- administrative adjudication

Underlying on the basic principles of constitutional theory , zhang reputed the French administrative adjudication institution thoroughly from three facets : that was the individual freedom and rights , the idea of judicial equity and the idea of powers ' division .
In fact , the shield the administrative adjudication institution supplied for officials conferred them a kind of privilege , because of which the officials and citizens were in unequal status , and this situation served an infringement to the principle of judicial equity .
So administrative litigation should be not affiliated with civil actions .
Inspiration of UK Administration Judicatory System to Our Administration Reexamine System
Study on the System of Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Australia
Ruling by Law for Legislation of Administrative Judge-system in China
Study of Special Cases on Japan 's Administrative Jurisdiction Scope and Judicial Review
The Latest Reform and Enlightenment of British Administrative Tribunals
The Controversy About Establishing the Administrative Tribunal in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Earlier Republic of China
There is no obligation on an administrative tribunal to adopt the regular forms of procedure of a court of law .
Significance and Impact of Late Qing Dynasty 's Protocol of Administrative Litigation 's Bureaucrat System On the Interests Balance in Administrative Litigation
Judgement Crime That Pervert the Law in Terms of the Civil , Administration Ruling by Law for Legislation of Administrative Judge-system in China
As a unique system in the British administrative law , administrative tribunal system plays a very special role in the process of building its administrative legal system .
Administrative jurisdiction has always been a key problem in the field of procedural law as well as a vital problem in a country 's administrative judicial practice .
It has also been held that the rules of natural justice must be observed by the tribunal that decides on expulsion from membership of a trade union or imposes fines or forfeitures .
Effective measures should be taken to confine a person 's appeal probably and improve the adjustive system for administrative verdict so we could avoid appeal abuse and make procedure of second instance function sufficiently .
Common law system introduced the British administrative procedure and the United States of America administrative judge program . Continental law system introduced a German opposition procedure and the French administrative remedy procedure . The Taiwan area is the appeal procedure description .
Constitutional Interpretation and Value Evaluation Manners in Administrative Judgment
Judgement Crime That Pervert the Law in Terms of the Civil , Administration
Civil and Administrative Perverting the Law to judge Crime established in our country in 1997 , experienced from the controversy , the case approved , the judicial interpretation and legislation .
The civil , judgement crime that the administration perverts the law , specially abuse a kind of crime of trying the right in not criminalling suit to the trial personnel of the people 's court .
In a word , the nature of international investment treaty arbitration is a species of global administrative law adjudication The aim of studying the nature is to solve the problems at present and to improve the current mechanism of international investment treaty arbitration .
On the Construction of China 's Administration Litigation Simple Procedure
From the application of rules to different cases , judicial rules can be divided into the following types : rules of civil cases , criminal cases , and administrative cases .
According to the law of physical culture and sports , the Chinese football association exercises administrative functions and powers , as a referee , Gong Jianping belongs to entrusted staff who engaged in public business , so he committed the crime of acceptance of bribes .
This thesis focused on the first law related to administrative litigation system in China 's history , and researched on the background , basic features and historical status of the law .
The administrative litigation system in modern China originated from the preparation of administrative judgement court at the end of Qing dynasty .
The current procuratorial supervision in administration limits itself merely in lodging a protest against the effectively administrative adjudications , which has seriously affected the role of legal supervision functioned by legal supervision organs .
The status of trial power in the traditional constitutional system , which help us recognize that it is administrative proceedings that establish the final jurisdiction comparing to the executive power , and which initiates our numerous theoretical thoughts about them .
Since 1970 's , the system of administrative appeals tribunal became an important part in Australian administrative law .