
  1. 第一百四十八条扶养适用与被扶养人有最密切联系的国家的法律。

    Article 148 Maintenance of a spouse after divorce shall be bound by the law of the country to which the spouse is most closely connected .

  2. 被扶养的人是未成年人的,生活费给付至十八周岁止;

    Should the person maintained be a juvenile , the living expenses shall be paid until the juvenile reaches the age of18 ;

  3. 在司法实践中,诉讼时活着出生的胎儿一般也被纳入到被扶养人范围之内,法院是扩大解释了被扶养人的范围。

    In judicial practice , the living fetus in litigation is ordinarily admitted as the fostered . Then the court expands the range of the fostered group .