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  1. 记录所创建的范围或者卷ID,它们都是您以后需要使用的。

    Record the range or volume IDs created that you need to use in the future .

  2. 确认的单个产品,其与共享组件的关系由Baseline记录所追踪。

    Identified individual products whose relationship to shared components is tracked by the Baseline record .

  3. 全细胞膜片钳技术记录所需离子电流和AP。

    The membrane currents and action potential were recorded by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique .

  4. 由对象和记录所组成的HAMMER文件系统被组织成一个单一统一的B型树。

    The objects and records making up a HAMMER filesystem is organized into a single , unified B-Tree .

  5. 因此,政策制定者的声明往往非常悦耳,但现实则不那么甜蜜,正如最近公布出来的2009年美联储(Fed)会议记录所示。

    Policy makers ' statements therefore tend to be saccharine but , as shown by recently released transcripts of 2009 Federal Reserve meetings , reality is less sweet .

  6. 结果表明,双中心记录所得到的饱和全息的读出时间常数远低于LiNbO3∶Fe∶Mn晶体的读出时间常数;

    The results show that the readout time constant for a saturated grating recorded by two-center method is much shorter than that in LiNbO_3 ∶ Fe ∶ Mn ;

  7. 针对一些世界杯东道国的人权记录所招致的批评,国际足联也将要求申办国家遵循联合国(UN)的劳工和人权标准。

    In response to criticism over the human rights records of some World Cup hosts , Fifa will also require bidders to follow UN labour and human rights standards .

  8. 尽管更新A记录所用的方法各不相同,但是一般都需要知道您在DNS提供商的账户ID和密码,以及如何修改记录。

    Although the method used to update your A record varies , in general it consists of knowing the ID and password of the account at your DNS provider , as well as how to change records .

  9. 想想看,鉴于约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)在竞选活动中就布什执政记录所说的那些恶言恶语,在总统就职日前,他还是否会受到欢迎,这谅必令人怀疑。

    Come to think of it , given the nasty things John McCain has been saying on the campaign trail about Mr Bush 's record , it must be doubtful that he would be any more welcome ahead of inauguration day .

  10. 结合流记录所承载的报文数和字节数,本文对各类业务传输的数据量与时间间隔的关系进行分析,结果显示了浏览类业务,P2P类业务以及即时通信类业务传输模式的不同。

    Combined with the number of packets and bytes in flow record , we analyze the relationship between the amount of data transferred and the flow record interval , the result shows different data transmission modes of browse , instant communication and P2P applications .

  11. 另外,看看RVA和英国人所做的,他们记录所发生的,他们设立目标;并且我们看到人们的达到目标。

    Again , to look at what RVA and the English have done , they keep track of what happens , they set goals , and we are seeing people reach them .

  12. 例如,mnkod(2)系统调用是通过创建一个纯文本文件来实现,然后在pseudo数据库中记录所请求的文件类型。

    For example , the mnkod ( 2 ) syscall is implemented by creating a plain file , then recording the requested file type in the pseudo database .

  13. 赛艇运动员使用美国产划船测功仪进行2000m、500m全力拉,田径运动员进行100m、200m全速跑,记录所需时间;

    Gig athletes performed 2000 m and 500 m full-strength pull with Concett ⅱ boating ergometer while track & field athletes performed 100 m and 200 m full-speed running ; the time needed was recorded .

  14. 在阶段评审时,PMO可以简单的核对评审记录所对应的开发案例中所期望的工作产品列表,用以检查是否进行了全部所需的评审。

    At Phase reviews , the PMO can simply check the list of expected work products in the Development Case against the Review Record to see whether all required reviews actually took place .

  15. 南海西北部珊瑚礁记录所反映的新构造运动

    Neotectonic movement recorded in coral reefs in the northwestern South China Sea

  16. 然而,关于他的记录所记录的他并不是这样的。

    But his record shows nothing of the kind .

  17. 纸质证券完全被证券账户中的电子数据记录所取代。

    Physical security is completely displaced by electronic data records in the security account .

  18. 实验对象利用踏步机记录所走的长度,科学家则测量他们的步幅长度以及新陈代谢的程度。

    While the subjects logged miles on the , the scientists measured their stride and

  19. 而这就是那些记录所显示的。

    And here 's what that record shows .

  20. 这个进程时间比考古学记录所显示的时间要早得多

    a far earlier timescale than was suggested by anything in the archaeological record .

  21. 13个项目自然保护区均在工作人员巡逻报告中记录所发现和看到的动植物品种。

    All13 project nature reserves record plant findings and animal sightings in their patrolling reports .

  22. 总时间是查询返回所有记录所用的时间。

    Total time is the time it takes for the query to return all records .

  23. 这一间接时间数据可与化石记录所反映的直接数据进行比较。

    This indirect data can be compared with the direct data obtained from fossil records .

  24. 它包含了经常被相同记录所违背的规则的组合。

    It contains the combination of rules that are often violated by the same records .

  25. 不幸的是,即使在标准化之后,记录所表示的数据值通常都不是完全相同的。

    Unfortunately , even after standardizing , the data values the records are often not identical .

  26. 在哪里测试通过决定和记录所需的软件和硬件配置来回答。

    Where to test is answered by determining and documenting the needed software and hardware configurations .

  27. 于后续追踪稽核活动中,应查证并记录所采矫正措施的执行情形与效果。

    Follow-up activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action taken .

  28. 但是,通过日志数据库,我们正在记录所执行的每个操作。

    But with a logging database , we are going to log every operation we perform .

  29. 我们知道,新闻记者和电视工作者应该如实地记录所发生的情况。

    Journalists and TV people , we know , are supposed to record what goes on .

  30. 正在为视频记录所使用的终端(通常是录像机)

    Creating the terminal that will be used for video record ( usually a video camera )