
rú chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn
  • Helminth infection;invermination
  1. 广州地区1998~2003年蠕虫感染状况分析

    Analysis of Helminth Infection Status in Guangzhou from 1998 to 2003

  2. 新疆部分地区犬肠道蠕虫感染情况调查

    Investigation of intestinal helminth infections in dogs in partial region of Xinjiang

  3. 云南省农村人群肠道蠕虫感染现状调查

    Investigation on the intestinal helminthes infection in residents of Yunnan rural areas

  4. 北京城区学龄前儿童肠道蠕虫感染概况及防治

    Survey and Control of Intestinal Helminthiasis in Preschoolers in the Beijing Proper

  5. 蠕虫感染对儿童智商发育的影响

    The Effects of Helminthiasis on IQ of School AGE Children

  6. 甘肃省武都县石门乡、两水镇人体肠道蠕虫感染状况调查分析

    Survey of human intestinal parasite infection in Wudu County of Gansu Province

  7. 大理市鼠形动物常见寄生蠕虫感染的调查研究

    Investigation on Rat - like Animals Infected with Helminth in Dali City

  8. 昆山市张浦镇居民肠道蠕虫感染情况

    Intestinal helminth infections of residents in zhangpu , kunshan City

  9. 安徽省奶牛寄生蠕虫感染情况调查

    Survey on Infections of Cow Helminth in Anhui Province

  10. 全国中小学生肠道蠕虫感染调查

    A National Survey of Intestinal Helminth Infections among Primary and Secondary School Students

  11. 方法野外捕捉树鼩,解剖、检查有无蠕虫感染。

    Methods Tupaia belangeri chinensis was captured , and infection of helminth was examined .

  12. 武汉市820名幼儿、小学生肠道蠕虫感染调查

    Investigations on Intestinal Helminth Infections in 820 Kindergarten and Primary School Children in Wuhan

  13. Th1/Th2细胞因子与蠕虫感染

    Th1 / Th2 Cytokines and worm infection

  14. 哈尔滨北方森林动物园观赏肉食目动物寄生蠕虫感染情况调查

    Investigation of parasitic helminthes in ornamental carnivorous animals in the northern forest zoo of Harbin

  15. 你的电脑已被蠕虫感染,如果你想清除此蠕虫。

    Your computer were infect my worm ! And if you want to clear this worm .

  16. 湖南省农村改厕对控制肠道传染病和蠕虫感染效果评价

    Evaluation of Latrines on Control of Gastrointestinal Infectious Diseases and Helminths Infestation in Countryside in Hunan

  17. 随著网路快速的发展,蠕虫感染和传播的速度也随之增快。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the worm can spread and infect other computers quickly .

  18. 同时给出了一种基于失败连接分析的蠕虫感染主机定位和蠕虫扫描特征提取方法。

    A method to derive the list of likely infected hosts and extract possible worm scanning features is also proposed .

  19. 蠕虫感染预防性治疗的实施将为克服我们千年发展目标里设定的挑战做出重大贡献。

    The application of preventive treatment for worm infections will make a significant contribution to overcoming the challenges set out for us in the Millennium Development Goals .

  20. 我认为最重要的就是我自幼学习武术。武汉市820名幼儿、小学生肠道蠕虫感染调查

    I think most important was , when I was young , learning martial arts . Investigations on Intestinal Helminth Infections in 820 Kindergarten and Primary School Children in Wuhan

  21. 方法选择6个县15个1990年全国人体寄生虫分布调查中签点,按照《全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查方案和实施细则》的要求和方法,于2002年进行人体肠道蠕虫感染状况的调查。

    Methods 15 spots of 6 counties which had been selected in National investigation in 1990 were selected in current program , which is carried out in 2002 according to the unified requirements and standardized methods in the nationwide .

  22. 科学家将化合物直接对TGR酶、带有血吸虫病的蠕虫及感染曼氏血吸虫的老鼠身上进行实验。

    They tested the compounds on the TGR enzyme itself , the worms that carry schistosome parasites , and mice infected with Schistosoma masoni .

  23. 宿主感染这三种寄生蠕虫的感染率和感染强度均很小。

    The infestation percentage and the infectiosity of host infestation are small .

  24. 两种或两种以上消化道蠕虫混合感染占23.00%。

    23 % were infected with two or three kinds of worms .

  25. 蠕虫卵感染率下降至22.16%,下降了71.17%。

    The infectious rates of helminth eggs decreased from 76.88 % in 1991 to 22.16 % in 2000 namely decreased 71.17 % .

  26. 目的通过现况流行病学方法和实验室检测,调查甘肃省武都县7个村庄人群肠道寄生蠕虫的感染状况。

    Objective To investigate human intestinal parasitic helminthes infection status in 7 villages of Wudu County in Gansu Province by epidemiological methods and laboratory detection .

  27. 可是,寄生型的蠕虫却可以感染活生生的人,尤其是小孩子。

    Sadly , parasitic worms infect people who are still alive , especially kids .

  28. 此类型攻击中使用的系统可能以多种方式被破坏并受到蠕虫或病毒感染。

    Systems used in this type of attack can be compromised in any number of ways and infected with a worm or virus .

  29. 结论人体肠道寄生性蠕虫在武都县一些农村地区的感染率还比较高,肠道蠕虫感染程度与当地农民的经济收入、生活水平、生产方式、生活习惯和卫生条件等有密切的关系。

    Conclusion Helminthes infection rate was relatively higher in some surveyed villages in Wudu County , and this is related to economic income , standard of living and living habits , etc.

  30. 本文从网络蠕虫的传播模型入手,分析影响蠕虫传播速度的扫描速率与蠕虫感染能力之间的关系。

    This paper starts with the spread model of network worm , then analyses the relation between scanning speed and worm infect ability which affects worm spread speed .