
  • 网络Allium mongolicum;Allium mongolicum Regel
  1. 发现蒙古韭的根系有丛枝菌根真菌侵染,其菌根类型为疆南星型(Arum-type)。

    All the root samples of Allium mongolicum were found to be infected by AMF , and their mycorrhizae belong to Arum-type based on their morphological features .

  2. 蒙古韭是蒙古族传统的野生食用植物,其营养丰富,含有17种不同的氨基酸,其中7种是人体必需氨基酸,氨基酸总含量达到26.17mg/100mg;

    Allium mongolicum Regel is a traditional wild food plant of Mongolian . Allium mongolicum Regel is rich in nutrition , it contains 17 different kinds of amino acids , among them the 7 kinds are the essential amino acids , the total content of amino acids is 26.17mg/100mg .

  3. 蒙古韭共生真菌及其菌根形态学的研究

    Mycorrhizal morphology and associated fungi of Allium mongolicum

  4. 不同地区采集的蒙古韭菌根侵染率不同,由8.76%至36.12%,侵染率与真菌种的丰富度及孢子密度关系不显著。

    There are differences in colonization rates between different sites , ranged from 8.76 % to 36.12 % .

  5. 但由于气候等因素,未能观测到蒙古韭种子成熟的各个时期。

    However , due to climate and other factors , we could not observe every Allium mongolicum Regel seed maturation period .

  6. 从返青期开始,蒙古韭叶片中蛋白质含量降低,现蕾期前降低到最低值,整个生长发育过程呈下降趋势。

    Protein content decreases when it turns green and to minimum valley before bud stage . It also appears a decrease tendency throughout the growth time .

  7. 尽管不同样地蒙古韭根际土壤中丛枝菌根真菌种的丰富度及孢子密度有差异,但样地之间的优势种有相似性。

    The occurrence of dominant species has similarity in the different sample sites , even though there is obvious differences in the spore density and the species richness .