- 名vegetative nucleus;trophic nucleus

The intensity of colour in generative nucleus by using Feulgen reaction was deeper than vegetative nucleus and two sperms forming later . The generative cell and vegetative nucleus gave a positive reaction to PAS stain .
Embryogenic pollen was formed by repeated divisions of the vegetative nucleus .
The vegeta - tive nucleus without nucleolus without nucleolus and chromatin is associated with generative cell to form a male germ unit .
The mitosis of polar microspore formed a 2-cellular pollen grain . ATPase precipitates were more in both nuclei of vegetative cell and generative cell but less in the cytoplasm .
The mature generative cell has no wall and is connect closely to the vegetative cell , thus they form a male germ unit ( MGU ) .
Positional shift between the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell in Amaryllis pollen tube
Nuclei in mature xylem cells belong to nutritious nuclei and they are stable .
10.It is after the formation of sperm cells that the vegetative nucleus degenerates seriously .
Vegetative nucleus shows irregular form . the microspores complete the mitosis and generate double-nucleus pollen ;
Pollination is in 3 - cell period including a vegetative nucleus and the two sperm cells .
After entering the pollen tube , the generative cell approached the vegetative nucleus before long and sticked each other .
By the fluorescence staining_methyl salicylate clearing technique , the generative and vegetative in pollen , and two sperm cells in pollen were observed .
The movement of the generative nuclear and the vegetative nuclear was kept in con-tact with each other during the procedure of the pollen tube growth .
Cytoplasmic strand splits before or after the displacing of the vegetative nucleus . Cytoplasm shrink to the two poles , so that the strand disappears gradually .
When the anlage arrived at the largest size with polytene chromosomes densely packed in it , the DNA contents increased to maximum , i. e. , about one half the DNA contents of the vegetative macronucleus .
These data hinted that the structures of the macronuclear DNA in the resting and the vegetative cell of EE had some variances .
These data suggest that there is variance in the structures of both macronuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA in the resting cyst and the vegetative cells .
Expression , purification and biological effect of recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor