
jì fēn pái
  • scoreboard;score indicator
记分牌[jì fēn pái]
  1. 数字显示在记分牌上。

    The figures flash up on the scoreboard

  2. 随着一,本次活动,包括数排名积分的:高尔夫周刊,少年高尔夫记分牌,高尔夫球加拿大和CJGA国家优秀的订单。

    With an international field , the event has a number of ranking points including : Golfweek , Junior Golf Scoreboard , Golf Canada , and CJGA National Orders of Merit .

  3. 是的贵宾的记分牌上显示,您的团队只。

    The VIP is shown on the scoreboard , for your team only .

  4. 但记分牌不会告诉您哪些特征是正确的以及哪些特征是错误的。

    But it won 't tell you which ones are right and which are wrong .

  5. 乐队演奏,球迷欢呼,以及烟花照亮了记分牌。

    The band plays , the fans cheer , and fireworks light up the scoreboard .

  6. 这个现象的背后,大家不只是在庆祝记分牌上的得分,不是吗?

    This phenomenon is more than just a celebration of points on the board , right ?

  7. 当电子记分牌上打出帕沃·努尔米的名字时,全场发出雷鸣般的掌声。

    When the name of Paavo Nurmi flashed on the electric scoreboard , the Stadium was filled with thunderous applause .

  8. 当时基本上每个国家都选择要实现这个目标,然而它却真的变成了新兴国家的记分牌。

    they were kind of applying to every country but it turned out to be really a scorecard for emerging countries .

  9. 记分牌会告诉您有多少特征是正确的,而游戏将提示您哪些特征是错误的。

    The scoreboard tells you how many features you have correct , and the game will give you hints about which features are wrong .

  10. 水星这个月会非常繁忙,要跟上水星的来来去去都需要一个记分牌了。

    Mercury will be quite a busy planet this month , and keeping up with Mercury 's comings and goings will practically require a scorecard .

  11. 即使记分牌上的时间非常重要,但是没有对手可以超越这无疑是一场困难的比赛。

    That would have been difficult enough , not having anyone to race against , even though the time on the clock is what 's important .

  12. 钱也可以充当记分牌,显示你过得有多好、有多大的影响力,是不是赢了。

    Money can also serve as a scorecard to indicate how well you are doing , the impact you are having , if you are winning .

  13. 他们站在吊环后面,双手叉腰,盯着体育馆中心悬挂的巨大记分牌,眼眶湿润。

    They stood behind the rings apparatus with arms akimbo , eyes welling as they stared at the huge scoreboard hanging in the arena 's center .

  14. 如果透明国际有勇气抛弃这块记分牌,或者至少是以一种误导性较小的方式加以发布的话,该组织其他工作的进展或许就将更加顺利。

    If Ti had the courage to ditch its score-card , or at least publish it in a less misleading form , its other work might fare better .

  15. 欧米茄还负责为每个赛场提供实时赛果,以及提供运动员赛果显示和公共记分牌服务。

    The OMEGA team is also responsible for the provision of On-Venue Results ( OVR ) at each venue and for the operation of competitor displays and public scoreboards .

  16. 但因为是板球运动,所以要求提供的不仅是记分牌,更要求提供详细的,接近实时的记分牌,并且该记分表不会阻挡观看现场运动的视线。

    But it being cricket , the demand wasn 't just to provide a scorecard but a detailed , near real-time scorecard that did not obstruct the view of the live action .