
bǔ chōng shuō míng
  • additional remarks;Supplement;footnote
  1. 罗语定语的标志是名词代词的属格与格的变化、形容词与中心语性数格的一致、以de等介词组成的介词词组的后加、以care等引导词引出的定语从句的补充说明;

    The feature marks of Romanian include variations of genitive and dative cases of nouns and pronouns , agreement in gender , number and case between adjective and head , attachment of prepositional phrase with the preposition " de ", and additional remarks led by word like " care " .

  2. 结语部分简要概括本文内容并做出补充说明。

    The conclusion part briefly summarizes the contents of this paper and makes additional remarks .

  3. 要补充说明以下情况才合理,即他们是最后一刻才获知这个问题。

    It 's only fair to add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute .

  4. 我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。

    We sat in Lily 's sunroom while I sketched in the situation .

  5. 索尼影业的一名发言人向《财富》(Fortune)补充说明:索尼影业对该片没有进一步的发行计划。

    A Sony Pictures spokesman issued this additional statement to Fortune : Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film .

  6. Clark补充说明,修正的油漆含铅量的标准基本是延误的。

    " This revised standard for lead in consumer paint is grossly overdue ," adds Clark .

  7. 索尼影业的一名发言人向《财富》(Fortune)补充说明:“索尼影业对该片没有进一步的发行计划。”

    A Sony Pictures spokesman issued this additional statement to Fortune : " Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film . "

  8. 参考资料部分的代码补充说明包含具有以上命令的TeX文件示例。

    The code supplement in the Resources section has an example TeX file that showcases the above commands .

  9. 对于软件开发团队,也可以用极限编程的价值观来代替或补充说明Scrum价值观。

    You can also use Extreme Programming values in place of , or in addition to , the Scrum values if your team develops software .

  10. 作为附录,给出了法方程矩阵的三角分解,以补充说明设计矩阵的Givens变换结果。

    The triangular decomposition of normal equation matrix is appended supplementarily explaining the outcome of Givens transformation of a design matrix .

  11. ServanSchreiber本人也是癌症治愈者,虽然他补充说明在手机成为主流之前就被确诊患癌症了。

    Servan Schreiber is a brain cancer survivor himself ; though he hastens to add , his cancer was diagnosed long before mobile phones went mainstream .

  12. 对现有神经网络对非线性时滞系统的时滞辨识方法进行了补充说明和分析,同时指出现有的NARMA模型修正方法对时滞系统的不当之处。

    The paper introduces complemental explanation and analysis of existing time_ delay identification scheme of nonlinear systems ; meanwhile , points out the impropriety of NARMA model correction strategy for time-delay systems .

  13. 为了补充说明这个高度简单化的解释参看3-1图。

    To amplify this highly simplified explanation , look at fig.3-1 .

  14. 还通过对国内其他院校节水设计方面的案例进行补充说明。

    By the case of water-saving design of other institutions supplement .

  15. 最后对评价方法和评价结果又进行了补充说明。

    This paper finally explains the appraisal method and appraisal result .

  16. 如果学生不能理解句子的含义,可以用汉语补充说明。

    If they can 't understand , tell them in Chinese .

  17. 在这一页的下端附有补充说明。

    Extra information will be found at the bottom of the page .

  18. 关于弹性力学空间问题的位移函数的补充说明

    Supplement to displacement functions of threedimensional problems of elasticity mechanics

  19. 最后,就公用通信终端作了补充说明。

    At last , make some complement explanation to the public communication terminal .

  20. 对《线性算子方程组一般解的代数构造》的补充说明

    Some supplementary remarks about algebraic construction for general solutions of linear operational systems

  21. 补语是用于述语后面对述语进行补充说明作用的成分。

    A complement is used after an adnex to further explain the adnex .

  22. 在翻译过程中用到的翻译方法主要有:意译、转换法、回译和补充说明。

    The methods include : free translation , backtranslation , conversion and supplementation .

  23. 同时运用案例研究的方法对结果进行解释和补充说明。

    And using the method of case study explain and added the results .

  24. 半导体激光器速率方程组小信号近似的补充说明

    Comments added to the small signal analysis of rate equations of semiconductro lasers

  25. 我的意思是是他叫做补充说明的附录。

    I mean an addendum which he called postscript .

  26. 我要补充说明的一点是,现在的咳嗽药很少是由医生开的配方药。

    I would add that they are rarely prescribed by doctors these days .

  27. 结束语(以及一些补充说明)

    Conclusion ( and a few additional considerations )

  28. 沃:是的,但要补充说明一下。

    AW : Yes , but with provisos .

  29. 对几个FoxBASE~+命令的补充说明

    Some Thoughts of FoxBASE ~ + Commands

  30. 我是否需要补充说明,并非每个国家都能实现贸易顺差?

    Do I have to add that not every country can have an export surplus ?