
  • 网络VEP;F-VEP;visual electrophysiological examination;F-ERG
  1. Stargardt病的临床表现、眼底荧光血管造影及视觉电生理检查

    Clinical observation and fundus angiography with fluorescein and visual electrophysiological examination in stargardt 's disease

  2. 视觉电生理检查对Stargardt病的诊断、病程演进及预后判断有重要参考价值

    Visual electrophysiological examination has important value in the diagnosis ? the development and the judgment of prognosis in Stargardt 's disease

  3. 麻醉间隔时间对SD大鼠视觉电生理的影响

    Effect of different interval of anesthesia on the visual electrophysiology SD rats

  4. 目的观察正常SD大鼠和一例患遗传性视网膜疾病大鼠的视觉电生理学特点。

    AIM To compare the characteristic of the visual electrophysiology between normal SD rats and a case of abnormal rat with retinal hereditary disease .

  5. 我们从甲醇中毒所导致的视网膜组织形态学、视觉电生理、及MRI等改变介绍其研究进展,探求其可能的视觉保护机制。

    Morphologic changes of retina , visual electrophysiology and magnetic resonance imaging characters were reviewed here to introduce the advancements in this field in order to explore the possible protective mechanisms for vision .

  6. 方法采用常规无创伤视觉电生理描记术,测定暗视F-ERG。

    Methods Conventional technique of visual physiological recording was used .

  7. Stargardt病的临床视觉电生理检测评价

    The study on clinical visual electrophysiology tests of Stargardt ′ s disease

  8. Stargardt病的视觉电生理表现

    Visual Electrophysiology in Stargardt 's disease

  9. 多焦技术是目前信号处理的一项先进技术,它在视觉电生理系统中的主要应用为多焦视网膜电图(multifocalelectroretinogram,mERG)及多焦视诱发电位(multifocalvisualevokedpotential,mVEP)检测。

    The multifocal technique is a kind of advanced technique in signal processing . Its main application to electrophysiology is multifocal electroretinogram ( mERG ) and multifocal visual evoked potential .

  10. 方法采用MVT-3型视觉电生理仪的EOG采集和分析软件,对正常对照组和RP患者组在术前与术后进行检测。

    Methods Acquirement and analysis of EOG data were automatically performed using the EOG program of the MVT-3 visual electrophysiological equipment .

  11. 方法对9例(18眼)急慢性酒精中毒患者进行了眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)及视觉电生理(ERG,VEP)检查。

    Methods 9 cases ( 18 eyes ) of alcoholism were examined by fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ), electroretinography ( ERG ) and visual evoked potential ( VEP ) .

  12. 方法使用重庆泰克自动视觉电生理系统,检测正常及视神经损伤后中国白兔F-VEP。

    Methods Changes of F-VEP in normal China rabbits and those after optic nerve injury were detected using TEC automatic visual electric physiological system .

  13. 介绍多焦视觉电生理检查系统的数据库设计,选用MicrosoftAccess97来设计数据库,VC++通过DAO接口来对数据库进行添加、查询、删除等操作。

    The database design of multi-focal visual electric-physiological examining system is introduced in this paper . Microsoft Access 97 is used to design the database . VC + + can append , query or delete records of the database through DAO interface .

  14. 方法:用视觉电生理仪测量ERGS的b波振幅,分析从5个月到70岁的75例150眼视网膜色素变性病人的ERGS的b波振幅情况。

    Methods : b wave amplitudes of ERGs were surveyed with the visual electrophysiology instrument , b wave amplitudes of ERGs in 150 eyes 75 cases with RP at the age of 5 months to 70 years were analysed .

  15. 方法选择弱视患儿36例(67眼)及正常儿童30例(60眼),采用丹麦DANTEC多导视觉电生理检测仪进行检查。

    Methods 36 cases ( 67 eyes ) of amblyopia and 30 cases ( 60 eyes ) of normal children have been random sampled who were checked with DANTEC series visual electrophysiological diagnostic system .

  16. 结论建议在小鼠视觉电生理检查时,其振荡电位的闪光强度应为20(标闪)cd/m2每秒,通频带应为75~300Hz。

    Conclusion The flash intensity of 2.0 cd / ( m 2 · s ) and bandwidth of 75 - 300 Hz are recommended for the record of OPs from the mouse .

  17. 方法采用视觉电生理诊断系统及1.5T磁共振成像仪分别记录18例斜视性弱视和15例屈光参差性弱视患者的视觉诱发电位与血氧水平依赖功能磁共振成像信号。

    Methods Using an EPI gradient echo sequence in 1.5 T MRI and visual electrophysiological system , the pattern visual evoked potentials and calcarine activation by monocular viewing of check-board pattern with reversal were examined in 18 strabismic amblyopes and 15 anisometropic amblyopes .

  18. 同一地区不同年龄、P-VEP、F-VEP差别无显著性,而ERG、OPS差别有显著性,并得出高海拔地区正常人视觉电生理检查的客观数据。

    No statistic significant on the signals of P-VEP and F-VEP in different ages and in the same altitude , while the changes of ERG , OPS signs were statically significant . The objective datum of visual electrophysiological detection on normal persons was obtained in high altitude areas .

  19. 结果:改良的Klolein术式造模40天后,造模组兔眼视觉电生理的F-VER降低或丧失;神经纤维数量显著减少、脱髓鞘、神经胶质细胞增生。

    Results : In the visual function of optic nerve , F-VER was significantly lowered and the amount of optic nerve fiber was significantly decreased with a result of demyelination and neuroglia cell hyperplasia 40 days after establishing the TOA model .

  20. 视觉电生理技术在青光眼早期诊断中的应用

    Application of Visual System Electrophysiology Technique in Diagnosis of Early Glaucoma

  21. 视觉电生理诊断系统微机软件的设计

    The design of microcomputer software for visual clinical electrophysiological diagnosis system

  22. 特定频率毫米波辐射对兔眼视觉电生理功能的影响

    Influence of millimeter wave radiation on visual electrophysiological functions of rabbit

  23. 基于快速M变换的多焦视觉电生理检查系统的设计

    Design of Multifocal Visual Electrophysiology Examining System Based on Fast m-transform

  24. 糖尿病视网膜病变临床前期视觉电生理改变的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Electrophysiology in Preclinical Phase of Diabetic Retinopathy

  25. 视觉电生理在职业性中毒临床的初步应用

    The change of visual electrophysiology on the patients of lead poisoning and

  26. 视网膜锥体细胞退行性变大鼠的视觉电生理学观察

    Visual electrophysiological properties of a retinal cone cell degeneration rat

  27. 兔出血性视网膜脱离的视觉电生理变化

    Visual electrophysiology of hemorrhagic retinal detachment in a rabbit model

  28. 综合视觉电生理检测对白内障术后视功能恢复的评估

    Comprehensive examination of visual electrophysiology of visual function assessment after cataract operation

  29. 结论综合视觉电生理检测可以比较全面地反映视功能。

    Conclusion Combined examination of visual electrophysiology can estimate visual function thoroughly .

  30. 酒精中毒眼部损害视觉电生理检测糖尿病患者22例眼的电生理变化研究

    Visual electrophysiology for alcoholic ocular changes Study of electrophysiological in diabetes mellitus