启示。

    The situation of SARS epidemic have great influence on the development of higher education in our country . This article from three aspect of quality education internet education and college course construction discussed and analyses the effect of SARS epidemic for the development and reform of higher education .

  7. 面向知识经济时代的《微机自动检测》课程建设与教学改革

    Construction and Teaching Innovation of the Course of Microcomputer Automatic Detect

  8. 畜牧微生物学课程建设与课堂教学改革探讨

    Discussion on Course Developments and Classroom Teaching Reform of Livestock Microbiology

  9. 电力拖动自动控制系统课程建设的实践

    Practice of the Course Establishment of Electricity Pull Automation Control System

  10. 电路分析基础课程建设和改革的探索

    A Research on the Construction and Reform of Circuit Analysis Fundamental

  11. 论军队工科院校课程建设与改革

    Talking about Curriculum Construction and Reform in Military College of Engineering

  12. 《自动控制原理》课程建设与特色

    The construction and feature of the curriculum of automatic control principles

  13. 高等职业教育中《数据结构》课程建设研究

    Research on Building of Data Structure Course in High Vocational Education

  14. 可编程逻辑器件的基础与应用课程建设与教学实践

    Construction and Teaching Practice for ' PLD Fundamentals and Applications '

  15. 略论高等工程专科学校数学课的课程建设

    Brief explanation for course construction of mathematics in Higher Engineering Colleges

  16. 分析化学课程建设的探索与思考

    The Quest and the Thinking of the Analytical Chemistry Course Construction

  17. 《先进制造技术》课程建设与教学改革实践

    Course construction and teaching reform of " Advanced Manufacturing Technology "

  18. 系统介绍了建筑工程定额原理与概预算课程建设的过程。

    The essay systematically introduces the process of the curriculum construction .

  19. 地方师范类本科院校大学语文课程建设思考

    On the Course Construction of College Chinese in Local Normal Universities

  20. 精品课程建设与优质教学资源开发的实践效应

    Elaborate course construction and practical effect of qualify teaching resources development

  21. 对于课程建设和改革具有独到的见解和思路;

    Have unique insights and ideas for curriculum construction and reform ;

  22. 普通高校军事课程建设实践与前瞻

    Practice and Prospect of the Military Discipline Construction in Non-Military Universities

  23. 示范性高职院校核心课程建设的思考

    Thinking on Core Curriculum Construction of National Model Higher Vocational Colleges

  24. 现代结构理论的研究促进结构力学精品课程建设

    Advancement of Choice-course of Structural Mechanics through Modern Structure Theory Research

  25. 半导体物理重点课程建设与教学探讨

    " Semiconductor Physics " Key Course Construction and Teaching Discussion

  26. 加强《计算机应用基础》课程建设的实践与探索

    Strengthen the practice and experiment of the course basis on computer applications

  27. 关于教育技术专业课程建设的若干思考

    Some Studies Concerning Construction of Courses of Educational Techonology Major

  28. 以精品课程建设为契机,强化《环境卫生学》实验课程教学

    Strengthen the experimental teaching curriculum of environmental hygiene qualified course under construction

  29. 以学科发展促课程建设

    To Promote the Course Construction on the Basis of the Subject Development

  30. 高师院校法律课程建设存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Law Course Construction in Teachers Colleges