
zhuǎn huàn ɡuī zé
  • Conversion Rules;transformational rules
  1. 所谓双表征就是词汇表征与转换规则在名物化过程中并存。

    By dual representation , I mean that lexical representation and transformational rules coexist in the process of nominalization .

  2. 首先,正是生成语义学最先开始了对于转换规则所不能形式化的句法现象的深入探讨。

    First , it was generative semanticists that started an intensive investigation of syntactic phenomena which defied formalization by means of transformational rules .

  3. 通过增加Agent类型和引入转换规则,本文的多Agent粒子模型能够模拟多头绒泡菌求解迷宫问题。

    By increasing agent types and transition rules , the proposed model can simulate Physarum to solve maze .

  4. XML模式到UML类图的转换规则

    Rules of Transforming XML Schema to UML Class Diagram

  5. 为转换规则提供Java执行

    Provide Java implementations for the transformation rules

  6. 给出了嵌入式软件设计中常用的UML并发状态图到B抽象模型的转换规则。

    The rules of transforming from UML state machine into B abstract machine are provided .

  7. 汉语介词短语(pp)的蒙古语转换规则研究

    A Study on the Rules of Rendering Chinese Prepositional Phrases into Mongolian

  8. 属性级的转换规则,用目标约束语言(ObjectConstraintlanguage,OCL)编制而成。

    Transformation rules at the attribute level , documented using Object Constraint Language ( OCL ) .

  9. 接下来将执行转换规则来删除已经处理过的安全Header。

    Next a transform rule is executed to remove the already processed security headers .

  10. Fisher判别及自动获取元胞自动机的转换规则

    Fisher Discriminant and Automatically Getting Transition Rule of CA

  11. 基于该转换规则,可实现B需求模型向PIM的模型转换。

    Based on the transformation rule , the transformation of B requirements model to PIM could be realized .

  12. 元胞自动机的核心内容是转换规则的获取,本文应用云理论训练CA转换规则,综合考虑多种影响负荷发展的因素,制定了多种转换规则。

    This paper applied Cloud theory to train CA conversion rules , considering several factors affecting load development , formulate some conversion rules .

  13. 提出了一套从XML模式到UML类图的转换规则,以便于对XML模式进行快速的图形化建模,从而有利于用户对XML模式的理解。

    This paper presents the rules of transforming XML Schema to UML class diagram , which is valuable to the graphic modeling for the XML schema .

  14. OMG提出的MDA(ModelDrivenArchitecture)技术将注意力集中到模型级别,通过建立完整的应用模型,定义模型转换规则,使用自动代码生成等技术来实现模型到代码的映射。

    MDA ( Model Driven Architecture ) pay attention to model , use Application model building , model transforming , and code generating technology to generate code .

  15. 并给出了从UML状态机到REACTIVEMODULES建模语言及BAMN抽象规约的转换规则。

    The rules of transformation from UML state machine to REACTIVE MODULES modelling language and B AMN abstract specifications were put forward .

  16. 提出的转换规则在一定程度上解决了因转换规则不足而导致ER模型无法与关系模式紧密衔接的问题。

    In some ways , These rules conquers the problems of converting Entity Relationship model ( ER model ) to the relation scheme .

  17. PIM模型的不完备使得转换规则的设计变得复杂。

    Incomplete PIM makes it difficult to design transformation rules .

  18. 从依存关系树库中提取出依存三元组到语义网络语言的转换规则,并使用XML标记语言实现了对大规则集的管理,包括规则的添加、删除、修改。

    The transformation rules from dependency relationship tree-bank is get and XML is used to managing the set of rules , including these operations : accession , deletion , modification .

  19. 利用在实际应用中经常存在的XML数据的模式信息-XMLSCHEMA,根据相应的转换规则,生成基于关系数据库的存储模型。

    According to the rules of conversion , using XML Schema which often exists in practical applications , we can generate a storage model based on relational database .

  20. 本文建立企业战略选择演化博弈的CA模型,在CA的状态转换规则中运用进化算法。

    The cellular automaton model of evolution game on business - strategy choice is set up and evolution algorithm is used in the state conversion rule of cellular automaton .

  21. 该方法提出了分解原关系数据库中较复杂的关系模式的思想,同时对关系模式到XML模式基本映射规则进行了改进,强调了基于关系数据库完整性约束的转换规则。

    Its advantages are dividing a complex relational schema into some small subschemas , improving mapping rules of from relational schema to XML schema , and preserving the integrality constraint of relational database .

  22. 提出一套从UML状态机到B形式化规约的转换规则,涵盖UML基本状态图、分层状态图和并发状态图。

    A suit of transformation rules from UML state machine into B formal model were proposed , including UML basic state diagram , hierarchical state diagram and concurrent state diagram .

  23. 首先,您可以定义自己生命周期和转换规则,然后将定制生命周期的状态映射到AssetManager中的默认资产生命周期。

    You can first define your own life cycle and state transition rules , and then map the states of the customized life cycle to the default asset life cycle in Asset Manager .

  24. 第五,深入分析和研究了状态转换规则形式化语言和建模分析工具有色Petri网之间的关系,以及P不变量的可达性分析。

    Fifthly , it studies the relationship between the formal language state transition rule ( STR ) and the modeling tools colored Petri net ( CPN ), and the character of P invariant .

  25. 采用MDA技术使得开发人员可以通过创建各种模型来开发软件,同时也使得设计人员可以通过定义模型转换规则来提高软件项目的开发效率。

    Developer can do project by using MDA technology , at the same time the design man can improve software exploration efficiency by defining rule of mode transforming .

  26. ⑵介绍了STEP标准及语义网的相关概念,为下文定制STEP标准与OWL之间的转换规则和转换器的实现提供相关理论基础支持。

    ⑵ We introduced the STEP and the concepts of Semantic Web , which can provide theoretical basis to building conversion rule between OWL and STEP and the implementation of the converter .

  27. 提出了一整套数据模型、转换规则和算法描述,可以将XML文档转换为关系元组,从而达到用XML实现基于关系数据库的实时数据一致性查询处理的目的。

    A set of data models , transform rules , and algorithm descriptions were proposed to implement a prototype system converting XML documents to relational tuples . It realized real-time query processing of XML data uniform .

  28. 以CORBA平台为例说明在元模型层用既定语言定义模型转换规则,从功能模型到实现模型的模型转换方法。

    Taking example for CORBA , we illustrate the approach to define model transformation rules at metamodel level in mentioned language and transform function models to implementation models .

  29. 采用IF-THEN方式设计了状态变量的转换规则;

    IF-THEN rules are used to design the transition rules of state variables .

  30. 然后根据平台无关模型及J2EE平台特征设计模型转换规则,描述如何把平台无关模型转换为加入了J2EE平台信息的平台相关模型。

    Furthermore , we design model transform ruses according to PIM and J2EE platform character , which describe how to transform a PIM to a platform specific model ( PSM ) .