- Strength properties;intensive property

Acidity and Structure of HF in Some Conditions or States
A further precaution consists of the same extension and strength properties .
The influence of manufacturing process on the mechanical properties of edible collagen film
The method of improving the strength of bioactive glass
The strength properties of the acetic acid pulp are also studied in the paper .
Addition of fines to a chemical pulp significantly improves sheet consolidation and many dry sheet strength properties .
The aggregate of particles had the similar strength to the initial media because of the action of beams .
The deformation failure mechanism and shear strength characteristics of reinforced filling soil in Wushan county are studied with triaxial apparatus .
The effect of the matrix suction on the unsaturated loess strength is studied by means of pressure board and regressive analysis .
The results showed that the tensile , tear and ring crush compression resistance of the paper increased by using water-soluble PVA fibers .
For the profound comprehending of Gibbs function and conditions of phase balance , the paper deduces one of the phase balance conditions is the chemical potential being equal in different phases .
The model considered engine characteristics , transmission , track characteristics , and soil strength properties , which combine to represent a physical tractor in the field , Typical outputs of the model was presented .
Base on the investigation results , the concept of the initial physical state or the consistency is developed , and then the initial consistency is discovered to have a significant relationship with swelling and strength characteristics .
However , the research works on the mechanical strength of the catalyst in macro ( statistical ) scopic viewpoints are carried out comparatively deep , but the understanding about in elemental rules of mechanical strength during forming process of catalyst are not sufficient .
The engineered treatment research of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) at a suburban building site was investigated in laboratory tests including sieve analyses , triaxial compression tests , simple shear tests , and isotropic consolidation tests to investigate the strength properties of municipal solid waste .
Its transparence and biodegradability were favorable for a scaffold of corneal endothelial cells .
Properties of Probe plane Mutual Intensity
Cellulase-free MnP activity was beneficial to bio-bleaching because the strength of fiber could not be affected .
The characters of them involve distribution , frequency , interval , intensity , incidence etc are each not same .
When used in semi flexible pavement , the cement slurry must have good fluidity , enough strength and so on .
The study shows that grass charcoal earth has properties such as high natural porosity ratio , high moisture content , high compressibility and low shear strength etc.
LTS-1 replenishment of pumping concrete of densitied silica fume can markedly improve the pumpability of pumping concrete and obviously increase the quality and strength of hardened concrete .
It is found that the different mechanisms to suppress the release of convective instability make a great difference in the character of severe convective storms between two countries .
OBJECTIVE : For 252 aerospace rivet-operator noise workers , to research the relations between analysis noise pressure level nature type and exposure rivet-operator noise workers base on recording electrocardiogram ( ECG ) .
The Engineering Properties of MSW are research by the conventional soil tests , such as unit weight , moisture content , the specific weight , hydraulic conductivity , compressibility and shear strength .
It has been proposed that the strength data can be modeled well by Weibull distribution .
Myofibrils suspended in 0.6 N NaCl , pH 6.0 showed increasing gel strength and gelling properties with increasing protein concentration .
Mechanical properties including the density MOR , MOE , shearing strength of birch and basswood LVL beams made by the high-frequency hot press were tested by universal strength testing machine .
The Effect of Strain Rate on Strength aud Deformability of Rock
Analysis on Control Factors of Coke Strength and Thermal Reactivity