
  • 网络Computer Controller;pcc
  1. 可编程计算机控制器不仅具有PLC的高可靠性,同时还具备PC机的高速性、大容量等特点,特别是多任务操作系统的特点。

    PCC possesses not only the high dependability of PLC , but also the high speed and great capacitance of PC , and the multi-function operating system especially .

  2. 基于可编程计算机控制器的水电站监控系统设计

    Design of Monitoring and Control System for Hydropower Station Based on PCC

  3. 可编程计算机控制器在钻井平台SCR系统中的应用

    The Application or Programmable Computer Controller in the SCR system of Drilling Rigs

  4. 新一代PCC(ProgrammableComputerController可编程计算机控制器)已经能胜任大型集散控制和复杂的过程控制。

    An new type of PLC named PCC ( Programmable Computer Controller ) have been competent for large-scale DCS ( Distributing Control System ) and complex processing control .

  5. 本文提出了一种基于可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的励磁实现方案。

    A scheme of excitation controller based on programmable computer controller ( PCC ) is presented .

  6. 介绍了可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的特点及其在塑料挤出机上的应用。

    This paper introduces the features of programmable computerized controller ( PCC ) and its application on the plastic extruding machines .

  7. 本课题选用贝加莱公司的可编程计算机控制器(PCC)为硬件平台;

    Therefore the controlling platform is established with the programmable computer controller ( PCC ) of B & R Company in the thesis .

  8. 在此基础上,研究和开发了基于可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的步进式水轮机调速器工业样机并在电站运行中取得了圆满成功。

    The sample industrial controller of PCC step-type hydraulic governor using this method is proved to be successful by practical operation in hydropower stations .

  9. 本文选取可编程计算机控制器(PCC)作为硬件平台,开发了抽水蓄能机组微机调速器控制软件。

    The software package of microprocessor-based governor for pumped storage units based on PCC ( Programmable Computer Controller ) is developed in this dissertation .

  10. 以嵊泗直流输电工程为例介绍了高压直流输电中采用可编程计算机控制器(PCC)技术实现调相机自动控制的方法。

    With the Shengsi DC power transmission project as example the method of implementing automatic control of phase angle regulator in HVDC transmission by using PCC ( programmable computerized controller ) is introduced .

  11. 将水力机组非线性控制策略移植到高性能32位可编程计算机控制器PCC中,成功研制了具有非线性控制功能的水轮机数字调节器实验室装置。

    The software of the hydraulic turbine generating unit nonlinear control strategy was developed . And then based on a 32-bit programmable computer controller ( PCC ), the digital controller with the hydrauli (?)

  12. 文章介绍了贝加莱可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的帧驱动器,利用PCC的帧驱动器可以方便地开发任意第三方产品的串行通信协议。

    The paper introduces frame driver of Programmable Computer Controller ( PCC ) of B & R Co. , pointes out that serial communication protocols of third-party product can be developed conveniently by frame driver of PCC .

  13. 提出了在注塑机控制系统中采用先进的电液比例技术和可编程序计算机控制器(简称PCC)的机电一体化控制方案,对注塑机PCC控制系统的硬件构成和软件设计进行了重点介绍。

    The scheme of the electromechanical integration in the plastics injection moulding machine control system by usingadvancedelectrichydraulicpressureproportiontechnologyandprogrammablecomputercontroller ( PCC ) ispresented . The hardware composition and software design of PCC control system in plastics injection moulding machine are emphatically introduced .

  14. 针对现代楼宇智能化对电梯控制的要求,结合可编程计算机控制器(PCC)的特点,提出了将PCC应用于电梯远程监控和故障诊断的实现方式,并对一些具体技术问题提出解决方法。

    From the demand of modern building intellectualized to elevator control , and combined with the characteristics of Programmable Computer Controller ( PCC ), a method is presented to apply PCC to elevator remote monitoring and fault diagnosis , and some technical problems are solved .

  15. 可编程计算机控制器及其在塑料挤出机中的应用

    Programmable Computerized Controller and Its Application on Plastic Extruding Machine

  16. 可编程计算机控制器在电梯远程监控中的应用

    Programmable computer controller applied to elevator control and remote monitoring

  17. 一种带操作系统的可编程计算机控制器

    A Sort of Programmable Computer Controller with Operating System

  18. 一种新型可编程计算机控制器及其在电站控制中的应用

    A Novel Programmable Computerized Controller and Its Applications in Control of Power Plant

  19. 嵌入式计算机控制器的可视化编程技术研究

    A study of visual programming method of embedded micro-controller

  20. 工业计算机控制器及其通讯网络设计

    Design of industrial computer controllers and communication net

  21. 重点介绍了三冗余全同比计算机控制器的设计原理,给出了实验结果。

    The design principle of the computerised triple redundant controller is focused and the experimental result is given .

  22. 论述了一种应用可编程计算机控制器技术的卷绕机控制系统结构及其设计方法。

    A kind of computer control system with programmable computer controller was established on the basis of control technique .

  23. 计算机控制器的一种基本状态或这种状态的持续时间。

    One of the fundamental states of the control unit of a computer or the duration of such a state .

  24. 可编程计算机控制器在发电机励磁装置中的推广与应用改用自并激励磁系统的水冷发电机进水装置改造

    Application and dissemination of programmable computer controller in generater exciting set Retrofit the Water Inlet Devices of Water-cooled Generator Upgraded to Self Shunted Excitation

  25. 因而可从电网提取不同频率成分的信息,以使保护装置、自动装置或微型计算机控制器实现控制功能。

    Thus it is possible to extract different frequency component information from a power system , so as to execute the control function of protections , automatic control devices and microcomputer controllers .

  26. 本文将可编程计算机控制器&PCC,这一集计算机技术、通讯技术、自动控制技术为一体的工业控制领域的新型工业控制装置,应用于电梯控制中。

    PCC ( Program Computer Controller ) & the new-type industry control facility , which integrated together with computer , communication and automation technology , is applied to elevator control in this research .

  27. 通过软、硬件的分析,说明了可编程计算机控制器比常规可编程控制器性能更加优越,特别是它的多任务处理操作系统和通信能力。

    Through the analysis on hardware and software , it is shown that programmable computerized controller is much powerful than the normal programmable controller , especially it offers multi-task processing operation system and communication capability .

  28. 采用可编程计算机控制器作为电梯的控制系统,应用于对12层全集选电梯的控制,完成了此系统的软件和硬件设计,软件设计采用模块化程序结构,并对硬件电路进行了详细地描述。

    The paper introduce programmable computer controller to ele va tor control , apply PCC to 12 floor full sets selection elevator , design the system of hardware and software , adopt modularization program frame , and illustrate the drive circuits detailedly .

  29. 通过对化纤长丝高速卷绕机锭轴传动方式的深入研究,建立并论述了一种实施锭轴传动的模型和方案,介绍了应用可编程计算机控制器实现这种锭轴传动卷绕机的控制技术。

    A kind of model to describe the spindle drive is established on the basis of high speed winding machine for synthetic filament . The control technique of mechatronics of spindle drive mode for high speed winding machine with Programmable Computer Controller technology is introduced .

  30. 8086单芯片计算机VGA控制器的研究与设计

    Research and Design of a VGA Controller for 8086 CPU Based Computer-on-a-Chip