
  • 网络curriculum element;Course Factors
  1. 教育教学质量的提高、各课程要素的内在关系探讨、考试评价与课程标准内容及教学内容的一致性检视等成为当前课程改革研究领域的重要课题。

    The improvement of teaching quality , study on the inner relationship of curriculum elements and alignment between examination , curriculum standard and teaching content are becoming important topics .

  2. 课程要素即课程的基本构成,包括概念、原理、技能、方法、价值观等。课程要素也是课程组织的基本线索或脉络。

    Curriculum elements are the basic components of the curriculum , and also the basic organizing stretches or lines of the curriculum . They include concepts , principles , skills , methodology and values .

  3. 是否设置了充足的语文综合性学习的课程要素?

    Whether has established the sufficient language comprehensive nature study curriculum essential factor ?

  4. 规范课程要素提高教学质量

    Qualifying Curriculum Element , Improving Teaching Quality

  5. 根据课程要素的交互关系,以学生为中心,从而构建出四种新的课程类型,即同伴整合课程、师生整合课程、己课整合课程、己社整合课程。

    Those are peer-group integrated curriculum , teacher-student integrated curriculum , self-discipline integrated curriculum , self-society integrated curriculum .

  6. 大家对不同的文化议题作出了广泛及互动的讨论。到星期末,课程要素的初稿已经完成。

    There was much discussion and interaction as the diverse cultural issues were discussed but by the end of the week the ingredients for a draft curriculum had been achieved .

  7. 在本设计的课程要素设计分析中,主要从情境要素、资源要素和策略要素三方面进行了一些分析。

    In this design curriculum essential factor design analysis , mainly from the situation essential factor , the resources essential factor and the strategy essential factor of three aspects has carried on some analyses .

  8. 运用结构方法总结教改实践经验,在分析处理课程要素关系的基础上,构架该课程的结构。

    The experiences , which come from reform practices in teaching , are summarized in terms of the Construction Method . By analyzing and handling the element relation of it , the constraction of the course is framed .

  9. 而另一方面,大量作为课程要素来源的课程资源被埋没,不能及时地进入实际的综合实践活动课程教学过程中,造成许多有价值的课程资源的闲置和浪费。

    On the other hand , a large number of curriculum resources which are sources of curriculum elements are wasted , and can 't get into the teaching and learning process of integrated practice activity curriculum , causing a lot of valuable curriculum resources unused and wasted .

  10. 事实上,我们将它视为完成本课程的要素。

    In fact , we regard it as essential to passing the class .

  11. 学科课程资源要素的开发,大都涉及一个关键问题:如何使明言知识与难言知识相互转化。

    The development of course resources usually involves a serious problem : how to transfer explicit knowledge to implicit knowledge or vise versa .

  12. 学习评价与体育课程其他要素缺少内在联系,是评价脱离体育课程目标的主要原因。

    The lack of necessary connection between learning assessment and other elements in physical education is the reason of the evaluation departed from the physical education target .

  13. 以创新教育为指导,并结合体育教育实际,介绍了对军体课程五要素,即课程结构设计、教材体系、教学方法、军体考核、师资队伍建设等,进行整体优化改革的方法。

    Guided by the creative instruction and combining with the practice of physical education , the present paper introduces the five key elements of military sports curriculum-the design of curriculum structure , system of teaching materials , teaching method , tests , and cultivation of teachers .

  14. 影响体育隐蔽课程实施的要素及其相互关系

    Factors Influencing Sports Hidden Curriculum Implementation and Their Relationship

  15. 对于这些学生,实习是课程的必备要素。

    A laboratory is a required element of the course for these students .

  16. 远程高等教育教学模式中的课程开发构成要素研究

    Study on the Factors of Course Components for the Teaching Mode of Distance Higher Education

  17. 结构的混乱,即美术课程资源系统要素的无序。

    Chaos of Structure is shown as the disorder elements in art curriculum resources system .

  18. 网络课程的构成要素为:资源、工具、活动和参与者。

    Network curriculum consists of four principal subsystems : resource , tool , activity and participator .

  19. 与此对应,文学课程的内容要素分别为文学知识、文学定篇和文学活动。

    Correspondingly , the aspects of literature curriculum content are literary knowledge , literary fixed article , literary activity .

  20. 要抓好学科建设的人才、经费、信息、基地、课题立项、课程建设诸要素;

    Handle the elements in the subject contruction such as qualified personnel , funds , information , base , the task establishment , the course construction ;

  21. 在课程方面,要素学校主张跨学科课程,建立各学科知识之间的联系,以培养学生解决问题的能力。

    In the curriculum , the essential schools advocates Interdisciplinary Curriculum and to establish links between the various disciplines of knowledge , so that the students can learn well how to solve problems .

  22. 然后分析校本课程方案评价要素的特征,并尝试建构多主体动态协同评价的校本课程方案评价的实践模型。

    It then comes to analyze characters of the major elements of a school-based curriculum program and provide an evaluation model in which varied kinds of subjects evaluate and improve the school-based curriculum program .

  23. 在教师继续教育这个宏大系统中,课程是核心要素,是开展教师继续教育活动的载体,是实现教师继续教育目标、保障教师继续教育质量的关键。

    In the system of teacher continuing education , curriculums are the core factor and carrier of teacher continuing education activities , and also the key of realizing the goal and quality of teacher continuing education .

  24. 在影响信息技术与课程整合的诸要素中,教师的专业能力是非常关键的。

    Obviously , the teacher 's professional abilities are very key factors which affect IITC .

  25. 语文课程资源的教师要素

    Teacher Elements of Chinese Curriculum Resources

  26. 大量的关于论证新课程标准和教学要素之间辩证关系的研究也层出不穷。

    Many studies have been carried out for studying the dialectic relations between New English Curriculum Standards and teaching elements .

  27. 然后以统一的教学大纲为标准,分别制定不同学习阶段的课程大纲和语言要素大纲,如汉字大纲、词汇大纲、语法大纲、文化大纲等。

    Then by the standard of the nation-unified syllabus , outlines for courses , language elements such as characters , vocabulary , grammar and culture can be framed and set .

  28. 运用调查、数理统计等方法分别对体育隐蔽课程的物质文化要素和精神文化要素中各个影响学生体育兴趣的因素进行了因子分析,并归纳了影响学生体育兴趣的相关因子。

    Through using the method of investigation , mathematical statistics , this paper made factor analysis on material and mental culture factors of each influencing sports interests in hidden sports curriculum , concluded related factors of influencing sports interest .

  29. 在结构上更为细致,每一阶段的学习计划分为课程内容和关键要素,后面还增设了8级水平外加一个特殊学习成就的目标体系。

    The structure is more tight , each stage of the study plan is divided into curriculum content and the key elements . At the behind , it added eight levels plus a special study of the target system achievements .

  30. 提出了在综合实践活动课程中进行德育要素整合的有效策略:教育力量的整合、自我教育力量的整合、德育内容的整合、德育方法的整合。

    Some effective measures of integrating the moral education elements in the curriculum of integrative practical activities are proposed such as integrating the educational force , the self-teaching abilities , the contents and the methods of moral education into the curriculum .