
  • 网络Mojave Desert
  1. 爱德华空军基地位于莫哈维沙漠。

    Edwards Air Force Bace is located in the Mojave Desert .

  2. 周一,谷歌披露其对初创公司BrightSourceEnergy在加州莫哈维沙漠的太阳能发电厂项目投资了1.68亿美元。

    Google ( GOOG ) on Monday disclosed that it has invested $ 168 million in a solar energy power plant being developed in the Mojave Desert by the startup BrightSource Energy .

  3. 而我不得不和我的两队人马一起在莫哈维沙漠起飞三次,为了达到5次飞行的总数,

    And I had to fly three in Mojave with my little group of a couple dozen people in order to get to a total of five ,

  4. 加州政府表示,他们这周在莫哈维沙漠发现的尸骸可能是那对圣地亚哥夫妇,3年多以前这对夫妇以及他们两个年幼的儿子突然消失了。

    Authorities in California say human remains found this week in Mojave Desert appeared to be those of the San Diego couple who vanished with their 2 young sons more than 3 years ago .

  5. 在莫哈维沙漠的爱德华空军基地,那里的试飞员学校的标志是一个计算尺在程式化的战斗机上面,也就是在那里阿姆斯特朗用好几年时间测试军用。

    The symbol of the test-pilot school at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert , where Armstrong spent years testing military jets , is a slide rule over a stylised fighter jet .

  6. 他曾全身心的投入到一个项目中,从1972年开始,他就一直在莫哈维沙漠挖掘一座巨大的“城市”(不让任何人看到)。

    In one project , which has engrossed him since 1972 , he has been carving a vast " city " into the desert of Nevada ( without allowing anybody to see it ) .

  7. 加利福尼亚州的一位母亲和她的男朋友正面临虐待儿童的指控。上周三,警方发现他们将3个小孩丢弃在莫哈维沙漠中,看样子是为了惩罚孩子。

    A California mom and her boyfriend are both facing felony child abuse charges after police say they left her three young children alone in the Mojave Desert last Wednesday , seemingly as a punishment .

  8. 首先,调查人员仍然对周五美国加利福尼亚州莫哈维沙漠东北部约20英里的另一场灾难展开调查,这艘维珍银河2号飞船大约是在距地面45000英尺的高空发生坠毁。

    First up , investigators are trying to figure out what caused another spacecraft disaster in the U.S. 45000 feet above the Earth and about 20 miles northeast of Mojave , California , the Virgin Galactic Spaceship 2 broke up in a test flight Friday .