
yào dì
  • strategic point;important place;powerful and influential position
要地 [yào dì]
  • (1) [important place;strategic point]∶重要的地方(军事上说)

  • (2) [powerful and influential position] 指显要的地位

  • 身处要地

要地[yào dì]
  1. 基于要地防护对星载SAR实施压制式干扰研究

    Blanket jamming for important place defense against space-borne SAR

  2. 中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地。

    Santiago de Compostela was an important place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages .

  3. 随着中国的对外开放,特别是中国加入WTO,有着十多亿人口的中国市场成为跨国公司争夺的战略要地。

    China whose market has 1.3 billion people has become one of the most important markets in the world , since she was open to the outside world and entered WTO especially .

  4. 1948年的战争结束后,上世纪50年代初,他曾与跨境突袭者作战。在1956年与埃及争夺西奈半岛的战争中,他指挥了夺取战略要地米特拉山口(MitlaPass)的战斗。

    After the 1948 war , he battled cross-border raiders in the early 1950s . He led the capture of the strategic Mitla Pass in the 1956 Sinai war with Egypt .

  5. 他们在该地区战略要地部署了几辆警车。

    They had several squad cars strategically positioned in the area .

  6. 两国都需要保护全球能源交通的咽喉要地。

    And both need to protect global choke-points for energy transport .

  7. 基于灰色关联理论的要地防空威胁评估模型

    A Threat Evaluation Model For Aerial Defense Based on Grey Related Theory

  8. 要地防空作战中目标安全率模型研究

    Research on Safety Ratio Model of Target Group in Air Defense Combat

  9. 太平洋上海空交通要地,战略位置十分重要。

    Pacific Shanghai machinery and air transportation is very important strategic position .

  10. 用于要地末端防御的现代近程防空导弹的需求分析

    Requirement analysis of modern short range air defence missiles for end defence

  11. 本文浅要地分析了其特定的文化历史原因。

    This article analyses its specific cause of culture and history superficially .

  12. 要地防空作战中空中目标威胁度估计的数学模型

    Mathematic Model to Measure Air-Attack Threaten for Protecting Focal Projects in Air-Defense Operation

  13. 机场要地防空反导打击预警建模

    Modelling of Early Warning about Air Defense Anti - missile Strike at Airfield

  14. 因为是战略要地。红军在乌克兰屯兵百万。

    one million troops in Ukraine ... because of its strategic military importance .

  15. 然而,南方拥有更优秀的将领,占据着有利的军事要地。

    The South , however , had better generals and a better military position .

  16. 中国东北地区,历来是帝国主义争夺之要地。

    Northeast China has always been an important region for the imperialists to seize .

  17. 同要地,没有充分全面考虑之前不要做什么重要的经济决定。

    Likewise , don 't make major financial decisions without fully considering the ramifications .

  18. 军事要地,闲人免进。

    This is an important military area , unauthorized persons are forbidden to enter .

  19. 因为是个战略要地,太原经历了多次战争。

    Because of its strategic location , Taiyuan was the site of many wars .

  20. 夏威夷是军事要地,有珍珠港等大的海空军基地。

    Hawaii is a military base at Pearl Harbor , such big and base .

  21. 当我问人们为什么要地上往下挖洞建房子时,

    When I asked people why they were digging their houses from the ground ,

  22. 要地防空中目标未确知威胁的测度变权评价

    The Measurement Varying Weight Evaluation of Unascertained Threats from Air Targets in Key-point Air Defence

  23. 长江三峡花岗岩区要地管流对地表径流的影响

    Influence of Pipe Flow to Surface Runoff in Granite Region Within Three-Gorges of Yangtze River

  24. 中华人民共和国成立后,美国利用越南这一战略要地对中国进行遏制。

    After the establishment of PRC , US made use of Vietnam to restrain China .

  25. 它还是苏格兰军队对抗奥利弗·克伦威尔的战略要地。

    It also served as a garrison used by the Scottish army against Oliver Cromwell .

  26. 金兵为夺取这一军事要地,集结重兵进攻陕西。

    The Jin Dynasty concentrated armed forces to attack Shan'xi province for capturing this military area .

  27. 地对空雷达干扰在要地防空中的作战运用研究

    A Study on Operational Application of Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming for Protecting Key Assets in Air Defence

  28. 机密要地,未经允许不得入�

    This is a classified area .

  29. 高纬度北极地区将变成一处类似的战略要地,脚下踩着庞大的自然资源。

    The high Arctic will become just such a strategic chokehold , with huge natural resources to boot .

  30. 古赛尔地处战略要地,这就是为什么它对政府和反对派如此重要之所在。

    Qusayr is in a strategic location which is why it 's important both the government and the rebels .