
  • 网络vod;video on demand;vod system
  1. 基于Web方式校园网视频点播系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of VOD in Campus LAN Based on Web

  2. 论图书馆3G移动视频点播系统的功能及构建

    On the Functions and Construction of 3G VOD Systems in Libraries

  3. 医院局域网Web交互式视频点播系统的技术实现及应用效果

    Technological realization and application of Web interactive VOD on hospital local area network

  4. 基于Web交互式视频点播系统在数字图书馆的应用

    On Interactive VOD System Based on Web and Its Application on Digital Library

  5. 通用internet视频点播系统的开发

    Development of a general-purpose internet video on demand system

  6. 基于Web的教育视频点播系统研究

    Research on a Web-Based Educational Video-on-Demand System

  7. 在局域网中建立基于Web的视频点播系统

    Establishment of Web-based VOD System in LAN

  8. 本文介绍的基于移动终端的二维条码视频点播系统,是在原有的WEB上的视频点播系统的基础上,结合手机二维条码应用而设计开发的供移动终端用户使用的系统。

    It is designed to combine the mobile 2d barcode application based on the original video-on-demand system on web .

  9. 出现了很多的多媒体通信系统,如多媒体会议系统、视频点播系统等,这些系统在IP网络上提供点对点及多点的多种媒体通信业务。

    These systems have provided many kinds of point-to-point multimedia communication services on IP networks .

  10. 视频点播系统中QoS管理的框架结构与对象模型

    The Framework and Object Model of QoS Management in VOD System

  11. C/S和P2P相结合的视频点播系统的研究

    Research of VOD System Using C / S Combined with P2P

  12. 一种基于代理的视频点播系统QoS管理模型

    A QoS Management Model of Video on Demand System Based on Agent

  13. MagicStream:一个基于P2P技术的视频点播系统

    MagicStream : A Video-on-Demand System Based on the P2P Technology

  14. 基于P2P的视频点播系统模型及算法研究

    Research on Video-on-Demand System Model and Algorithm Based on P2P

  15. 基于Web的VOD视频点播系统设计及功能介绍

    Designs for the vod ( video-on-demand ) system and the function introduction based on Web

  16. P2P视频点播系统中数据缓冲策略的优化

    Optimize buffering strategy for P2P video-on-demand systems

  17. 使用BT技术测试视频点播系统的可行性

    The Feasibility of Using BT Technology to Test VOD System

  18. 基于P2P网络的视频点播系统设计

    A P2P Based Video-on-Demand System

  19. CCTV系统及视频点播系统的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of CCTV System and Video Programme Ordering System

  20. 视频点播系统(VOD)现状与未来

    Video on Demand System ( VOD ) Present Situation and Development

  21. 视频点播系统在Delphi语言上的实现

    Realization Of VOD By Delphi Program Language

  22. 中心式VOD视频点播系统及其关键技术实现

    Centralized VOD system and key technologies for its realization

  23. 最后基于网格技术平台Globustoolkit,实现了一个简单的视频点播系统。

    Finally , I implement a VOD system based on Globus Toolkit .

  24. 互动视频点播系统建设及DWDM技术组网方案

    Construction of VOD System and Network Deployment with DWDM Technology

  25. 分布式VOD视频点播系统研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Distributed VOD System

  26. 视频点播系统(VOD)的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Video on Demand

  27. 基于HFC网络视频点播系统

    Net VOD System Based on HFC Network

  28. 视频点播系统中Batching调度方案的一种改进实现

    An improved implementation of Batching Scheduling Scheme of VOD

  29. VOD视频点播系统应用研究

    Application in Video on Demand System

  30. 实时流协议是一个专门为传输实时数据而设计的应用层控制协议,而视频点播系统是当前Internet上的一个重要的多媒体应用。

    The real time streaming protocol , or RTSP , is an application-level protocol for control over the delivery of real-time data , and VoD system is an important multimedia application on Internet .