
  • 网络Mohn;Moon;Morn
  1. 莫恩说闻到食物的味道也有类似的效果。

    Getting a whiff of food has a similar effect , says Moon .

  2. 莫恩承认有些父母利用她来使孩子相信圣诞老人真的存在,让他们做好孩子。

    Moon admits that some parents have used her to keep their kids on Santa 's good side .

  3. 莫恩山脉如画的景色在国际上享受盛誉。

    The Mournes are internationally renowned for their picturesque scenery .

  4. 你被选中了。巴菲特说道,并示意莫恩进来。

    You 've been tagged , Buffett said , and motioned for Maughan to get in .

  5. 他匆匆离开讲台,留下了惊讶的莫恩,独自蜷缩在风中。

    He hurried from the dais , leaving Maughan , astonished , twisting in the wind alone .

  6. 有人从楼上打来了电话,告诉莫恩到电梯间与巴菲特面谈。

    Somebody called from upstairs and told Maughan to meet Buffett at the elevator bank for a talk .

  7. 压力也会减少大脑里的化学物质血清素,这就使你在不饿的时候也感到饿,莫恩这样说。

    Stress also reduces levels of the brain chemical serotonin , and that can make you feel hungry when you aren 't , says Moon .

  8. 莫恩浅棕色的头发整洁而蓬松,他大睁着双眼,盯着面前的人群,如同众所周知的聚光灯笼罩下的小鹿。

    Maughan , his light brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant , stared wide-eyed at the crowd like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights .

  9. 莫恩说手术让她在第二天有点难受,她的耳朵肿起来了,而且有点灼烧的痛感。

    Moon said the treatment left her a bit uncomfortable the day after and her ears were really swollen and sore with a slight burning sensation .

  10. 这已不再是同一家公司,莫恩表示:但我们必须保留原有文化中的一些东西,同时引入一种新的东西。

    This is not the same firm , said Maughan , but we must keep aspects of the old culture while we bring in a new one .

  11. 莫恩在一项未公布的研究中还发现了一个有趣现象:已经退休但经常与邻居、朋友接触的人身体通常更加健康。

    Another fascinating insight Ms Moon gleaned in an unpublished study was that people who are retired but have frequent contact with neighbours and friends tend to be healthier .

  12. 莫恩说手术让她“在第二天有点难受”,她的耳朵“肿起来了,而且有点灼烧的痛感”。

    Moon said the treatment left her " a bit uncomfortable the day after " and her ears " were really swollen and sore with a slight burning sensation . "

  13. 莫恩,他的研究结果发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上,推荐每天日晒大约为一个人出现晒斑所花时间的一半。

    Moan , whose findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , recommended daily sun exposure for about half the time it takes a person to get sunburn .

  14. 莫恩建议说:尽量避免吃含单糖的食物,否则你那上下波动的血糖含量会使你的食欲像过山车一样。把含碳水化合物食物和富含纤维素的复杂饱腹型的食物搭配。

    Keep fluctuating blood sugar levels from sending you on a cravings roller coaster by avoiding simple-carb foods as much as possible . Get your carb fix with the complex , filling kind that contains lots of fiber .

  15. 莫恩住在安大略湖的圭尔夫市,她说在决定做这次手术前,她已经考虑了很久。她坚信她前世是个仙女。

    Moon , who lives in Guelph , Ontario , said the decision to change her elf , er , herself , was a long time coming . She believes she was a fairy in a previous existence .

  16. 所以,莫恩在想,退休后健康欠佳的情况是否与美国人退休的方式——人们进入另一种生活,“与他们此前习惯的完全不同而且伴随如此多……身体上、社会和经济变化”——有些关系。

    So Ms Moon ponders whether the ill-health effects have something to do with the US way of retirement , where people enter a life " that is completely different from what you 're used to with so many changes , socially and economic . "