
  • 网络virtual goods;virtual items;fictitious commodities;virtual product
  1. 到目前为止,腾讯的业务重点是向逾6亿QQ用户销售网络游戏和虚拟商品等种类越来越丰富的产品。

    Up until now Tencent has focused on selling an ever-growing array of products such as online games and virtual goods to its more than 600m QQ users .

  2. 去年秋天,美国运通(AmericanExpressCo.)的商务旅行预订办公室与Badgeville就一款软件进行合作,当员工选择管理者倾向的旅行方案时,这款软件会向员工奖励分数和虚拟商品等。

    Last fall , American Express Co. 's business-travel booking office teamed up with Badgeville on software that gives employees incentives like points and virtual goods when they abide by managers ' travel preferences .

  3. 该公司为游戏机游戏【比如其劲爆美式橄榄球系列(MaddenNFL)游戏】提供数字化虚拟商品及附加商品。

    The company offers digital goods and add-ons for console titles , like its Madden NFL franchise .

  4. 腾讯公司通过销售虚拟商品来赚钱,比如说QQ秀,网络游戏中的武器,这些都是用户用真金实银来买的。

    The firm makes most of its money by selling virtual goods ( a dress for an avatar , a weapon in an online game ) for play money that users buy with real cash .

  5. 在建立起用户基础后,Airtime希望通过卖广告或虚拟商品赚钱,同时开拓其他潜在的收入来源。

    After building a user base , Airtime expects to make money by selling advertisements or virtual goods , among other potential revenue streams .

  6. Facebook称其大部分资金来自在线广告,但同时还表示,希望从虚拟商品销售中收取费用,包括社交游戏中使用的电子产品,而不是实物产品。

    Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising . But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of goods . These are digital products used in social games , not physical goods .

  7. 虚拟商品:“无敌神鹰”,售价0.99美元;

    Virtual good : the " mighty eagle , " for $ .

  8. 基于X3D/VRML的交互式虚拟商品展示方案

    Interactive Virtual Goods Presentation Based On X3D / VRMl

  9. 虚拟商品博览会系统的研究与设计

    Research and design of virtual commodities fair system

  10. 这些虚拟商品可以通过网络出售并换取真实货币。

    These virtual commodities can then be sold over the Internet to make real money .

  11. 腾讯从虚拟商品和虚拟货币上赚了钱,硅谷正加以效仿。

    Tencent has made money from virtual goods and currencies ; Silicon Valley is following .

  12. 这款游戏下载免费,但用户被鼓励用真实世界的金钱购买游戏内的虚拟商品。

    The download is gratis but users are encouraged to purchase virtual items inside the game for real money .

  13. 该公司计划主要通过广告、企业账户收费和虚拟商品营收分成等渠道来利用微博创收。

    The company plans to make money from Weibo mainly through advertising , fees from enterprise accounts and revenue sharing from virtual goods .

  14. 玩家需要为游戏时间或游戏里的虚拟商品付费,社交网络公司则从销售额中提成。

    Players pay for play time or virtual goods within the games , and the social networks take a cut of the sales .

  15. 在电子商务中虚拟商品展示平台技术中,分别对基于几何模型的商品虚拟展示和基于图像的商品虚拟展示两种技术进行研究。

    In the study of virtual product presentation for E-Commerce , we focus on the geometric model based product presentation and image-based product presentation .

  16. 过去几年里,该公司构建了包括社交网络应用、虚拟商品和网络游戏在内的丰富产品范围。

    Over the past few years , the company has built a broad offering of social networking applications , virtual goods and online games .

  17. 举例来说,用户可花10美元购买500个点,然后可用这些点去玩游戏或购买虚拟商品。

    For example , a user will buy 500 credits for $ 10 , then use the credits to play games or buy virtual goods .

  18. 越来越多的互联网用户愿意在宠物社区和其它数以千计的网络游戏中,支付小额费用来购买这些虚拟商品。

    Through Pet Society and thousands of other online games , a growing number of internet users are readily spending small amounts on these virtual goods .

  19. 陈天桥深信,允许玩家免费进入,而后向他们出售虚拟商品和服务,他可以获得更多的收入,创造更多收入机会。

    Mr Chen was convinced he could make more money and create revenue opportunities by giving players free access and then selling them virtual goods and services .

  20. 很多人都积攒了大量虚拟商品,而凡是积累财富的地方,就会有人设法偷窃。

    Large numbers of people have amassed virtual goods , and whenever there 's an accumulation of wealth there will be people trying to steal it , he says .

  21. 虚拟商品在各个阶段都展现出它特殊的秉性,就是时间短,设计时间短、生产速度快、需求产生快、购买迅速和消费体验迅速。

    Virtual goods in all stages show special temperament , it is Short Time : Rapid design , rapid production , demand quickly , buy quickly , rapid consumption experience .

  22. 基于X3D/VRML的网络虚拟商品展销系统网上开店,就是在网上开设一个虚拟的门店销售商品或拍卖商品。

    Internet Virtual Goods Sales System Based on X3D / VRML Open a shop on the web is set up a dummy shop to sell or bid products through Internet .

  23. 在不断扩大的网上购物市场中,由于传统网络购物这种方式只能在网上看到虚拟商品(图片)的局限性和它自身的特殊性,不断暴露出各种各样的问题。

    In the growing online market , all kind of problems are exposed because of the limitation of traditional online shopping , for example , the customers can only see virtual pictures of the goods .

  24. 韩国人还喜欢购买虚拟商品,这为数码互动增添了生气。比如说,价格在1至2美元的虚拟表情包,可以贴在网上和移动聊天室。

    They 're also more inclined to pay for virtual accouterments that liven up digital interactions : for example , virtual stickers that , for $ 1 to $ 2 per pack , can be pasted into online and mobile chats .

  25. 第三部分研究了虚拟角色商品化权法律关系的构成。

    The third part of the composition of the virtual character merchandising rights legal relationship .

  26. 并在此基础上,试图理出适合我国虚拟角色商品化法律保护的路径选择。

    On the basis of this , thesis will conclude legal protection route suitable to China virtual character commoditization .

  27. 虚拟角色商品化现象始于经济比较发达的国家,在我国发展,也是近几十年的事情。

    After virtual character commoditization appearing in developed country , it also began to develop in China those years in fast speed but with some problems .

  28. 根据主体和性质的不同应该分为两部分比较合理,即形象权和虚拟角色商品化权,其保护对象分别对应真实人物形象和虚拟角色。

    The two parts are the publicity right and merchandising right of fictional character , and the object of protecting is real image and fictional character .

  29. 本文要设计的商品流通系统是在网上建立一个电子商务网站,是一个虚拟的商品流通系统。

    This paper will be designed a commodity circulation system . Its ' purpose is to establish an e-commerce sites on the Internet . The system is a virtual commodity circulation system .

  30. 商品流通系统旨在网络上建立一个虚拟的商品流通系统,可以让用户在足不出户的情况下搜索了解最新的商品信息并实现在网上对所选商品下定单,完成购买的整个流程。

    Commodity circulation system is to establish an online virtual commodity circulation system , users can search for the circumstances to the latest product information , and through the system to provide online shopping cart compared to order goods , buy the whole process .