
  • 网络Moggi;luciano moggi;Imoogi;Mogil.M.
  1. 莫吉证实尤文很接近于签下曼联右边前卫克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多。

    Luciano Moggi has confirmed Juventus were close to signing Manchester United winger Cristiano ronaldo .

  2. 看见媒体报道的要闻集中在国际米兰的窃听丑闻上,莫吉终于觉得读报是人生一大乐事。

    Luciano Moggi is finally enjoying reading the newspapers as the main news are now concentrated on Inter 's espionage scandal .

  3. “快乐饮料”是一种让人心情变好的有趣的烈性酒精饮料,比如玛格丽特鸡尾酒和莫吉托鸡尾酒。

    Happy drink is a fun , strong , alcoholic drink to put you in a happy mood , such as margeritas and mojitos .

  4. 我最爱喝莫吉托。

    I 'm a fiend for mojitos .

  5. 含异恶唑的甘草次酸酰胺衍生物和莫吉司坦的合成研究

    Study on the Synthesis of Novel Acylamide Derivatives of Glycyrrhetinic Acid Containing Isoxazole and Moguisteine

  6. 沙滩、一本书、一杯莫吉托鸡尾酒&我就身处极乐世界了。

    A beach , a book and a mojito cocktail – I am in seventh heaven .

  7. 当问及莫拉蒂提供的合同时(莫拉蒂本人极力否认此事),莫吉态度强硬地回答说确有其事。

    When asked about the contract offered to him by Moratti , which the latter totally denied , Moggi was adamant in his reply .

  8. “幸运的”莫吉也期待着媒体未来几周的最新披露,这样能够证明那些声明自己在电话门丑闻中从未介入完全清白的人是可耻的。

    ' Lucky'Luciano is also expecting new revelations to becoming out in the upcoming weeks which will discredit those who stated they had nothing to do with Calciopoli .

  9. 自从”电话门“中牵涉到莫吉打电话给保罗贝尔加莫要求指定裁判后,裁判分配员吸引了整个国家的关注。

    The post of designator grabbed the nation 's attention during the Calciopoli scandal when it emerged that Moggi had been making telephone calls to Paolo Bergamo to request certain referees .

  10. 莫吉的说法被法切蒂的儿子否认,他觉得国米主席只不过打电话确认比赛的裁判。

    Moggi 's claim has been vehemently denied by Gianfelice Facchetti , son of Giacinto , who was the then Inter president accused of asking for certain referees for a number of matches .

  11. 集会者高呼,“停止战争……”美国-伊斯兰关系协会的谢拉夫.莫吉奥德表示,美国军队继续驻扎伊拉克,正在恶化那里的局势,并且会转移人们对重建新奥尔良等美国国内问题的注意力。

    Sharaf Mowjood of the Council on American-Islamic Relations says the continued presence of American troops is worsening conditions in Iraq , and diverting attention from domestic U.S. problems , including rebuilding New Orleans .

  12. 米兰被认为已经有了西西尼奥的优先购买权,但是那不会阻止莫吉的介入,因为西西尼奥迫切的想尽快拥有欧洲护照。

    AC Milan are believed to have first refusal on cicinho , but that won 't deter Juve director general Luciano moggi , who has been encouraged by the defender 's push to gain a European passport as quickly as possible .

  13. 我不想提过程,电话事件以及当时莫吉有联系的人已经进入了司法程序,你已经知道了一应该知道的真相。

    I do not want to talk about the process , the phone is podchycen ý ch in legal writings as well as those of which he talked about it all , you already know and what you should want to know .

  14. 这艘游轮自带水上公园,其中包括五个水上滑梯、一个巴西风格的牛排餐厅、一个莫吉托酒吧、热水浴缸、一个“感应海滩俱乐部”、一个攀岩墙、一个户外舞蹈俱乐部,还有一个突击娱乐项目。

    The ship boasts its own Aqua Park , including five multi-storey waterslides , a Brazilian-style steakhouse , a mojito bar , hot tubs , a ' Vibe Beach Club ' , a rock-climbing wall , an outdoor dance club and a rope assault course .

  15. 本赛季最令人失望的事莫过于吉文坐在曼城的板凳上看比赛。

    One of the season 's biggest disappointments has been the sight of Given picking up splinters on the Manchester City bench .