- Culotte;pantskirt;divided skirt;culottes, divided skirt

[divided skirt] 一种妇女服装,样子像喇叭裙,但像裤子那样分开并缝制的
The Structural Design for Skirts and Trousers and the Analysis of Function
Between 1920 and 1930 the Sailor outfit replaced the undivided hakama in school uniform for girls .
Culotte : a woman 's full trousers cut to resemble a skirt . Often used in the plural .
The restriction focused on Paris because French Revolutionary rebels in the capital said they wore trousers , as opposed to the knee-breeches , or the culottes , of the bourgeoisie , in what was coined the sans-culottes movement .
The restriction focused on Paris because French Revolutionary rebels in the capital said they wore trousers , as opposed to the knee-breeches , or the " culottes , " of the bourgeoisie , in what was coined the " sans-culottes " movement .