
  • 网络Virtual operator;MVNO;Virtual network operator;VNO
  1. 希望本文提出的VoIP市场营销策略的建议,会对同类国内虚拟运营商的VoIP推广有一定的参考价值和促进意义。

    Hope these VoIP marketing strategy suggestions in the paper have a positive promoting meaning and active value to the spread of VoIP of Virtual Network Operator in China .

  2. 在维珍不为人知的地方,这家移动虚拟运营商(MVNO)已成为有助于开拓其它可能性的品牌。理查德爵士表示:我们刚刚开通了飞往温哥华的航班。以前事情往往是相反的。

    The mobile virtual network operator has become the brand that helps make other things possible where Virgin is not well known , he says : We just started flights to Vancouver .

  3. 移动虚拟运营商(MVNO)是新出现的通过其他运营商的移动网络为用户提供移动业务的电信业务运营商。

    MVNO is a newly - emerged telecom-munication service operator who provides mobile services for customers through other operator 's mobile network .

  4. 有了该无线服务,谷歌将能以所谓的移动虚拟运营商(MVNO)的身份进行运营,这是一种用其他移动运营商的网络提供服务的方式。

    With the wireless service , Google will be operating as what is called a mobile virtual network operator , or MVNO , which provides a service on other mobile carriers ' networks .

  5. 但就其本性而言,这些虚拟运营商既不能引导价格,又不能推动系统改进。

    But by their very nature , these entities can neither lead on price , nor drive systems improvements .

  6. 其次,通过对虚拟运营商的介绍,提出建立虚拟运营商竞争机制可以满足市场需求,促进产业链充分竞争,从而达到完善通信产业链的目的。

    . next , we put forward virtual network operator competition mechanism can satisfy requirement of market and accelerate sufficiently competition of industry value chain to perfect industry value chain .

  7. 四变三市场采用的多数补救办法,是向所谓的虚拟运营商赋予特殊地位,这些虚拟运营商在主要运营商之一的网络上运行服务。

    Most of the remedies applied in four to three markets have focused on forging a privileged position for so-called virtual operators that run services perched on one of the main operators ' networks .

  8. 近年来,国外通信运营商陆续进入我国市场,国内通信行业重组分营,呈现多家运营商和虚拟运营商共存的多元化竞争格局。

    In recent years , foreign telecom operators have entered the Chinese market one after another . The reorganization and separation of domestic telecom industry presents a multiple competition pattern in which numerous operators and virtual operators coexist .

  9. 该出版商于今年9月刚刚以4亿美元现金收购了总部位于巴尔的摩的网络虚拟学校运营商ConnectionsEducation。

    The publisher acquired baltimore-based virtual school provider connections education in a $ 400 million cash deal in September .

  10. 早在苹果开发iPhone时,许多投资者就预期苹果会成为一家移动虚拟网络运营商。

    As apple was developing the iPhone many investors expected the company to become an MVNO ( mobile virtual network operator ) .

  11. CDMA和虚拟电信运营商是中国联通大客户发展的重中之重,也是中国联通实现战略转变、创建国际一流电信企业的关键。

    CDMA and virtual telecom enterprises are the most important big customers of China Unicom , and they will help China Unicom to realize its strategic change and to become the first class international telecom enterprise .

  12. 由中国电信全资拥有的上述欧洲子公司,将成为在中国境外推出的中国首家移动虚拟网络运营商(mvno)。

    The wholly owned European subsidiary will become the first Chinese mobile virtual network operator ( MVNO ) to be launched outside China .

  13. 谷歌同样将利用现有电信集团的网络推出其移动虚拟网络运营商(MVNO)服务。

    Google would likewise use the networks owned by existing groups to launch its services as a so-called mobile virtual network operator or MVNO .

  14. MVNO或移动虚拟网络运营商,通常按批发价从现有运营商购买网络服务使用权,之后将其转售给自己的零售用户。

    A mobile virtual network operator , or MVNO , typically buys access to network services from an existing operator at wholesale rates , then resells to its own retail subscribers .

  15. 其中大约40%是由虚拟电信运营商运营的。

    About 40 percent of those numbers were run by virtual telecom operators .

  16. 根据实证检验的结果,本文给虚拟社区运营商提出了一些管理建议。

    According to the research result , we proposed some suggestions and management methods for the operators of virtual community .

  17. 提出的方法可以利用市场中存在的机会,增加虚拟电厂运营商的运行利润,同时平滑有风能预测误差造成的系统能量失衡。

    The proposed method is able to take advantage of existing market opportunities for increasing operational profits while smoothing out energy imbalances caused by the errors associated to wind power forecasts .

  18. 虚拟社区运营商也要以顾客的需求为中心,不断谋求企业的服务创新,从而增加顾客对于虚拟社区的关注度、使用度、满意度以及忠诚度。

    Virtual community operators also should focus on the customer to continuously develop service innovation so that can increase customer awareness , usage rates , satisfaction and loyalty for virtual community .

  19. 本文最后利用技术扩散模型分析了存在网络外部性技术的竞争市场的特征,并根据电信业的特点就电信业改革提出建议:1.进一步开放电信市场,引入虚拟电信运营商。

    The essay finally use diffusion model to analyse the market structure and give advice in telecommunication industry reform : 1 . open the telecommunication market and import virtual network operator .

  20. “四变三”市场采用的多数补救办法,是向所谓的“虚拟”运营商赋予特殊地位,这些虚拟运营商在主要运营商之一的网络上运行服务。

    Most of the remedies applied in " four to three " markets have focused on forging a privileged position for so-called " virtual " operators that run services perched on one of the main operators " networks .

  21. 随着电信市场竞争的不断加剧,如何针对不同的客户群实施差异化营销和服务,如何对客户进行细分和分类已成为当前移动虚拟网络运营商的迫切需求。

    With constant aggravation competition in the telecommunications market , how to implement the differentiated marketing and service for the different customer groups , it has already become the pressing demand of the present mobile virtual network operators that how to subdivide and classify to the customer .

  22. 本论文的意义在于作者对手机行业经销商销售模式的发展提出了自己的观点:在手机市场逐渐转型的时期,建立移动虚拟网络运营商的销售模式,确定自己长期的业务经营和赢利模式。

    The meaning of this thesis is that the author bring forward the viewpoint for the development of mobile phone dealer 's sales mode : setting up the mobile virtual network operator 's sales mode in the period of remodeling mobile phone market , forming long-term business and profit mode .

  23. 虚拟货币表现为运营商提供的特殊虚拟商品,其实质则是独立于已有支付体系的特殊形式的微支付体系。

    Virtual money seems to be a specific virtual goods issued by relevant internet business , while it essentially being micro-payment system independent to the existed payment system .

  24. 然而他说,尽管如此,苹果曾考虑收购移动通信频谱,或者成为一家“虚拟”移动网络运营商,在自己的品牌下转卖另一家电信提供商的服务。

    Yet despite this , Apple considered buying its own mobile spectrum or becoming a " virtual " mobile network operator , reselling another telecoms provider 's services under its brand , he said .

  25. 虚拟财务管理也包括通过一个虚拟网络运营商,虚拟交换金融信息和其他信息管理。

    Virtual financial management also include the adoption of a virtual network operators , the virtual exchange of financial information and other information management .

  26. 运用内容分析法,探讨在网购型虚拟社区中女性消费者交流的内容中,是否存在着虚拟社区运营商及商家的议程设置。

    The use of content analysis to explore the purchase of the network-based virtual community of female consumers in the context of the exchange , the existence of virtual communities and business operators to set the agenda .