
yínɡ yǎnɡ yè
  • nutrient solution
  1. 基于GM(1,1)灰色预测模型的营养液控制仿真研究

    Simulation of nutrient solution system control based on grey prediction model

  2. 葡萄糖和电解质对全肠外营养液中pH值和微粒稳定性影响的观察

    Effects of glucose and electrolytes on the stability of pH value and micro-particles in the total parenteral nutrient solution

  3. 结论本研究的中/长链脂肪乳注射液与进口上市的MCT/LCT脂肪乳注射液在全合一(allinone)营养液中具有相同的稳定性。

    Conclusions Chinese MCT / LCT emulsion has the same stability as the imported one in all in one nutrient admixture .

  4. 营养液pH对玉米幼苗吸收不同形态氮素的影响

    Effects of pH on uptake of different forms of nitrogen by young corn

  5. 根据保健食品功能评价方法复合营养液C具有抗疲劳作用。

    According to the evaluation methods of health food functions , the complex nutrients C has the antifatigue function .

  6. 维持营养液相对稳定的pH值也是水培中的重要因素。

    And it was important to maintain the stable value of pH for water culture .

  7. 岩棉营养液栽培K、N不同浓度对番茄生育、产量及品质的影响

    Effects of Different K , N Concentration in Rock Wool Culture on Growth , Yields and Quality of Tomato

  8. 接种污泥的性能、湿度和营养液的pH和循环量是影响生物滴滤池挂膜和驯化的主要因素。

    Inoculation sludge , humidity , and nutriments were main factors in the start up process of trickling filters .

  9. 氮素形态对营养液pH值及磷锌和磷铁间颉颃作用的影响

    Effects of different forms of nitrogen on pH in nutrient solutions and on the antagonism between phosphorus and zinc or iron

  10. 经皮穿刺胃造瘘术7例,均在术后2d经饲管注入胃肠营养液及流质食物。

    Of 7 cases of percutaneous gastrostomy , liquid diet was given 2 days after operation .

  11. 方法:选择97例重症烧伤病人用鼻胃(肠)管留置营养液持续滴注法实施早期肠内营养,按不同时期分为A组和B组。

    Methods : EEN was carried out in 97 patients with severe burns by retention of naso-gastric ( intestinal ) feeding tube and continuous drip of nutritious fluid .

  12. 营养液pH和KCl浓度对榆叶梅切花枝条流量及开花的影响

    Influence of pH Values and KCl Concentrations on Relative Flow Rate and Shoot Flowering of Prunus triloba

  13. 营养液供Zn显著提高了2种基因型小麦各器官Zn含量和吸收量。

    Supplying Zn in the nutrient solution significantly enhanced the Zn concentration and content of various organs of two cultivars of wheat .

  14. 通过营养液水培试验,研究了不同浓度Cd对烤烟生物量、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶系统的影响。

    Effects of cadmium with different concentrations on the growth and activated oxygen-scavenging system of flue-cured tobacco were studied with water culture experiment .

  15. NAA、IBA处理及不同营养液配方对水培常春藤的影响

    Effect of NAA , IBA and Nutrient Solution on Water Culture Ivy

  16. 利用盆栽水培试验研究了黄瓜对营养液和叶面喷施Cd的吸收、运转和分布,Cd对矿质元素的吸收和运转的影响以及Cd对黄瓜生长和某些生理特性的影响。

    The distribution of Cd and its effect on the growth , the mineral nutrition and some physiological property of cucumber plant were studied .

  17. 结果表明,栽培床上营养液温度呈昼高夜低,溶氧量则呈夜高昼低变化,而浓度和pH变化不明显。

    Results showed that solution temperature was higher in the daytime and lower in the night , while the dissolved oxygen content was in the opposite pattern .

  18. 营养液培养条件下,以黄瓜为材料研究了营养元素(N、P、Ca、Mg、B)胁迫对植物生长发育的影响及其与植物激素代谢的关系。

    Under solution conditions , the effect of N , P , Ca , Mg or B deficiency on the growth and plant endogenous hormone of cucumber were studied .

  19. 无土基质与营养液EC值对切花菊生长发育的影响

    Effects of Growing Medium and Nutrient Solution Electrical Conductivity ( EC ) on the Growth and Development of Cut Chrysanthemum

  20. 以4种不同基质组合配比,进行营养液和有机生态型无土栽培试验,以土壤栽培为对照(CK),重点研究不同基质栽培对大棚甜椒生长发育、光合生理及生态效应、产量的影响。

    Compared with soil culture , the different substrate treatments were applied for solution and ecological sound organic substrate culture .

  21. 两组氨基酸通过与其他营养液混在一起,经输液泵控制,24h均匀输注。

    By two groups of amino acids and other nutrient solution mixed with infusion pump control , 24h uniform infusion .

  22. 替代工艺产生的EMR生物制剂,具有植物复合营养液性质。

    EMR biological agent formed by replacing processing involved a function as integrated nutrient liquid .

  23. 以营养液处理(F5)为对照(CK2),比较各处理间莴苣生长情况的差异。

    The F_5 was taken as control ( CK_2 ) to compare the difference of growth of lettuce ( variety : Caesar ) among the treatments .

  24. 本文采用深液流循环水培法(DFT)探讨了营养液中不同P、K浓度对水培番茄生长发育、产量及品质的影响。

    This subject was studied the effect of different P , K concentration in nutrient by Deep Flow Technique ( DFT ) on growth , yield and quality of tomato .

  25. 二次酶解麦谷蛋白制备富含谷氨酰胺(Gln)活性肽营养液的研究

    Glutamine Peptide Prepared from Glutenin through Twice Enzymolysis

  26. 在营养液中其它养分离子的形态与浓度一致的情况下,单一改变营养液中的氮、钾、钙、镁、离子强度、pH均会影响烟草对其它矿质养分的吸收与积累。

    The accumulation and absorption of the other elements were influenced by the single change of N , K , Ca , Mg , ion intensity and pH when other conditions were the same .

  27. 以营养液栽培的茄子幼苗为试材,研究了低温(4℃)胁迫下CaCl2处理对质膜透性、MDA含量、POD活性和POD同工酶的影响。

    Influence of CaCl_2 on POD isozyme , POD activity , MAD content and permeability of plastic membrane were studied under 4 ℃ using eggplant seedling as materials .

  28. 外源脯氨酸还提高了盐胁迫和正常营养液培养下非酶促抗氧化物质ASA和GSH的含量。

    Exogenous proline also increased the content of non-enzymatic antioxidants such as ASA and GSH under salt stress and normal nutrient solution culture .

  29. KC营养液最适合白雪公主的生长,各项生长指标都达到最佳。

    The best effect on promoting White Rajah growth and development was KC nutrition with the optimum indexes .

  30. 采用营养液水培法,研究了不同浓度NaCl胁迫对黄瓜幼苗不同器官K+、Na+和Cl-含量的影响。

    Hydroponics was adopted to study K ~ + , Na ~ + and Cl ~ - contents in different parts of cucumber seedlings at different NaCl concentrations .