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  • skirt
  • 一种围在腰以下的服装:~子。~钗。筒~。连衣~。百褶~。

  • 像裙子的东西:墙~。鳖~。~礁(海岸边的珊瑚礁)。


(裙子) skirt:

  • 百褶裙

    pleated skirt;

  • 超短裙


  • 衬裙

    slip; petticoat;

  • 绸裙

    silk skirt;

  • 围裙


  1. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。

    She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater .

  2. 她的雪纺裙在晚风中飘动着。

    Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze .

  3. 那件连衣裙的裙腰束着带子。

    The dress was belted at the waist .

  4. 这条红裙的领口有细细的黑色滚边。

    The red dress had slim black piping around the neck .

  5. 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。

    She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top

  6. 装潢风格非常简单——白色墙上镶着漆成黑色的裙板。

    The decor is simple — black lacquer panels on white walls .

  7. 她站起身来,看到丝裙上的褶痕皱起了眉头。

    She stood up , frowning at the creases in her silk dress

  8. 她年轻貌美,一身宽松的刺绣太阳裙。

    She was pretty and young , in a loose smocked sundress .

  9. 她一袭天蓝色的真丝衬衫式连身裙,和她的双眸颜色一样。

    Her silk shirtdress was sky-blue , the colour of her eyes .

  10. 玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作响。

    Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved .

  11. 她穿着一件漂亮的印花棉布裙。

    She was wearing a pretty flowered cotton dress .

  12. 穿着花格裙和绿色上装、打扮得漂漂亮亮的女子

    a woman , smartly turned out in patterned skirt and green top .

  13. 这件背心裙背部有一个巧妙的拉链。

    The sundress has a neat back zip fastening .

  14. 裙架撑起的三层大裥裙从她的纤腰上款款垂下。

    From her tiny waist a crinolined skirt cascaded in three deep tiers .

  15. 用腰带来装点一件素裙。

    Use a belt to accessorise a plain dress .

  16. 她身穿一条紧身的黑色迷你裙。

    She 's wearing a slinky black mini-skirt .

  17. 她那袭大胆的低胸裙使观众大为震惊。

    Her daringly low-cut dress scandalised audiences .

  18. 穿那件白裙,你知道的,上面有黑色刺绣的那件。

    Wear the white dress , you know , the one with all the black embroidery .

  19. 她突然举起双臂旋转起来,连衣裙的裙身呈圆形完全展开,明艳照人。

    She suddenly raised her arms and spun , so the dress 's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle

  20. 这是一条直筒长旗袍裙,两边开衩。

    The MIDI is long and straight with two side vents .

  21. 她穿着黄色的背心裙看上去非常轻松活泼。

    She looked very bright and breezy in her yellow sundress .

  22. 每当她坐下的时候,她的紧身裙就向上移。

    Her tight skirt hikes up when she sits down .

  23. 她把苹果装在了裙兜里。

    She put the apples in her lap .

  24. 有些款式的沙滩裙还能作为孕妇装来穿。

    Certain styles can even be worn as a maternity dress .

  25. “沙滩裙”就是及踝或拖地长裙。

    Maxi dress is a long dress , ankle length or floor length .

  26. 脖子漂亮的女人应该穿沙滩裙,因为那样能充分发挥你的优势。

    Women with great neckline should try maxi dress that shows off your neckline to an advantage .

  27. 在18世纪90年代法国大革命之后,修身裙流行了起来,口袋被取消了。

    But after the French Revolution of the 1790s , slim skirts were in , and pockets were out .

  28. 乍一看开叉裙,好像是穿错了衣服:步伐迈得过大,你的大腿就走光了。然而今年夏天,开叉裙却成了大热的时尚单品,柔软的古铜色美腿通过裙上那一个精致的开口绽放美丽。

    At first glance , the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction , bronzed legs can break out .

  29. 我们的邻居莎拉八十五岁了,她穿一件紫色的芭蕾舞裙,实在太有性格了!

    Our neighbour , Sarah , is 85 and wears a purple tutu . She 's such a unique character !

  30. 不论你是高是矮是瘦是胖,穿上沙滩裙都会很好看。

    The Maxi dress is flattering to all body types whether you are short , tall , thin or a plus size .